
Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

author:An An said gossip

In 1924, Wang Danfeng was born in a wealthy family running a hotel in Shanghai. Since she was a child, she has had a strong interest in theater and often excitedly pulls her parents to listen to local dramas.

"Dad, if you don't have time, I'll go with my mother and sister." Xiao Afeng always urged his father like this, for fear of missing the opening. This love for drama planted the seeds for her future acting career.

At the age of 16, the god of fate quietly came. The neighbor's sister Shu Lijuan took her to the set to watch the star filming, wanting to satisfy the little girl's curiosity, but unexpectedly changed the trajectory of her life.

Director Zhu Shilin fell in love with this girl with clear eyes and a small and moving figure at a glance. When Zhu Shilin asked her if she wanted to make a movie, Xiao Afeng's eyes flashed with eagerness.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

However, the road to chasing your dreams has not been easy. The father is extremely opposed to his daughter's idea of "showing up", which is the first time that Xiao Afeng has faced his father's anger. But her stubborn character was revealed at this moment, and under the intercession of the whole family, her father finally relented and advised: "If you are wronged, go home quickly, he can support me."

In 1941, 17-year-old Wang Danfeng signed a three-year contract, and his stage name "Wang Danfeng" means "Danfeng Chaoyang". Starting from the little maid in "Longtan Tiger's Den", she quickly emerged in the film industry with her natural aura and careful understanding of the role.

played his cousin "Pan Huizhen" in "Meat", although there were not many scenes, but it made director Tu Guangqi's eyes shine. What really made Wang Danfeng an instant hit was "New Fisherman's Song". She vividly played a kind and beautiful fishergirl who was exploited, touching the hearts of countless audiences.

At the age of 17, she was named "Little Zhou Xuan", and she was once a star-chasing girl, but now she has become an idol sought after by thousands of girls. At the age of 19, Wang Danfeng fulfilled his dream and starred as Xue Baochai in "Dream of Red Mansions", performing on the same stage with idols Zhou Xuan and Yuan Meiyun.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

Recalling her mood at the time, she still couldn't hide her excitement: "I was really nervous and happy. In order to play a good role, she kept reading famous books, and even secretly went to the theater to learn drama performance.

From the audience to the rookie on the screen, Wang Danfeng used his hard work and talent to start a brilliant acting career. With the growth of age and the accumulation of experience, Wang Danfeng's acting career is like her name, like the rising sun.

In 1942, she starred in 4 films, and in 1943, she made 7 films in one go. From "Spring", "Autumn", "Thousands of Purples and Thousands of Reds" to "Two Generations of Women", "Family Carnival" and "Three Flowers", Wang Danfeng's performances have become more and more mature and deeply loved by the audience.

In 1944, "Long Live the Teacher" directed by Sang Arc made her popularity rise again. In 1948, 24-year-old Wang Danfeng was invited by the Great Wall Film Production Company to go to Hong Kong for development.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

There, she had the opportunity to work with a number of famous movie stars, including acting in Cheng Bugao's "Yao Chi Mandarin Duck", starring with Hu Die in "Splendid Paradise", and co-starring with Zhang Yi in "Speechless Ask the Sky".

This experience not only broadened her acting horizons, but also further enhanced her fame. It is worth mentioning that Wang Danfeng also appeared on the drama stage for the first time, playing the role of "Little Things" in "Sunrise", showing her multi-faceted acting talents.

By 1950, Wang Danfeng, who was only 26 years old, had starred in nearly 40 films, and his works were not only popular in China, but also exported to Southeast Asia and North America, and were highly sought after by overseas Chinese.

However, at the peak of his career, Wang Danfeng resolutely decided to return to Shanghai, just to be with his beloved. After marriage, she faded out of the screen for a while and concentrated on taking care of her family.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

It wasn't until 1956 that she returned to the screen with the role of "Ming Feng" in "Home", and won the audience's love again with her steadfast and resolute image. Since then, Wang Danfeng has starred in many films such as "Nurse's Diary", "Sea Soul", "You Chase Me", "Spring is Full of World", "Merry People Look at the Present Dynasty", "Female Barber" and many other films.

The image of "Jian Suhua", the first generation of female nurses in China, she created is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and her performance in "Female Barber" made the film a great success. At the same time, the "Little Swallow" she sang was also sung all over the country and became a childhood memory for several generations.

At the age of 38, Wang Danfeng was named one of the "22 Stars" in New China, reaching another peak in his acting career. However, she didn't stop there. In the following years, she continued to challenge herself, starred in works such as "Peach Blossom Fan", and presented vivid characters to the audience with superb acting skills.

From an unknown star-chasing girl to a screen beauty who has attracted the attention of thousands of people, Wang Danfeng has left a strong mark in the history of Chinese film with her efforts and talents.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

Behind Wang Danfeng's bright star journey, there is a little-known sweet love. When she was 20 years old, she met Liu Heqing, who was two years younger than her, at the Jincheng Grand Theater. , a young man from a film family, fell in love with Wang Danfeng at first sight and began his perseverance in his pursuit.

Liu Heqing was born in 1926, his father and uncle founded Cathay Pacific Pictures in their early years, and later his father founded Datong Pictures. The young Liu Heqing is already the general manager of the Jincheng Grand Theater, and it can be said that he was born with a golden key.

However, his pursuit of Wang Danfeng is very simple. "He said the first time we met was in the theater and he sat right next to me. After that, he waited for me every day, and sat for several days, purely by luck.

Wang Danfeng recalled, "I didn't have any impression. But Liu Heqing's sincerity eventually touched her. The love life of the two is full of literary atmosphere. Bring a famous book to read today, share the good inkstone you got tomorrow, and write a word in the study together.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

Liu Heqing never concealed his love and cherishment for Wang Danfeng, but he also respected her career and never disturbed her work. After seven years of long-distance love, in 1951, the two finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

The wedding caused a sensation in Shanghai, and the Hong Kong press also reported it significantly. The daughters of entrepreneurs praised Wang Danfeng for marrying well, while Wang Danfeng's fans envied Liu Heqing for marrying a "goddess".

Life after marriage is not all smooth sailing. From 1952 to 1956, Wang Danfeng gave birth to 4 daughters one after another, but unfortunately one died. During this period, she joined the Shanghai Film Studio, but did not shoot any films, and only dedicated the role of "Four Phoenixes" in the stage play "Thunderstorm" to the audience in between taking care of her children.

Whether in good times or bad times, Wang Danfeng and Liu Heqing have always been close to each other. Liu Heqing gave his wife the most sincere support, while Wang Danfeng managed this marriage with all his heart.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

She often said: "I can't evaluate him objectively, he will always be good in my place, not a little bad." It's not that I beautify, it's that I have always thought so......" This deep affection runs through their 72 years of acquaintance and 65 years of marriage.

Wang Danfeng and Liu Heqing used practical actions to interpret what true love is, and composed a touching and profound love in the city. Wang Danfeng and Liu Heqing's marriage has undergone unimaginable tests.

First of all, because of his family background, Liu Heqing was assigned to another team and was sent to work in a chemical factory in Pudong. In the face of her husband's heavy labor and ideological education of more than 9 hours a day, Wang Danfeng was heartbroken, but she always supported her strongly.

"He's never done that kind of work, it's all pulling and transporting raw materials. I work more than 9 hours a day, and I have to receive ideological education after work. Wang Danfeng recalled.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

She asked someone to send something to her husband, and after learning about her husband's optimistic and positive attitude, her hanging heart was slightly relaxed. When someone who checked rushed into the house to search and induce her to be alarmist, Wang Danfeng was not afraid.

She firmly stated that she would never draw a line with her husband, and at the same time indicated that her family had not done anything hurtful and unreasonable, and could be investigated, but she would not accept injustice. Her attitude and influence make those people jealous.

finally waited for her husband to come back, but Wang Danfeng was taken to Xinqiao Commune for labor reform. She changed out of the most suitable clothes that her husband had chosen for herself, put on uniform linen clothes, and picked up farm tools and went down to the river to farm.

In the face of the harsh environment and heavy farm work, she gritted her teeth and persevered. After Liu Heqing learned about it, he did not hesitate to put down his career, entrust the child to others to take care of, and came to rent a house near the commune alone, giving his wife the most sincere companionship and support.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

Wang Danfeng later recalled: "The days were hard, and I cried where there was no one. But I never thought to admit those so-called mistakes, my children are still waiting for me, and my husband is still with me.

When I saw him, I felt that no matter how bad the days were, there was always hope for the future. In 1964, because of his participation in "Peach Blossom Fan", Wang Danfeng was labeled as "a member of the cowshed". This period was the most desperate moment in her life, not only suffering herself, but also her husband, children, parents, and in-laws.

Countless times of crying and blaming herself in the middle of the night, it was Liu Heqing who comforted her a little. Whenever she wanted to give up, Liu Heqing firmly told her: "You can't give up, I can't live if you give up."

In these difficult years, Wang Danfeng and Liu Heqing built an impregnable fortress with love. They support each other, face the challenges of life together, and interpret the oath of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son" with practical actions.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

In the past 6 years of hard days, they gritted their teeth and persevered, and finally waited for the right name. In 1980, 56-year-old Wang Danfeng officially retired after starring in "Jade Butterfly", ending his acting career of nearly 40 years.

She chose to step back into the background and shift her focus to her family. In 1982, the couple went to Hong Kong together and founded the "Gongdelin Shanghai Vegetarian Restaurant". Wang Danfeng said that she wanted to practice her cooking skills well, so that her husband liked to eat the meals he made the most.

After withdrawing from the spotlight, Wang Danfeng and Liu Heqing lived a sweet and warm life. Her love for her husband is reflected in the bits and pieces of life. As her daughter recalled, "My mother cared a lot about my father.

Many times, my sister and I came to visit them, and we ate together, and no matter how many dishes there were on the table, all the dishes would be my father's favorite food. "The couple hardly quarrels, and they choose to communicate more when they encounter disagreements.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

If there is a place where communication does not come from, Wang Danfeng will always compromise first. She often said that as long as the ultimate goal is the same, there is no need to win or lose. This generosity and thoughtfulness made their marriage even sweeter.

Even if he is over seventy years old, Liu Heqing's eyes when he looks at Wang Danfeng are still as full of love as when they met at the beginning of the year. Wang Danfeng once said affectionately: "When I was young, they all praised me for my good clothes, which were bought for me by my lover, and he didn't need me to try it, and it was a suitable ...... when I bought it."

In ordinary days, they can also find their own romance. Walking together, chatting, reminiscing about the past, there is happiness in the ordinary. Wang Danfeng often said: "I am very grateful to fate for letting him see me in the theater back then."

I am also very grateful to myself back then, and I did not live up to his true feelings. Although he quit the entertainment industry, Wang Danfeng has not been forgotten. She has won many honors such as the title of "Outstanding Actor of the Century", the "Century Award" for Chinese films, the Golden Phoenix Award and the "Lifetime Achievement Award" at the Shanghai International Film Festival.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

However, for Wang Danfeng, these honors are far less precious than the love that she has spent with Liu Heqing for a lifetime. As Wang Danfeng said, her life is very worthwhile and content.

This love has become the most precious gift in her life, and it is also the achievement she is most proud of. In 2016, Liu Heqing said to Wang Danfeng with difficulty on the sickbed: "I'm sorry, I can't continue to accompany you, you must not be too sad, I will be sad......

At this moment, he ended his 72-year acquaintance and 65-year marriage with Wang Danfeng. Wang Danfeng, who lost her beloved, endured her grief, she knew that her husband was the most relieved. Facing the crying of her three daughters, Wang Danfeng seemed unusually calm.

She told the children: "My life is worth it, I am so content." "This strength is distressing and admirable. After losing Liu Heqing, Wang Danfeng's memory gradually declined, and he couldn't remember many past events clearly, and even the names of his daughters would be mistaken.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

But when asked about her husband, she can talk about it with a smile on her face. She often wipes and wipes photos with her husband and tells her children about their happy times.

In 2018, 94-year-old Wang Danfeng closed her eyes in Shanghai and left the world with her thoughts of her husband. Her departure has made countless fans and ordinary viewers mourn. People not only miss her wonderful performance on the screen, but also moved by her love story with Liu Heqing.

Wang Danfeng's life has both the glory on the screen and the ups and downs in life. She left behind many honors such as "Outstanding Actor of a Hundred Years", as well as an enviable legendary love story.

Artist Wang Danfeng: 65 years of marriage is tear-jerking, and 2 years after the death of her wife, she followed him

However, for her, perhaps the most precious thing is the love that she has with Liu Heqing for a lifetime.

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