
How to effectively prevent heat stroke in children?

author:Netinfo Yutian

The high temperature is coming, the sun is like fire, and the children have been playing outdoors for a long time, and the amount of exercise has increased, and it is easy to feel uncomfortable or even heat stroke.

How to effectively prevent heat stroke in children?

Heat stroke is not a trivial matter, parents should learn how to prevent heat stroke, how to recognize the symptoms of heat stroke, and how to take care of their children who suffer from heat stroke.

Why are children more susceptible to heat stroke?

Children's bodies are different from adults, and they are more susceptible to heat stroke for several reasons.

1. More heat production: Children's metabolism is fast, and the body produces more heat.

2. More heat absorption: Compared with body weight, children have a larger body surface area and absorb more heat in a high temperature environment.

3. Slow heat dissipation: The sweat glands on children's skin are not yet mature, and the ability to dissipate heat is relatively poor.

4. Poor regulation ability: Children's thermoregulatory center is still developing, and the ability to regulate body temperature is not strong enough.

When are children more susceptible to heat stroke?

1. Long-term exposure to high temperature, high humidity, closed and strong direct sunlight.

2. When you participate in sports activities or military training in the summer.

3. When you wear too much.

4. Overweight or obesity.

5. Have chronic diseases, such as diabetes, thyroid, diabetes insipidus, hypothalamic injury, etc.

6. Unable to express their feelings clearly, such as babies who cannot speak or children who are stunted to express themselves accurately.

7. Have had heat stroke before.

How to recognize the symptoms of heat stroke

Judging the severity?

Symptoms of heat stroke: dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, fever, muscle cramps, convulsions, and even coma after exposure to high temperatures and high humidity environments.

How to effectively prevent heat stroke in children?

Heat stroke can be divided into three stages:

1. Threatened heat stroke

The main characteristics of this stage are: symptoms of heat stroke, normal or slightly elevated body temperature, absence of impaired consciousness and organ damage.

After exposure to high temperatures for a period of time, the child develops symptoms such as decreased spirit, fatigue, dizziness, headache, thirst and sweating, nausea and vomiting, and the body temperature is normal or slightly elevated (usually < 38°C). At this stage, the child is conscious and shows no signs of organ damage. At this time, the body is still in the compensatory phase, and after timely and correct treatment, the symptoms can usually disappear in a short time; If heat continues to accumulate in the body, it can progress to mild or even severe heat stroke.

2. Mild heat stroke

The main characteristics of this stage are: marked increase in body temperature, dehydration, absence of consciousness and organ damage.

The child's body temperature rises significantly, usually between 38~40 °C, and there are signs of dehydration, such as clammy skin, paleness, increased heart rate, oliguria and anuria, sunken eyes, poor skin elasticity, etc. When the above symptoms appear, they should be out of the high fever environment in time, cool down, hydrate, and those who do not improve should go to the hospital in time, and after correct treatment, they can usually recover within a few hours.

3. Severe heat stroke (heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke)

This is the most dangerous condition, and there may be convulsions, impaired consciousness, hyperthermia, and multi-organ dysfunction at this stage.

The body temperature of the child can be as high as 40°C or above, and muscle and neuropsychiatric symptoms such as muscle spasm, syncope, coma, convulsions, gibberish, and abnormal mental behavior may occur, and may be combined with multiple organ dysfunctions, such as hematuria, gastrointestinal bleeding, skin congestion, ecchymosis, shock, respiratory failure, etc. At this stage, the body enters the decompensated stage, which is fatal and needs to be immediately transferred to the nearest large hospital for treatment.

What should I do if my child suffers from heat stroke?

In the case of precursor heat stroke, the symptoms are usually relieved quickly after on-site treatment, and children with mild or severe heat stroke need to go to the hospital for treatment. If a child is found to have symptoms of heat stroke, the principle of "one move, two drops, three supplements, and four turns" should be adopted.

1. Carrying

Get away from high temperatures, high humidity, closed and sunny environments, and quickly move your child from a hot place to a cool and ventilated place. If possible, they should be moved to an air-conditioned room.

2. Temperature lowering

Rapid and effective cooling is the most important measure in heat stroke first aid, and the body temperature should be reduced to below 40°C as soon as possible within 30 minutes of the detection of heat stroke. Cooling methods include: loosening or taking off tight clothing as soon as possible, and when the infant has heat cover syndrome, the blanket should be unwrapped immediately to cool down, and the sweat-soaked quilt should be replaced in time. First use warm water, then use cold water to scrub the whole body, when scrubbing the bath, you can place ice packs on the forehead, both sides of the neck, armpits, groin and other major arteries running superficially, and you can use fans or air conditioners to increase convection and heat dissipation; For older, conscious children, bath soaking may be used. It is important to note that oral antipyretic and analgesic drugs such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen are usually ineffective.

3. Hydrate

Children with heat stroke are often accompanied by dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, so children should be given a small amount of water or electrolyte drinks at room temperature several times, and do not drink too much at a time, otherwise it is easy to cause nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. Those who are unable to drink water on their own can go to the hospital and receive appropriate intravenous fluids and other treatments under the evaluation of the doctor.

4. Transshipment

People with severe heat stroke, especially those with neurological symptoms such as high fever, confusion, and convulsions, should be immediately sent to the nearest hospital. For children with mild heat stroke, whose symptoms are not relieved by on-site treatment, they should also go to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

How can I prevent heat stroke in my child?

In summer, children should arrange outdoor activities reasonably, try to do outdoor activities in the morning or evening, and avoid long-term outdoor activities at noon when the scorching sun is shining. It is best for children to stay in the shade when playing outdoors, and they can carry a fan or a small portable fan with them. In hot and humid weather, you should be active indoors in cool areas, such as indoor playgrounds, indoor swimming pools, etc. Avoid children being left alone in cars or in small spaces. In hot weather, use electric fans and air conditioners to cool down your home, and open windows regularly for ventilation.

How to effectively prevent heat stroke in children?

In a high temperature environment, children's clothing and equipment during activities will affect the efficiency of body temperature regulation, so they should choose lightweight, breathable, light-colored clothes, and change out sweat-soaked clothes in time. Infants and young children choose a light and thin coat, and do not overly cover the infant and young children.

In hot environments, children should drink enough water during activities, using water or electrolyte beverages as appropriate beverages, and avoid alcoholic, coffee, or sugary beverages, which can further aggravate water loss. Children should also avoid drinking large amounts of excessively cold beverages to avoid stomach cramps.

In summer, eat more light and easy-to-digest foods, less high-calorie, greasy, and spicy foods, and eat more vegetables and fruits.