
Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

author:Glowing Siam
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Text丨Ukiyo Qinghuan

Editor丨Ukiyo Qinghuan

As the best "nail household" in the college entrance examination on the whole network, Tang Shangjun participated in the college entrance examination 16 times before and after, and scored high every time, because of the dream of Tsinghua University in his heart, he repeatedly gave up the opportunity to study at China University of Political Science and Law, Xiamen University and other well-known universities in the country.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

And this year's Guangxi college entrance examination scores were also announced on June 25, Tang Shangjun's college entrance examination results came out, I said that I am filling in the volunteers, I have a plan!

So how many points did Tang Shangyu score in this year's college entrance examination? Will he not take the Tsinghua exam as he did in previous years?

Extraordinary learning path

In 1989, Tang Shangjun was born in a small mountain village in Guangxi, because of the poverty of his family, he was crowned with knowledge to change his fate since he was a child, and Tang Shangjun is also very sensible and obedient, serious and hard-working, when he graduated from primary school, he was admitted to the key junior high school in the county as the first in the township.

Information source: "Fifteen Years for the Tsinghua College Entrance Examination, Tang Shangjun: A Stagnant Life Trapped in Repetition (Part I)" Hunan Daily
Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

Originally, everything went so smoothly, according to this step, even if Tang Shangjun missed Tsinghua University and Peking University in the future, there would be no accident at a key university, but in his second year of junior high school, a strange illness entangled him, and it was not a major illness, but he was often dizzy, and no matter whether he took medicine or injections, it had no effect.

It is also because of this disease that Tang Shangjun's grades ushered in a sharp decline, and in the first high school entrance examination, it was because of this strange disease that he missed the opportunity to take the exam, and he had to study for another year and the third year of the junior high school, which was also the beginning of his repetition road, maybe he didn't expect that he would have more than ten years of life in the future, and he would keep moving forward on this road.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

In the second high school entrance examination, he entered Qinzhou No. 2 Middle School, which is the best high school in Qinzhou, but the strange disease that he has had since junior high school is still plaguing his life, and in the end, it is not surprising that Tang Shangjun's first college entrance examination fell to Sun Shan, only scored 372 points, which is still far from the college dream in his mind.

At that time, Tang Shangjun's idea was very simple, that is, to get out of the mountains and change his destiny by studying, relying on the college entrance examination score of more than 300 points, which was obviously not enough, so he decided to repeat his studies for a year and move forward step by step towards his inner dream, and in Tang Shangjun's heart, Tsinghua is his ultimate goal.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

The reason is that he heard from his father that a Tsinghua student came out of the village in the 90s, and after graduation, he became an official outside, which was very powerful, and after returning home, he also built roads and houses for the village. It was this Tsinghua senior who set an example and made Tang Shangjun embark on the road of repeating for decades.

At that time, because the college entrance examination was not good, there were many students who chose to repeat, not to mention the famous No. 2 Middle School in Qinzhou, almost one-third of the students in the class chose to repeat, Tang Shangjun's behavior seemed ordinary, but only one year of review time, although he made a lot of progress, but still could not make a huge breakthrough.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

Tang Shangjun scored 405 points in the second college entrance examination, which just pressed the undergraduate line, and he couldn't even go to an ordinary undergraduate, and was finally admitted to Guangxi Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College. At that time, it was 2010, and it was good to have a college degree, but Tang Shangjun didn't believe in evil, he thought that he could at least get a book, so he made the decision to repeat it again.

The most bullish "nail household"

Tang Shangjun's parents are more traditional rural people, thinking that their son has not achieved good results in the college entrance examination twice in a row, so they want him to go directly to the junior college to study, and at least he will not worry about food and clothing in the future, and he can be regarded as stepping out of the mountains and having a new life.

Information source: "Tang Shangjun ended the 16th college entrance examination: I took a detour, I don't want anyone to learn from me" Shangguan News
Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

There are too many differences between his parents and his own philosophy, Tang Shangjun has no choice but to tell them a little lie, take the college tuition given by his parents, and secretly go to his alma mater, Qinzhou No. 2 Middle School, to go through the repetition procedures, and usually tell his parents that he is going to college in Nanning, just like that, Tang Shangjun began his third repetition road.

However, where is the college entrance examination as easy as imagined, a year of review time, may be able to go further, but if you want to be admitted to a top university like Tsinghua University and Peking University, it is not enough to rely on hard work, and finally in the third college entrance examination, Tang Shangjun scored 475 points, and at the same time, his inner obsession is getting heavier and heavier, and he vows not to give up if he is not admitted to Tsinghua University.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

After that, until 2016, Tang Shangjun's grades improved steadily, rising by a few points every year, and when the college entrance examination this year, that is, Tang Shangjun's eighth college entrance examination, he scored 625 points and was successfully admitted to China University of Political Science and Law.

After eight years of college entrance examination, Tang Shangjun watched his classmates enter the university hall one by one, he couldn't be envious, and finally he chose to compromise, gave up the Tsinghua dream in his heart, and looked at China University of Political Science and Law, but the accident came again, completely shattering his college dream, so that he had to embark on the road of repeating again.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

That year, Tang Shangjun's father was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and his life was short, and the high medical expenses had already weighed down the rural family, and by chance he saw a private high school in order to improve the source of students, and said in the enrollment information that if he could score 600 points, he would be rewarded with 100,000 yuan.

Faced with such a situation, Tang Shangjun resolutely applied for the private high school and received a bonus to pay for his father's chemotherapy, and at the same time, he once again had the confidence to be admitted to Tsinghua University, after all, it had exceeded 600 points, and at this moment, Tsinghua University seemed to him not to be so out of reach.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

In the first year of joining a private high school, his college entrance examination score was only 570 points, a drop of 55 points compared with the last time, but he was still admitted to Xiamen University, which is also a key university.

But this is really different from his expectations, or maybe he wanted to prove that he could go to Tsinghua University, and did not choose to enter the campus of Xiamen University, but continued to devote himself to the road of repeating, and finally in 2019, he made a historic breakthrough, with a score of 645 in the college entrance examination.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

This is really just one step away from Tsinghua University, and at the same time, he also blamed the reason for the failure of the college entrance examination on the weather, state, etc., thinking that as long as he was more careful and took the test for two or three hundred points, he would really touch the threshold of Tsinghua University, and this idea supported him to fight the college entrance examination again.

The 16th college entrance examination

In 2023, Tang Shangjun, who is in his thirties, has made great progress in his knowledge and experience, and he finally recognized the reality and understood that his Tsinghua dream is hopeless just by blindly working hard, and this summer, his college entrance examination score is not particularly ideal, only 594 points, which is not a small gap from his psychological expectations.

Information source: "The 16th College Entrance Examination Score Exceeds 600 Points, Tang Shangjun: Unsatisfactory, I Will Obey the Adjustment This Year" Jinan Times, New Yellow River
Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

But Tang Shangjun, who has been out of obsession, no longer expects anything, let alone embarks on the road of repeating again, he can't wait to go to the university campus, and he is more clear about his future life direction, that is, to be a teacher who teaches and educates, so his desire is to move closer to the normal college.

Maybe it's really a trick from God, all four volunteers are down, because of the choice of disobedience to the adjustment, he has no university to go to with 594 points, and the rest can only be a supplementary major, but what he never expected is that there are very few schools and majors inside, each of which can satisfy him, and he can only embark on the road of repeating again.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

However, this repetition is a little different, Hengshui educator Sun Chenghou invited Tang Shangjun to Hengshui Middle School, and also found someone to fund his repetition tuition, Tang Shangjun did not refuse, entered the nationally famous Hengshui Middle School, and conducted the last college entrance examination here.

After a year, in June this year, Sun Chenghou escorted Tang Shangjun back to Guangxi by plane to take the college entrance examination, everything went well, and Hengshui Education also told Tang Shangjun that as long as he studied in college this year, he could directly go to Hengshui to teach after graduation, which was a rare opportunity.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

The Guangxi college entrance examination scores were announced on the afternoon of June 25th, Tang Shangjun checked his scores as soon as possible, and at half past 8 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, he opened the live broadcast of a platform to share his harvest of the college entrance examination with netizens, and more than 100,000 netizens poured into the live broadcast room to witness this moment.

Because there are too many netizens, Tang Shangjun is afraid that announcing his college entrance examination results will affect his future admission work, so he did not disclose the score specifically, but said that more than 600 points, the difference between the score and his expected score is about 10 points, and it is also not as high as the 639 points uploaded on the Internet, that is just Mr. Sun's prediction, and his prediction is lower than 639 points.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

For this college entrance examination, Tang Shangjun also made a self-evaluation, the summary is unsatisfactory, a little regret, it is not difficult to see from here that Tang Shangjun's college entrance examination score is about 611 to 602, although it is not as high as imagined, but the last normal college should be enough.


This time, Tang Shangjun also intends to obey the adjustment, and must not have a situation of retreat, and will discuss with the teachers to successfully complete the volunteer filling work, and wait until the admission results come out, and then disclose it to the majority of netizens.

Tang Shangjun's sixteenth college entrance examination results are out! I said that I am filling in the volunteer and I have a plan

After 16 college entrance examinations, Tang Shangjun has also grown from a young boy to a middle-aged uncle, his story has to be embarrassing, decades of persistence, just for the dream in his heart, and his story will also inspire more students to move forward bravely on the road of learning.

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