
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist

author:Calligraphy and Painting Art 123

Cantilever writes small Kai inheritors

Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist

Pu Cunhui, male, Shanghainese, online name Shenjiang Yihui, Yan Qizhai number, cantilever writing Xiaokai cultural inheritor. Said: Huifeng Pavilion. He is now a member of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association, a member of the Wu Changshuo Research Association, a member of the Regular Script Special Committee of the Shanghai Calligraphy Association, and a member of ****. His works have been exhibited in major calligraphy exhibitions in Shanghai for many times and won the Excellence Award. His works have also been exhibited in Japan many times and have been praised by Japanese colleagues! He is often invited to participate in various PEN meetings in Shanghai and to express his condolences to local troops and enterprises.

Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist

In the calligraphy exhibition of Pu Cunhui teacher, many famous artists participated: Wu Changshuo, the head of contemporary inheritance, Wu Chao, participated in the famous calligraphy, Jin Chongguang, Yang Jiguang, Zhou Qibin and others

Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist

Mr. Pu Cunhui's works are displayed

Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist
Pu Cunhui - the most collectible artist

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