
How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

author:Such as the Dream History Museum
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Saddam Hussein, a controversial historical figure who was known as a tyrant and executioner, was notorious for his political arbitrariness.

In addition to being politically controversial, Saddam's love life was also in the spotlight, and it was extremely chaotic and complicated, with even his lover recalling that "when he became crazy, my legs trembled with fear."

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

So just how chaotic was Saddam's love life? What brutal things did he do?

Caught in the whirlpool of love

Saddam Hussein was a controversial historical figure, known as a tyrant and politically arbitrary, and his evaluation of him was very poor.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

During his reign, Saddam Hussein brought benefits to the Iraqi people, but also involved them in wars, suffering from wars, and making life difficult for the people.

Although Saddam Hussein also made some achievements in political achievements, this was not enough to eliminate all kinds of atrocities committed by him, and people judged him as a tyrant and executioner, which is enough to show how bad his impression is in people's minds, and it can be said that he is notorious.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

Saddam Hussein is not only politically controversial, but his love life has also attracted much attention, which can be described as extremely complex and chaotic, and there are many controversies.

One of his secret lovers recalled in an interview that when Saddam Hussein was crazy, she was able to do anything, and she was very afraid.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

And this secret lover is Mancia Hazel, who revealed a little-known side of Saddam Hussein in the interview, and her words also indirectly proved that Saddam Hussein was very violent.

Hazel was only fifteen years old when she first met Saddam, and she had no idea that she would become one of Saddam's lovers.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

At that time, Hazel was going home with a few classmates, and it was very joyful to talk and laugh along the way. On their way home, they met Saddam Hussein, who was asking for directions, and he was asking about Hazel's village.

In this way, the two met unexpectedly, and the young and beautiful Hazel instantly attracted Saddam's attention, and Hazel was also very surprised and surprised when he saw Saddam, and at the same time felt very nervous.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

After all, Saddam Hussein was already the president at that time, and his identity and status should not be underestimated. But even so, Hazel still mustered up the courage to greet Saddam, and it was this encounter that made Saddam Hussein have a good impression of Hazel.

When she was seventeen years old, Saddam Hussein professed his love for Hazel and made her his secret lover. Anyone who hears this request will think it is ridiculous, and immediately refuse the other party's request.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

However, Hazel did not refuse, but agreed to be Saddam's secret lover. First, Hazel was deeply attracted by Saddam's personal charm, and second, he was afraid of Saddam's power and status.

In this way, Hazel became Saddam's secret lover, and was required that the relationship between the two must not leak the slightest rumor, and it must be kept strictly secret.

Reference: Nanhai Net News - "First Meeting at the Age of 15, Saddam's Former Secret Lover Tells 10 Years of Underground Love" 20060705
How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

Hazel's parents were helpless when they learned about it, their daughter was only a teenager, not even an adult, and her "object" was a very old married man.

This made Hazel's parents very dissatisfied, but they were afraid of Saddam's status, and could only agree to their daughter's initiation of an inappropriate "love relationship" with Saddam.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

After becoming Saddam's "lover", Hazel's life has also undergone earth-shaking changes, not only living in a luxurious villa, but also living a leisurely life, which makes Hazel feel very happy.

Hazel also knew the outside world's evaluation of Saddam, and everyone said that he was a tyrant, but after contact, Hazel very much disagreed with the outside world's statement.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

Hazel felt that Saddam Hussein was not as brutal as the outside world said, at least he was still very fond of her and responded to her requests.

When his father was sick, Saddam Hussein also provided timely help and prepared the best medical conditions for him, which made Hazel feel very lucky.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

However, as time passed, Saddam's true nature was gradually revealed, which made Hazel feel very painful. Saddam Hussein, who used to be gentle with others, suddenly changed his temperament drastically, became very violent, and lost his temper at every turn.

At the same time, Saddam's regime was also declining, and people were very dissatisfied with his atrocities, so that Saddam's power and position became precarious.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

Hazel was carried away by love for a while, and thus fell into the vortex of love. Once upon a time, she also lived a very happy and leisurely life, but unfortunately her nature was difficult to change, and Saddam Hussein still exposed her true nature after all.

As Saddam's temperament became more violent, Hazel also lost trust in him, saying that Saddam Hussein could do anything when he was crazy, which made her feel a great threat and felt that she could lose her life at any time.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

The decade-long underground affair was cut off by Saddam Hussein's own hands. At that time, Hazel's brother and Saddam's son-in-law conspired to overthrow Saddam's rule, but Saddam Hussein discovered it.

Subsequently, Saddam Hussein "preemptively struck" and executed his son-in-law before the two could implement their plan. And Hazel's brother also angered Saddam, which also became the final fuse for the separation of the two.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

Saddam handed Hazel and her family over to the police, and the two have since severed ties and never seen each other again.

The thirst for power

Saddam Hussein was "ruthless" in terms of feelings, and he was also very "ruthless" in politics, and he was extremely eager for supreme power.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

Saddam Hussein was born in poverty, and he lived with his mother after losing his father at a young age. Later, his mother remarried, and he followed his mother to a new family.

However, his stepfather treated him very badly and was often abused by his stepfather, which made Saddam feel very painful and his life was even more difficult.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

When he was 10 years old, Saddam Hussein wanted to go to school when he saw that his uncle's children could go to school. It's just that the conditions at home are not enough to support him to go to school, so his request is also opposed by his family.

However, Saddam Hussein was not satisfied with the status quo, and he tried his best to go up and pursue higher power. For this reason, after some careful consideration, Saddam Hussein fled directly, went to his uncle's house alone, and received financial support from his uncle, so Saddam Hussein entered the school as he wished.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

Later, an official in Tikrit was murdered, and Saddam Hussein became the first suspect and was arrested and imprisoned. At the same time, the government was under pressure from across the country to release him in desperation.

By this time, Saddam had joined the Arab Baath Socialist Party and was preparing to assassinate Qasim, who was the most powerful figure in Iraq at the time.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

Saddam Hussein risked his life to wound Qasem, and he was shot and seriously wounded, but he could not stay any longer and fled to Syria and then to Egypt.

After fleeing to Egypt, Saddam Hussein did not give up his studies and successfully entered the Cairo University School of Law, and his thirst for power became stronger and stronger.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

After some setbacks and changes, Saddam Hussein became the president of the Baath Party region and had a high level of power and status.

Subsequently, Saddam Hussein waged a war against Iran with the help of the United States and the Soviet Union. In the eight-year Iran-Iraq war, Iraq has suffered serious damage and paid a heavy price.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

Iraq was dragged out by the Iran-Iraq war, and the people suffered greatly from the war, which made the people gradually lose trust in Saddam Hussein and were very dissatisfied with him.

In addition, Saddam Hussein was also very arbitrary during his reign, and within a week of taking office, he carried out vigorous rectification and centralized rule.

Reference: Media Official Account - "Middle East Battlefield Notes|Paradise Square: Witnessing the Laughter and Tears of Iraqis"
How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

In order to consolidate his position and power, Saddam Hussein arrested all the counterrevolutionary "cabals" that attempted to overthrow him, and the number was as high as 68, and 22 of them were sentenced to death.

He also imprisoned 500 officers on the grounds that they were loyal to Becker and posed a great threat to his power and position.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

On the political front, Saddam Hussein was authoritarian and cruel, believing that only with an iron fist could he rule Iraq better.

During the war, he squandered a lot of money to buy military weapons, and after the war, despite Iraq's huge debts, he tightened the civilian economy, which made the people's lives more difficult, and this was only to strengthen the military industry and invest all the oil income into military construction.

Reference: Phoenix Satellite TV's official account - "Return to Iraq, Uncover Saddam's Death: The Evidence of the Crime Is Conclusive, and Americans Can't Save It"
How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

During his reign, Saddam Hussein acted arbitrarily and launched the Iran-Iraq war, which led to the misery of the Iraqi people, and also owed huge debts, and then tightened the civilian economy, all of which caused dissatisfaction among the people, and was dubbed "tyrant and executioner".

It can be said that during Saddam's rule, the Iraqi campaign never stopped, the Iran-Iraq campaign, the Levit campaign, the Gulf campaign, and so on.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

In the process of fighting the United States, he was defeated by the American army, so he fled. All of these behaviors caused dissatisfaction and eventually became notorious.

However, Saddam Hussein was not only atrocities during his reign, he also greatly promoted Iraq's economic development, and was once recognized by the people.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

"Inconspicuous" credit

After taking office, Saddam Hussein vigorously promoted the country's economic development, imported a large number of advanced foreign technologies, and also used oil transactions to turn them into state-owned assets.

On this basis, we have vigorously promoted the country's economic development, and we have taken oil work as the core of promoting economic development, thus obtaining huge benefits.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

Saddam Hussein invested a large amount of the income obtained from the oil exchange in agriculture and medical care, so as to improve the living conditions of the people and enable them to live a good life.

At the same time, under Saddam's rule, Iraq's medical care and national compulsory education system were free, and he still attached great importance to education.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

This is the "credit" made by Saddam Hussein during his rule, which greatly promoted Iraq's economic development and the people's living conditions have skyrocketed.

However, his "transgressions" completely covered up his "merits", leaving people with the impression that he was a tyrant and arbitrary, and his way of thinking was too extreme, and he did not hesitate to harm tens of thousands of people in order to consolidate his position and power.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright

During his reign, he used chemical weapons, explosives, and bulldozers to suppress those who opposed his political views, and tens of thousands of people died under his brutal rule, even those close to him were not spared, and they were also brutally treated by Saddam.

And Saddam Hussein finally paid a terrible price for his various actions, was sentenced to death by hanging, and his life ended in misery.

How brutal was Saddam Hussein? Lover's recollection: When he became crazy, my legs trembled with fright


During his reign, Saddam Hussein acted arbitrarily and arbitrarily, and in order to consolidate his power and position, he did not hesitate to use cruel means to harm tens of thousands of people, and constantly waged wars, resulting in the misery of the Iraqi people, and was branded as a tyrant and executioner.

Although Saddam Hussein is still controversial, his contribution to Iraq is indelible, and he has left a deep mark on history.

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