
This love to help farmers is sweet enough!

author:Netinfo Jinghai
This love to help farmers is sweet enough!
This love to help farmers is sweet enough!

This love to help farmers is sweet enough

This love to help farmers is sweet enough!

Summer is polite, "peach" you rejoice. With the spring snow peaches planted in Qixia Peach Orchard in Luguantun Village, Chenguantun Town, Jinghai District, ushering in a bumper harvest in the new year, how to help growers sell peaches quickly has become the focus of the moment.

A few days ago, the Party Branch of Chenguantun Town, the Party Branch of the District People's Congress, the General Party Branch of the District Federation of Trade Unions, and the Party Branch of the District Water Affairs Bureau jointly carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st, Loving Picking and Helping Farmers".

This love to help farmers is sweet enough!
This love to help farmers is sweet enough!

During the event, many party members came to pick with their families. Liu Xinchen, a party member from the party branch of the district people's congress, told reporters that it was very meaningful to bring children to participate in this loving picking and agricultural assistance activity, which not only felt the joy of harvest, but also conveyed the concept of loving labor and cherishing the fruits of labor to children.

This love to help farmers is sweet enough!
This love to help farmers is sweet enough!
This love to help farmers is sweet enough!

It is understood that on the day of the event, more than 100 party members of the co-construction unit purchased more than 800 kilograms of spring snow peaches and 100 hanging garlic on the spot.

This love to help farmers is sweet enough!

Zhu Jie, secretary of the general party branch and director of the village committee of Luguantun Village, introduced that Qixia peach orchard covers an area of more than 150 acres, and the varieties planted are mainly spring snow peaches, with hard and crisp flesh and sweet flavor. From June 22nd to around July 2nd, Taoyuan began to pick to the outside world, and the sales adopted the method of "online + offline", so that the sales channels were wider and the audience was larger.

This love to help farmers is sweet enough!

"Loving picking and helping farmers is a way for Chenguantun Town to help farmers expand their sales, which not only helps fruit farmers solve the problem of difficult sales, but also further improves the sense of service for the people of party members and cadres. In the future, Chenguantun Town will continue to carry out activities to help farmers, effectively serve the masses, solve the problems of the masses', and contribute to rural revitalization. Wang Sifeng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Chenguantun Town, said.

This love to help farmers is sweet enough!

If you want to taste it, or help fruit farmers increase their income through loving picking, you might as well go to Qixia Peach Orchard in Luguantun Village to have a look.

Source: Jinghai Financial Media

This love to help farmers is sweet enough!
This love to help farmers is sweet enough!
This love to help farmers is sweet enough!
This love to help farmers is sweet enough!

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