
Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action

author:Chaoyang release
Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action

On the morning of June 23, the 2024 Shantou City's "Oppose Waste and Advocate Conservation" series of activities - "Save Food in Mind CD-ROM Action I Practice" civilization practice activity was held in Chaoyang Wenguang Pagoda Square, further guiding the people to establish a concept of food security, strict economy, and oppose waste.

Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action

The event was hosted by the Municipal Civilization Office and undertaken by the Chaoyang District New Era Civilization Practice Center and the District Development and Reform Bureau.

At the event site, the staff preached the relevant knowledge of "civilized dining and opposition to waste" to the passing citizens, and distributed publicity materials to popularize the importance of saving food and explain the tips of saving food to everyone. Propaganda display boards and posters were also set up at the site for the masses to visit and study, widely publicize diligence and thrift, oppose extravagance and waste, advocate civilized dining, and further improve the public's awareness of saving and loving food.

The staff of the District Development and Reform Bureau said: "Saving food is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, through the development of various forms of food saving and food love propaganda activities, in the society to create a good atmosphere of strict thrift and food protection, improve people's awareness of resource distress and cherish food, start from little things, and better integrate thrift, love and food into life." ”

The organizers said that next, it is necessary to strengthen the organization and leadership, closely follow the theme of the event, do a good job in publicity and guidance, organically combine the theme publicity activities with the civilized city creation activities carried out in the whole region, adhere to the principle of being close to reality, close to life, and close to the masses, and carry out multi-form and multi-channel publicity activities to love food and save food, and guide the citizens to form the ideological consciousness and behavioral consciousness of loving food and saving food, and create a good interactive effect of personal civilization to drive family civilization and family civilization to promote social civilization.

Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action
Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action

Finishing and editing: Chaoyang release material source: Chaoyang District Financial Media Center Photo source: District Development and Reform Bureau Please indicate the above information

Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action
Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action
Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action

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Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action

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Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action
Save food in mind and I practice the CD-ROM action