
Summer solstice health: "Zhengqi fruit" must be eaten like this

author:China Food Industry Magazine

Today's summer solstice, the hot summer has arrived. The sun shines almost directly over the Tropic of Capricorn, and the daylight hours in various parts of the northern hemisphere reach the longest of the year, with rising temperatures, humid air, and frequent thundershowers, and people are prone to symptoms such as loss of appetite, heavy humidity, and heat stroke.

Recently, there is a fruit that is not unfamiliar to the neighborhood of Guangzhou that is about to usher in a large number of seasons, and it is - yellow skin. The sweet and sour taste of yellow skin is especially suitable for relieving the heat in summer, in addition, yellow skin is also a fruit with many effects, different from lychee and longan, which is easy to make people angry, and the yellow skin is warm, and it is known as "righteous fruit". In fact, in addition to eating directly, yellow peel can also be used to cook, and Zeng Science, chief physician of Lujingdong Outpatient Clinic of the Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangdong Province, will teach you how to eat this seasonal fruit health.

The "righteous fruit" that does not get hot or wet

Zeng Science pointed out that the flesh of yellow peel is rich in vitamin C, organic acids, pectin and sugar, which are good nutritional supplements for the human body, which can not only strengthen the body, but also improve the body's immunity and disease resistance.

Yellow peel can adjust the qi, help digestion, and have the advantages of dissolving phlegm without dampness, which coincides with the characteristics of dry and damp phlegm dissolving of tangerine peel, so it is called "tangerine peel in fruits", and yellow peel is similar to tangerine peel in taste because it contains a unique medicinal fragrance.

The fresh yellow skin of the season, the skin is thin and juicy, sweet and sour to quench thirst, but also to relieve the heat, shengjin, appetizing, cough, phlegm, when the weather is hot and active, if you feel thirsty or stuffy and uncomfortable, chewing a few yellow peels can get a certain relief.

Yellow peel is a fruit that helps to get rid of fire, especially the "heat poison" of fruits such as lychee and longan. When eating lychees, you can eat them with a few yellow skins, which not only prevents fire, but also does not hurt the spleen and stomach too cold. There is a folk saying that "hungry lychees, full of yellow skin". If you have indigestion or overeating, yellow skin can play a role in strengthening the stomach and eliminating appetite. In addition, the yellow peel can also promote qi and stomach, regulate the body's qi and reduce the pain of fullness caused by qi stagnation. When phlegm is produced in the throat, soaking in water with yellow peel can also help to dissolve phlegm. The characteristics of yellow peel that are not cold, not hot, and not easy to get wet make it often called "righteous fruit" and are deeply loved by the people.

Yellow skin diet prescription

Yellow peel can also be used to cook and drink. Zeng scientifically recommends the following dietary remedies.

(1) Yellow skin honey ginger drink

Ingredients: 15 grams of yellow skin, 5 ml of honey, 3 ml of ginger juice.

Method: Crush the yellow skin with the skin, brew with boiling water, let it cool and add an appropriate amount of honey and ginger juice.

Efficacy: Clears away heat and relieves heat, awakens the stomach and relieves stagnation.

Children's food intake: Children over 2 years old should drink in moderation when they have good digestion and no pain, no more than 2 times a week.

(2) Salt soak yellow skin

Ingredients: 500 grams of yellow skin, appropriate amount of salt.

Method: Soak the yellow skin in salted water for 30 minutes, then wash the skin and steam it in a pot for 10 minutes. Prepare a glass bottle, first lay a layer of salt as a base, put a layer of yellow skin, and then put a layer of salt, so that a layer of pulp and a layer of salt are put in turn, and the top layer is covered with more salt, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator, and it can be eaten after a week.

Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen and appetize, regulate qi and eliminate food, clear away heat and detoxify, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough.

(3) Codonopsis yellow skin lean meat soup

Ingredients: 30 grams of Codonopsis, 50 grams of yellow skin, 500 grams of lean meat, 3 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of salt.

Method: Rinse the yellow skin; Cut the lean meat into large pieces, rinse well and blanch; Boil water in a casserole, add lean meat, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for about half an hour; Add the yellow skin and continue to simmer over low heat for about half an hour; Season with salt and serve.

Efficacy: Strengthens the spleen and invigorates qi, qi and stomach.

(4) Double skin soup

Ingredients: 15 yellow peels, 1 clove of tangerine peel, 3 grams of jade bamboo, 250 grams of pork backbone, 2 candied dates, appropriate amount of ginger.

Method: Wash the tangerine peel and soak it for half an hour in advance; Boil the pork backbone, skim the foam, and then remove it for later use; Except for the yellow skin, pour all the other ingredients into the pot, bring to a boil over high heat and turn to low heat for 1 hour; Pour in the yellow peel and cook for another half hour; Season with salt and serve.

Efficacy: Clearing away heat and rejuvenating the body, appetizing and strengthening the spleen.

(5) Duck soup with yellow skin

Ingredients: 15 yellow peels, 1 duck, 1 tangerine peel, 6 to 8 water chestnuts, 3 slices of ginger.

Method: Soak the yellow peel in salt water for 15 minutes, clean the outer skin, and squeeze out the kernel; After washing, cut the duck into pieces, blanch it, and wash it with cold water to remove the blood foam; Scrape the skin of the horseshoe, wash it, and cut it into pieces; Then put the duck, water chestnut and ginger slices into the pot together, add an appropriate amount of water, turn off the low heat after boiling, simmer for 1 hour, then add yellow peel and simmer for 15 minutes; Season with salt and serve.

Efficacy: Strengthens the stomach and helps digestion, clears away heat and dampness.

The summer solstice routine is exquisite

"The focus of summer solstice health care is to nourish the heart, prevent heatstroke and nourish yin." Zeng said that in addition to dietary therapy, adjusting a good schedule is also very important, and he gave the following three suggestions.

1. Proper exercise: the best time to exercise is in the early morning or evening, when the weather is cooler, the venue can be selected in the rivers and lakes, parks and courtyards and other places with fresh air, the exercise items are mainly to walk, play tai chi, do radio gymnastics and other relatively soothing exercises, it is not recommended to do strenuous exercise.

2. Go to bed late and get up early, take a nap: Traditional Chinese medicine attaches great importance to adapting to the changes of yang and yin decline in nature, so it is recommended to go to bed late and get up early on the summer solstice, but it is not recommended to get up later than 11 o'clock, while the elderly and infirm should go to bed early and get up early, and try to maintain about 7 hours of sleep every day. From this day on, be sure to take a nap. The summer solstice is yin, and the afternoon nap can be used to nourish yin, as long as you can squint for a while, you can achieve a good effect of nourishing yin.

3. Avoid lying down at night: In the hot summer, many people will turn on the air conditioner, but we should pay attention to try to avoid turning on the air conditioner all night when sleeping at night, this habit can easily lead to cold, facial paralysis, joint pain, abdominal pain and diarrhea and other symptoms, and the damage to the body is more serious. For small children, it is best not to fan them after they fall asleep, otherwise they may have twitching of the hands and feet, choking of the mouth, paralysis and other symptoms. The correct way is that the air conditioner should not be lower than 26 degrees, and after lowering the room temperature, it should be turned off regularly, and then the fan can be turned on. (Xu Yili, Jin Xiaowei)

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