
Try these dishes in hot weather to clear away the heat

author:Ji food culture
Try these dishes in hot weather to clear away the heat

【Rotten Bamboo Flower Meat】


五花肉200g 腐竹200g

A small handful of black fungus Banquet friends cooking oil, salt, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, and an appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate

Ginger, garlic, dried chili peppers to taste


Soak the bean curd and cut it into small pieces and drain it, and soak the black fungus to remove the roots and wash it and drain it. Cut the pork belly into thin slices, and divide the fat and lean points separately. Shred the ginger, slice the garlic and cut the dried chili pepper into small pieces.

Heat the pan, slide the pan with some oil, and fry the fat meat slices over low heat.

Wait for the oil to fry more than half of the thin meat slices together, fry until the fat is basically drained out, and the meat slices are curled when they are served.

Stir-fry ginger, garlic and chili peppers in the pot until fragrant, and then stir-fry the black fungus over high heat for two or three minutes.

Put in the yuba and stir-fry evenly, put an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce to color, add salt, add some vinegar, put half a bowl of water, the amount of water to cover the dishes in the pot is appropriate, boil over high heat, turn to medium heat, add the pot cover and simmer.

Cook until the water is half dry, add light soy sauce and a little sugar, stir-fry a few times, reduce the juice and turn off the heat, sprinkle a few monosodium glutamate while it is hot and mix well.

Try these dishes in hot weather to clear away the heat

【Crispy meatballs】


Pork hind leg 750g fish red 250g

1 egg 100g starch

10g salt, ginger, cooking wine, light soy sauce, sugar, water

Cooking oil for banquet friends


The hind leg meat is three fat and seven lean and cut into small pieces (the best meat is fried round pork before sandwiching meat, low cost, fat and thin), fish red (the red part of the fish) is washed and cut into small pieces, and the ginger is peeled and cut into small pieces.

Use a blender or blender to puree the fish and ginger pieces and mix them together.

Pour the meat puree into a larger basin, add egg starch cooking wine, light soy sauce, and sugar (each person's taste is different, the description is only for reference) and stir well.

Add an appropriate amount of water to the meat puree three times, and whip it in one direction with your hands, each time wait for the water to eat into the meat, and then add the next water, eat a certain amount of water into the meat, and the fried meatballs will be tender and not firewood. If the water is added properly, the meat puree is not thin or dry, and it looks and feels delicate, so you can whip it a little more. The whipping of the meatballs is not as strict as that of the fish balls, so I think it's okay.

Heat the pot, pour in an appropriate amount of oil, turn on the fire to a minimum, grab a handful of meat puree with your left hand, squeeze it with the tiger's mouth, take a small spoon in your right hand and scoop it out and gently put it into the oil pot, and a meatball is successful. (You can fry the first meatball first and taste it, salty or old and tender, you can adjust it as appropriate). Squeeze the meatballs into the pan, then turn the heat up slightly, fry for a few minutes, and then turn the meatballs over along the edge of the pan with a colander to heat evenly, and finally fry them.

Try these dishes in hot weather to clear away the heat

【Braised eel】


500g eel 2 green peppers

1 red pepper and 1/2 onion

Edible oil, salt, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate, appropriate amount of ginger, garlic, dried chili pepper, and bean paste


Buy the eel and cut it into sections, rinse it and drain it (the merchant has already planed it, removed the internal organs, and processed it). Green and red pepper onions cut into suitable slices. Shred the ginger, slice the garlic, and cut the dried chili into small pieces.

Heat the pot, put two spoonfuls of oil, throw the ginger, garlic and chili peppers into the pot, and then drain the eel into the pot.

Leave the eel unstir-frilling and let it fry in hot oil for a minute or two, then stir-fry until it is slightly browned and wrinkled all around.

Add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, a spoonful of bean paste, cooking wine, and water just over the eel over high heat and boil for a while, mix well, cover the pot and simmer.

Simmer for about 10 minutes, open the pot and see that the soup is already viscous, do you need to add salt to taste it (because a spoonful of bean paste has been added into it, the saltiness is enough, I generally don't add it) and then add an appropriate amount of vinegar, and put the green and red peppers and onions in turn.

Simmer until the onion is slightly soft, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, a little sugar, a little MSG and simmer for a while to reduce the juice and remove from the pot.