
International Anti-Drug Day丨Ding'an: Hold the anti-drug "sword" to defend a pure land

author:Ding'an release

Anti-narcotics is a protracted war without the smoke of gunpowder and a long-term and arduous task. Since the launch of the three-year anti-drug action of "consolidating the foundation and preventing risks" before the closure of the Hainan Free Trade Port, Ding'an County has quickly set off a new upsurge of the anti-drug "consolidating the foundation and preventing risks" action, based on the "four insistences", making every effort to prevent and resolve the hidden dangers of drug control, highlighting the fight against new drug crimes, and promoting the high-quality development of anti-drug work.

International Anti-Drug Day丨Ding'an: Hold the anti-drug "sword" to defend a pure land

The anti-narcotics police distributed anti-drug knowledge manuals to students.


Adhere to the leadership of the party and government

Promote anti-narcotics work from a high position

The Ding'an County Party Committee and the county government have regarded the anti-narcotics work as an important task of the party committee and the government, and have made special studies and arrangements for the anti-narcotics work on many occasions. The Ding'an County Narcotics Control Committee has formulated the "Measures for the Assessment of the Anti-drug Work of the Member Units of the Ding'an County Narcotics Control Committee" and the "Detailed Rules for the Evaluation of the Anti-drug Work of the Member Units of the Ding'an County Narcotics Control Committee and the Towns", and promoted the towns and member units to organize their own systems to carry out anti-drug work in accordance with their responsibilities in accordance with the law, and continue to enhance the joint force of anti-drug work of joint management and co-governance.


Persist in high-pressure and strike hard

The effectiveness of law enforcement has continued to improve

Ding'an County insisted on taking the initiative to attack and attack, and successively organized and carried out special operations such as the "Spring Offensive", "Spring and Summer Offensive", and "Clear the Source and Cut Off the Flow". Since the beginning of this year, Ding'an County has cracked a total of 12 drug criminal cases, arrested 24 drug suspects, seized 51.48 grams of etomidate, and seized 42 drug users. All work has achieved certain results, and good social and legal effects have been achieved.


Insist on prevention first

Prevent drug abuse among adolescents

Recently, the Ding'an County People's Court invited deputies to the National People's Congress and students to take the drug abuse and trafficking case as a case, and through the trial and verdict process, let the students have an in-depth understanding of the harm of drugs, and establish the awareness of cherishing life and staying away from drugs.

International Anti-Drug Day丨Ding'an: Hold the anti-drug "sword" to defend a pure land

Students flip through the anti-drug knowledge booklet.

Ding'an County adheres to the principle of prevention, conscientiously implements the arrangements and arrangements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government for three years of the "Vaccine Protection" special action, and organizes and carries out a series of anti-drug and seedling protection actions such as "Preventing Drug Abuse among Adolescents" with a focus on teenagers. The county anti-narcotics office, together with the county court, the county procuratorate, the county education bureau, the county judicial bureau and other departments, has taken the school as the main position of anti-drug propaganda, and has repeatedly gone deep into 71 primary and secondary schools in the county to carry out anti-drug publicity and education activities such as "protecting seedlings" and "preventing drug abuse among teenagers" in Ding'an County, and further improved the ability of young people to resist drug abuse in the form of "anti-drug garden + anti-drug lectures". In addition, Ding'an County made full use of the favorable opportunity of the "National Anti-drug Propaganda Month" in June to organize and carry out 31 anti-drug publicity activities, covering 13 communities, 108 administrative villages, 71 schools, 12 entertainment venues and more than 5,000 students in the county, and more than 150,000 educated people in the county, making the anti-drug atmosphere more intense, and the concept of drug recognition, drug rejection and drug prevention is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


Adhere to precise management and control services

Reducing the social harm of drugs

In the past few days, the Ding'an County Narcotics Control Office, together with the Provincial Women's Federation and the County Women's Federation, has carried out the "Safe and Caring" visit to the families of social rehabilitation and social health personnel. During the condolences, the staff had a cordial conversation with the social rehabilitation personnel and their families, provided counseling for psychological problems, and sent condolences to encourage them to quit drug addiction, return to society, and maintain an optimistic attitude to face life positively.

International Anti-Drug Day丨Ding'an: Hold the anti-drug "sword" to defend a pure land

Ding'an carried out a safe and caring action to comfort the social rehabilitation personnel.

Ding'an County has carried out an in-depth "safe and caring" action for drug addicts, actively planned and implemented measures for the placement and assistance of drug addicts, and tried every means to help drug addicts find employment and start businesses. In strict accordance with the working principle of "all staff are on guard and all should be collected", we organized and carried out sewage drug testing and hair drug testing, inspected 30 drug-related places, tested 978 personnel in key industries, and carried out "hair drug testing" for all drug users in the society, and no illegal acts such as relapse were found. In addition, the county anti-narcotics office and Zhou Qingguang, a caring person in the society, jointly established the "Ding'an County Qihang Resettlement and Education Base" in Longmen Town, and used the breeding farm, betel nut processing factory, "Yihetang" water bar and other industries founded by the county to actively provide employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for drug rehabilitation personnel, and provide free agricultural skills training. At present, the base can accommodate 150 drug rehabilitation personnel for short-term employment, and 25 community corrections subjects have been successfully employed in the base.

Since the beginning of this year, the base has played a full role, once again helping 5 drug rehabilitation personnel to successfully find employment, 2 drug rehabilitation personnel to carry out agricultural production independently, and visiting 15 families of drug addicts, which has played a positive role in maintaining social harmony and stability and won wide praise from all walks of life.

Source: Hainan Daily