
Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

author:Hearing the sound of the green tree

Text | Hearing the sound of the green tree

Edit | Hearing the sound of the green tree

Some people's cognition of gambling and casinos is still at the level of "Hong Kong movies", thinking that gambling can help them make a fortune, even if they lose gambling and owe money, the casino has nothing to do with them.

But in fact, casinos are also divided into three, six, nine and so on. Casinos in Las Vegas, Macau and other places "maybe" be polite to gamblers, while casinos in Southeast Asia have a very fierce attitude towards gamblers.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

Gambling will always be accompanied by violence and crime

In 2018, Meng from Anshan, Liaoning Province, was in a hurry to use money, but he didn't want to bear the interest on a normal loan. Through the Internet, Meng learned of a way to get an interest-free loan - go to an overseas casino to play two and brush the casino with a brush.

As a result, Meng was greedy, smuggled out of the country with great effort, crossed the Ruili border, and the so-called "connector" took Meng and others to the casino.

But after arriving at the casino, Meng and others did not wait for the loan contract, but waited for handcuffs, electric batons and throwing sticks.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

The boss of the casino locked Meng and others in a small courtyard, took away everything of value, and ordered them to ask for money from their families.

As soon as there was disobedience, the people in the casino greeted him with electric shocks and sticks, and Meng was beaten twice by the electric shock alone, and he couldn't stand the beating, so he could only call honestly to ask for money.

How can Meng's family have so much money? In just 17 days, the Ruili police cracked the case and rescued more than 10 people including Meng.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

Meng admitted frankly that these 17 days were a nightmare that he would never forget: a group of people were handcuffed and squatted by the wall like criminals, with no dignity at all;

When they call their families to ask for money, the casino demands that they must cry, and if they can't cry, they will be beaten, and things like "slippers and slapping their faces" happen every day.

Meng and others have not gambled, but they were treated "inhumanely" just when they arrived at a casino in Southeast Asia; Those who really gambled and owed money, even if there was a rescue of caution, it was not so easy to come back.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

In 2015, Zhang from Huaining County, Anhui Province, lost 300,000 yuan in a bet in Xiaomengla, Myanmar, Zhang couldn't get the money, and he was also detained by the casino.

The mainland police immediately contacted the Myanmar police to rescue him, but Zhang owed gambling debts, and the casino would rather tear up the ticket than let him go.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

In fact, when the victim goes to a place like a casino in Myanmar, there is no possibility that he will not gamble! The casino will use violence to force the victim to gamble, and after the victim loses, the casino will violently collect the debt.

In this process, it would be good for the victims to come back with all their beards and tails like Meng and Zhang, and some people suffered from this catastrophe, and they have already suffered irreparable physical and psychological damage.

China Search2018-05-30: Appalling! Chinese citizens were deceived into being tortured inhumanly in overseas casinos, and the only way to do so was to wait for the police to rescue them
Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

Evil, perverted means

Boten Golden City is a special economic zone in Laos, very close to the border with Yunnan, but although the name of the city is well-known, the actual situation cannot afford the name of the special economic zone, the only thing that can be called "special" is the illegal industry.

Xiao Wang, Lao Li, and Sister Xia walked around the casino in Boten Gold City and saw the horror of Laos casinos firsthand.

After a day at the casino, the three of them first learned the rules of the casino: they can't exchange chips for cash for 10 days.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

How can three gamblers in the casino endure 10 days? Sister Xia and the three of them gambled wildly in this situation.

As the saying goes, "if you gamble for a long time, you will lose", ten days later, the three of them not only lost all their chips, but also owed a lot to the casino, and at this time, the three of them saw the real side of the Laos casino.

The casino first deprived the three of them of their freedom, and then forced them to ask for money from their families. According to Sister Xia, it is naturally easy to say that you can ask for money, but now if you don't get money in about five days, the casino will lock people in private rooms.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

After entering a single room, the casino's debt collection method will be "upgraded" little by little. At the beginning, the casino was just on some psychological pressure, and if the gambler couldn't come up with the money, the casino would humiliate the gambler by slapping him, kneeling on the ground, etc.

If the humiliation method does not work, the casino people will use cruel methods, beatings, kneeling, and slapping are commonplace, and the final torture is chilling.

For example, casinos force gamblers to eat chili peppers and drink boiled water; kicking the gambler in the abdomen with all his might; Even pluck out the gambler's nails raw! In this case, there are not a few gamblers who are killed or maimed.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

Women who can't come up with money will not be treated better than men. Because of gender differences, women are often humiliated more than men, and some female gamblers' bodies are even auctioned by casino people.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

Although these methods are cruel, they are already the limit of what we can say, and those more perverted and cruel criminal laws sound disgusting to us!

What's more, the local police station of the casino is often inextricably linked to the casino, if the gambler escapes from the casino and seeks the help of the local police, it is very likely that he has just come out of the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den!

Xie Tongmen County People's Procuratorate2022-03-21: How miserable are the Chinese gamblers who went to Laos to gamble? Looking at the fate of these people, do you still dare to bet?
Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

Even so, many people rushed to Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia to feel the pain in casinos outside Jinjin.

For those who refuse to change their ways, the mainland judicial organs will not be soft on them, and will use "squatting in prison" to help them quit their gambling addiction.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

The way home from gambling is prison

In September 2023, the Yicheng City Court in mainland China tried 5 transnational gambling cases: some people refused to change their ways and were involved in gambling many times; Some people are willing to be snakeheads and lead people to smuggle people; There are people who sell information and make a profit.

In addition to fines, these people have to spend several years in prison, hoping that the prison bars will help them change their ways.

Yicheng Court released2023-09-21: "Crazy for gambling"! Several people secretly crossed the border for gambling? All sentenced!
Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?

In Southeast Asian countries such as Cambodia and Laos, there are many casinos that are tacitly approved by the government, and these casinos are often located in the three-way zone, and their business methods are deeply related to criminals.

But there are always some speculators who want to make a pot of gold from this kind of place, but they not only lose all their money, but also shed their own blood and tears.

We must keep in mind that gambling is spiritual opium, which cannot be touched or touched, and if we want to obtain wealth, we still have to take one step at a time and earn money honestly.

Women are being auctioned publicly, men are pulling their nails, and real border gambling, how terrible is it?
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