
Wang Dan: This job is different from what I imagined at school

author:Ping An Gansu
Wang Dan: This job is different from what I imagined at school
Wang Dan: This job is different from what I imagined at school

In order to implement the spirit of the provincial public security organs' "Professional Ability Improvement Year" action mobilization and deployment meeting, further increase the selection of advanced models, better play a leading role, drive the majority of police to take root in professional work, improve professional ability, and promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of respecting, attaching importance to professionalism, and advocating professionalism. The Gansu Public Security Department launched a series of special reports on "Looking for Longyuan Police Craftsmen", which comprehensively demonstrated the vivid practice of the Longyuan Iron Police in the fiery police barracks, and gathered with the spirit of craftsmen to form a strong new quality public security combat effectiveness.

In 2015, after graduating from university, she became a policewoman in the detention center with her "heroic dream" as a teenager, and for two years, she lit the way home for the lost. In May 2017, she became a community policeman, shuttling through the streets and alleys of Dongchengguan, Suzhou District, Jiuquan City, willing to become a bright light in the jurisdiction, illuminating this world with a glimmer of light, helping the neighborhood to watch and protect the peace.

Careful, patient, and meticulous, her colleagues praised her like this; Enthusiastic, active, and responsive, the masses commented on her. In 7 years of community policing work, she has given her time to the people in the jurisdiction without reservation, in exchange for their sense of security and happiness.

She is Wang Dan, the community police officer of the Dongchengguan Police Station of the Suzhou Branch of the Jiuquan Public Security Bureau.

Wang Dan: This job is different from what I imagined at school

Visiting households, she is the "confidant" of the people

At the beginning of 2018, the province's public security organs' "one standard and three realities" information collection work was carried out hotly, and this year was the second year that Wang Dan worked in the community, and the police station had just moved from the old office to the new office. In order to ensure the accuracy of the collection address, she interviewed the residents of the jurisdiction, drew a map of the jurisdiction by hand, and marked every building and residential building here on the map.

"Are there any difficulties that you will encounter when visiting your home now?" I asked.

"When the people in the jurisdiction recognize and trust you, our community work will be carried out easily, and the relationship between the police and the people will be closer." Wang Dan's simple words expressed the deep affection between the police and the masses.

Wang Dan: This job is different from what I imagined at school

Mediating conflicts, she is the "resolver" of conflicts and disputes

"Mediating conflicts and disputes is one of the most important basic skills of the community police, and in the hearts of the masses, it is the fair line for the government to act according to law, we must not only have patience to appease the emotions of the parties to the dispute, but also have perseverance to solve specific problems." This is Wang Dan's master Kang Li's advice to herself.

Under the hand-in-hand teaching of the "master", Wang Dan always carefully understands the ins and outs of the mass disputes that he often encounters in his work, and patiently resolves them. In the summer of 2018, a woman went to her mother-in-law with a child of more than three months, but the mother-in-law suspected that the child was not her son's own flesh and blood, and the man was unwilling to do a paternity test with the child, so the woman and the child were turned away. As a result, a fierce quarrel broke out between the two sides. At first, after the police patiently mediated, the woman left here with the child in her arms. But that night, he left the baby at the door of the police station and secretly left. After Wang Dan and her colleagues found the child, they immediately arranged for experienced police officers to take care of the child, and she contacted the child's mother to patiently preach the legal knowledge about the crime of abandonment and how to solve the problem of child rearing. Under her persuasion, the woman finally took the child home and decided to solve the problem of raising the child through court proceedings.

At the beginning of April this year, Liu and his family came to the household registration window of the Dongchengguan Police Station to find the household registration police to help solve the problem of their nephew's household registration. After communicating with the household registration police, Wang Dan learned that in 2017, Liu's brother-in-law and brother threw the child to his mother to raise. Because the old man was not in good health, Liu took the old man and the child to take care of him, but he has not been able to contact his brother-in-law and brother. With the passage of time, the child has reached the age of going to school, and because he does not have a hukou, it affects Liu's nephew's schooling. Wang Dan actively cooperated with the household registration police to carry out on-site visits, review materials, investigate and collect evidence, and report application materials. In late April, the child was successfully settled down, solving the problem that the child could not go to school because he did not have a hukou.

Recently, a man came to the police office many times and was emotional when he talked about his emotional experience, and the male police returned in vain after persuasion. Wang Dan learned that the man and the couple had reached the point of talking about marriage, but he never thought that the woman would "step on two boats" and be hit by the man. The angry man thought that the woman needed to compensate for all the expenses during the relationship, and the two parties did not give in to each other, and the police at the police station mediated many times to no avail. Wang Dan found the man and took the initiative to talk, thinking about the problem from the other party's perspective and persuading. Finally, the confusion and grievances in the man's heart found an outlet, under her patient persuasion. So far, a dispute case caused by emotional problems has been resolved peacefully.

Wang Dan: This job is different from what I imagined at school

There is no fraud in the world, she is the "guardian" of property security

When the "pig killing plate" broke into everyone's life, Wang Dan was "racing" against telecom fraud every day: early warning, tracking, stop payment, publicity......

"The victim is on the phone with the fraudster? Quick, go immediately and dissuade in person! Police officer Wang Dan received an anti-fraud warning, saying that the people in the jurisdiction may be suffering from fraud. Wang Dan immediately inquired about the detailed address information of the deceived woman, and carried out door-to-door dissuasion with his colleagues. On the way to her house, the police tried to dissuade her by phone call and text message, "The phone you dialed is on the phone, please dial ...... later" The text message did not reply, which made Wang Dan anxious! Wang Dan and the crook started a "race game". Hurried to the scene, she gasped and knocked on the woman's door: "Hello, I am Wang Dan, a police officer from Dongchengguan Police Station, I just received an anti-fraud warning, and now it is a fraudster who is talking to you, please do not transfer money, and verify the identity of the other party." For Wang Dan, who suddenly came to the door, the woman was skeptical. Wang Dan listened carefully to distinguish the content of the call, and the scammer asked her to bind her bank card and then transfer money on the grounds that a function of the other party's Douyin platform was not closed and the fee would be deducted. Wang Dan was anxious, snatched the woman's mobile phone, and asked the fraudster a few professional questions, but the scammer couldn't say clearly, and the woman suddenly realized that she had met the scammer. "Comrade policeman, thank you very much for stopping my loss in time." She was grateful.

In recent years, the proportion of telecommunications network fraud cases in financial embezzlement crimes has been increasing. "Impersonating the public procuratorate", "shopping refund", "swiping orders to do tasks", "investment and financial management" and other electronic fraud methods emerge in an endless stream. After 7 years of working in the community, Wang Dan knows that online fraud cases not only cause financial losses to victims, but also cause mental blows to victims, and also seriously affect the sense of security of community residents. Wang Dan attaches great importance to anti-fraud propaganda, so anti-fraud propaganda is an indispensable part of community work, and the people are unable to prevent fraud, suffer from it, and hate it. She said that no matter how hard she worked, she should better help the residents protect their money bags.

The interview with Wang Dan was in May, and she said that May was her "lucky month". It was not only the month of her birth, but also in May 2017, when she started the work of community police, which became a new starting point for her on the road to becoming a police officer; In May 2022, at the "apprenticeship" ceremony of the "mentor-apprentice pairing" activity held by the Suzhou Branch of the Jiuquan Public Security Bureau, Wang Dan officially apprenticed to Kang Li, the representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; He was also awarded the "Outstanding Young Policeman" in May this year, and once had a "heroic dream", but now he is in the community post of the police station.

Wang Dan: This job is different from what I imagined at school

"It's a different job than I imagined it to be at school, it's so ordinary." Wang Dan was confused for a while, but under the guidance of Master Kang Li, she quickly adjusted, and it turned out that community work could bring me closer to the masses. In this way, Wang Dan has "sticked" to the community post of Dongchengguan Police Station for 7 years, and in 7 years, she has grown from a fledgling new police officer "Dandan" to a backbone "Sister Dan" in the hearts of her colleagues, and this road of taking root at the grassroots level and serving the people will be very long, because she understands that she has too many expectations......

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