
Luobuwo Central Primary School held a red scarf labor research and practice activity

author:Netinfo Yutian

The famous educator Tao Xingzhi once said that "life is education". Recently, Luobuwo Central Primary School held the "Small Clothes, Big World" Red Scarf Labor Research and Practice Activity. Under the leadership of the counselors of the brigade, the young pioneers walked into the Jiashuo Garment Factory in Chaoluowo Township, so that the children could understand the process of garment-making, feel the hard work and fun of work, cultivate their practical ability and teamwork spirit, and achieve research and thinking, learning and learning, travel and success.

Luobuwo Central Primary School held a red scarf labor research and practice activity

The person in charge of Gashuo Garment Factory extended a warm welcome to the Young Pioneers and introduced the history and scale of the garment factory in detail.

Luobuwo Central Primary School held a red scarf labor research and practice activity

In the garment factory, the children saw many machines and materials, and they watched with curiosity as the workers skillfully operated the various equipment.

Luobuwo Central Primary School held a red scarf labor research and practice activity

It turns out that a piece of clothing includes multiple links such as design, cutting, sewing, ironing, etc., each of which is very important and needs to be done step by step. When it came to the practical part, the children excitedly followed the workers to learn how to cut, sew and iron, although they were a little scrambling, but they were very serious about completing each link.

Luobuwo Central Primary School held a red scarf labor research and practice activity

Through the red scarf labor research and practice activities, the children not only understood the whole process of garment making, but also experienced the hard work and fun of work, exercised the children's practical ability and teamwork spirit, and made the children cherish the hard-won daily necessities more.

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