
Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

author:Assi watching the movie
Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

Sisterhood? Or is it a money game?

Some people say that sisters also have to settle accounts; Some people say that in the face of money, family affection can also become fragile.

So, what really happened between Big S and Little S? Will their sisterhood stand the test of reality?

First of all, let's take a look at Xiao S's attitude and approach to Big S's economic predicament.

It is reported that Xiao S publicly stated in the show that helping Big S is not a long-term solution, and the key is that Wang Xiaofei gives more money. This remark immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

In the eyes of many people, as a sister, Xiao S should lend a helping hand when Big S encounters difficulties, instead of pushing the responsibility to her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei.

What's more, Xiao S himself is also a well-known person in the entertainment industry, with a lot of income, and he is fully capable of helping Big S tide over the difficulties.

Xiao S's words made people feel her sensitivity to money and indifference to sisterhood.

What's even more incredible is that Xiao S's performance when Big S divorced.

According to reports, Xiao S was quite happy after learning the news of Big S's divorce, and even ridiculed his sister's married life on the show.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

This behavior undoubtedly disappointed and angry fans and netizens of Big S.

Divorce can be a painful thing for anyone, let alone someone who has once loved dearly.

As a younger sister, Xiao S not only did not give her sister the support and comfort she deserved, but also poured salt on her wounds, which is really incomprehensible.

Next, let's take a look at Wang Xiaofei's divorce from Big S and related remarks.

Wang Xiaofei publicly said after the divorce that Xiao S played a role in the conflict between their husband and wife, which can be said to be indispensable.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

This remark undoubtedly pushed Xiao S to the forefront.

Many people began to question Xiao S's way of behaving in the world, thinking that she not only failed to lend a helping hand when her sister needed help, but also made small moves behind her back, which exacerbated the conflict between her sister and brother-in-law.

Wang Xiaofei's economic contribution to Big S has also become the focus of attention.

It is reported that before the divorce, Wang Xiaofei has been responsible for most of the family's expenses, including Da S's daily living expenses, children's education expenses, and various family expenses.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

After the divorce, Da S fell into financial difficulties, and it was even revealed that he couldn't even pay the child's make-up fees.

This makes people ask: How much money did Wang Xiaofei give to Big S? Why did she get into such a situation after her divorce?

Things don't seem to be that simple.

According to Xiao S, although Big S is in financial difficulties after the divorce, her ex-husband Gu Junye often takes her to high-end restaurants to taste expensive ingredients such as black truffles.

This news makes people very puzzled: Since Da S has no money to pay the tuition fee, why can she still enjoy such a luxurious life with Gu Junye?

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

Isn't her financial situation as bad as rumored to be? Or is she deliberately hiding her true financial situation?

This series of questions has made people start to re-examine the economic situation of Big S.

Some people believe that the reason why Big S is in financial trouble is because she did not plan her life and property well after the divorce, which led to a situation where she could not make ends meet.

Some people also believe that Big S is deliberately creating topics to attract public attention and sympathy, so as to create more opportunities for his career and income.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

In either case, Big S's economic situation has become a mystery and elusive.

In this mystery, the relationship between Wang Xiaofei and the S family has also become more delicate.

It is reported that Wang Xiaofei has drawn a clear line with the S family after the divorce and no longer has any contact with them. As for Xiao S's shouting and provocative behavior, Wang Xiaofei chose to remain silent and ignore it.

This attitude surprised and puzzled many people.

In the entertainment industry, which is a vanity fair, many people will attack and slander each other for the sake of profit.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

Wang Xiaofei chose to remain silent and rational, which couldn't help but make people admire his character and cultivation.

For the S family, Wang Xiaofei's silence and ignorance are a great irony and provocation.

In their opinion, the reason why Wang Xiaofei chose to be silent and ignore is because he has done his best to Da S and is no longer willing to pay any price for their family and career.

This point of view has aroused wide resonance and support among netizens. Many people believe that Wang Xiaofei has fulfilled her responsibilities and obligations after the divorce, and there is no need to worry about the affairs of the S family.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

On the contrary, the S family should reflect on their own behavior and attitude, and stop being greedy and demanding.

Regarding the practices and remarks of the S family, netizens expressed their dissatisfaction and disappointment.

They believe that as public figures and well-known figures in the entertainment industry, the S family should pay more attention to their image, words and deeds.

However, they frequently create topics and hype up the news, which not only damages their image and reputation, but also makes people doubt and question their sisterhood.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

Therefore, many netizens called on the S family to stop in moderation, stop being greedy and demanding, and learn to cherish and be grateful for everything they have.

Looking back on the course and outcome of the whole event, we can't help but sigh at the fragility of family affection and the magic of money.

In this materialistic society, many people will lose their reason and principles because of money, and even betray family and friendship.

We should also realize that there are still many things in this world that are worth cherishing and pursuing.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

Family, friendship, love, etc., these are all indispensable parts of our lives and the source of our pursuit of happiness and satisfaction.

We should always remind ourselves not to lose ourselves and our principles because of money.

In the pursuit of material enjoyment, we should pay more attention to the pursuit and satisfaction of the spiritual level.

Only in this way can we truly feel the value and meaning of life, and can we have a more fulfilling and beautiful life.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

For the sisters Big S and Little S, the entanglements and contradictions between them may never be completely resolved.

However, they should understand that a basic level of respect and care should be maintained regardless of their relationship.

Family affection is an inseparable blood connection, and it is also the most precious part of our lives.

If they can let go of past grievances and conflicts and re-establish a sincere sisterhood, then it will be the most valuable wealth and harvest in their lives.

Xiao S was annoyed by borrowing money, so he shouted to Wang Xiaofei, give Big S more money, the child can't afford to pay the make-up fee!

We should also see that in this incident, Wang Xiaofei's performance is also worthy of our admiration and respect.

He did not choose to attack and slander the S family after the divorce, but chose to remain silent and reasonable.

This mature and rational attitude not only shows his character and cultivation, but also sets an example for us.

When dealing with interpersonal relationships and conflicts, we should also learn to remain calm and rational and not make wrong decisions on the spur of the moment.

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