
At the forefront of flood prevention and disaster relief, party members in Xianyu Town, Hetang District, rushed to the front

author:Red Network Zhuzhou Station

Red Network Moment News, June 25 (Correspondent Liu Zongyi) Recently, Zhuzhou issued a rainstorm warning, Xianyu Town, Hetang District, heard the "flood" and moved, and responded quickly, in order to ensure the safety of the flood in the jurisdiction, the town agricultural office and the party member emergency team took the lead in organizing more than 100 party members and cadres to pay close attention to 750 mountain ponds, 11 reservoirs and dangerous old houses, agricultural facilities and crops in various villages in the jurisdiction, and deal with all kinds of emergencies in a timely manner.

At the forefront of flood prevention and disaster relief, party members in Xianyu Town, Hetang District, rushed to the front

Xianyu Town Agricultural Office and Party Member Emergency Team went to Wenshu Temple in Lianxing Village to deal with landslides.

"Please keep your mobile phone on standby 24 hours a day, pay attention to the messages in the group, and respond in time in case of emergencies." Party member Liu Tuan said. Xianyu Town strictly implements the 24-hour duty arrangement system for emergency management, clarifies the leaders and personnel on duty, ensures that the 24-hour post is not empty, does not leave the post, issues a rainstorm warning every day, and divides the key areas of flood control in the jurisdiction. Affected by the continuous heavy rain, a landslide occurred under the Wenshu Temple in Lianxing Village, and the town's party member emergency team rushed to the scene as soon as possible, and the joint Xianyu Police Station set up a cordon, and promptly cleaned up the fallen trees and fallen mud blocks, and carried out traffic diversion for passing vehicles and pedestrians to ensure the safety of personnel. "Our party members must stand up and be open-minded at a critical juncture, and flood prevention and disaster relief are our unshirkable responsibilities." Party member Ling Yadong said.

At the forefront of flood prevention and disaster relief, party members in Xianyu Town, Hetang District, rushed to the front

Party members of Xianyuling Village inspected the situation of Gaotang Reservoir.

In order to do a good job in reserves and effectively respond to the needs of flood control, Xianyu Town organized party members to strengthen the management of emergency material reserves, with 10 bundles of wire, 30 shovels, 8,000 flood control belts, 30 bundles of color striped cloth, and 300 raincoats and rain boots were urgently purchased, and the company carried out agreement reserves, reserved 200 tons of sand and pebbles, 200 square meters of stones, and 2 pumping machines, which can effectively respond to flood control needs. At the same time, the party members strengthened the inspection of the Shantang Reservoir in the jurisdiction, checked the reservoir storage situation every 4 hours, and discharged the Gaotang Reservoir in Xianyuling Village, the Longjiangtang Reservoir and the Liantang Reservoir in Zhangxia Village to prevent the reservoir from bursting the embankment, and the current reservoir situation is generally stable.

At the forefront of flood prevention and disaster relief, party members in Xianyu Town, Hetang District, rushed to the front

The heavy rain continued to intensify, and more than 100 party members in the town investigated the agricultural production situation, the housing safety status of 112 elderly people living alone and the five-guarantee households, as well as the situation of some seriously affected villagers, and effectively strengthened the inspection of geological disaster hidden danger points and investigated potential safety hazards in a timely manner. In view of the damage to 300 acres of pumpkins in Tingziqian Village and 100 acres of rice in Dieping Village, the town and village party members assisted the villagers in applying for agricultural insurance and fed back the disaster situation to the District Agriculture and Rural Bureau. In Xianyuling Village, the front lawn of the house was covered by landslides, vehicles were damaged, steel frame sheds were washed away, a wall of a miscellaneous house (old house) of a five-guarantee household collapsed, a landslide next to another house, and a canal collapsed in the herb area, causing the villagers' vegetable fields to be flooded. To this end, the party members of Xianyuling Village quickly rushed to the vicinity of the villagers' homes to deal with landslides and ground collapses, reminded the residents of dangerous old houses to be vigilant, and persuaded the villagers not to go out unless necessary, so as to ensure the safety of the villagers' personal and property.