
Slightly drunk group friends gather to express their feelings (ten pairs of couplets)

author:Qingyanwei Literature

Author: Fangyu Zuolin (Shangqiu, Henan)

Slightly drunk group friends gather to express their feelings (ten pairs of couplets)

Slightly drunk group friends gather to express their feelings

Three glasses of Dayi wine, five straightforward people.

The group owner is a close friend, slightly drunk and not stained with dust.

When singing the autumn moon dream, reciting the spring of the ancient city.

Laughing at a lake, the soul of half a lifetime melts.

Note: At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, there were five famous sages in the capital such as Du Yan, who retired to the ancient city of Shangqiu for the elderly, poetry and book exchanges, for the "five elders of Suiyang", passed on as a good story, and now the literary friends and gentlemen retired to write with a pen, from time to time a small gathering, slightly drunk and proud, Yaxing and beauty; Lake, refers to the ancient city around the city lake, connected to the ancient Song River, the Yellow River water, does not overflow or dry, the blue waves are even the sky.

Slightly drunk group friends gather to express their feelings (ten pairs of couplets)

Learn the history of the party, feel the party's kindness, and pursue dreams to the future (10 pairs of couplets)


History of Academic History

Thanksgiving for the future


Thanksgiving times

Dream chasing


Realize the dream of a new era, three lives are lucky

The big goal of the opening chapter is the update of Vientiane


Study history, seek truth, and often enlighten the Tao

Thanksgiving and love the party are more clear


Thanksgiving, upward respect, heroic martyrs

Love the party and respect all beings


Ming and modern times, the ancient Dali knows the dream of the times

Grateful for the party's grace and self-confidence in the coming year


The party's kindness has been rich for thousands of years, and the belief is clear to all beings


Grass and trees city and countryside show

Spring and Autumn Sea Yue New


Drive the heavenly boat upwards and chase the dream diligently

Facing east to welcome the rising sun, morning bath time


Firm red flag pointing

It is expected that Qi's dream will come true

Slightly drunk group friends gather to express their feelings (ten pairs of couplets)

About author:Fang Yu Zuolin (Li Huimin), a native of Shangqiu Ancient City, born in 1956, is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, a director of the Henan Yinglian Society, and the vice president of the Shangqiu Poetry Society. He has published poetry collections such as "Around Sunset", "Rhyme in the Old Garden" and "Dry Dream Words".

Editor: Li Xunxiu/Xu Wenhe, Editorial Department of Qingyanwei Literature