
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level|Zhao Hongliang: There is a rescue mission that will be sent to me first

author:Heilongjiang News Network

Since stepping into the emergency rescue industry, he has been spinning like a spinning top, especially when he enters the flood season every year, and instantly switches to high-speed rotation mode. In addition to daily work, he is also present in some scenic spots and major events; In the flood season, he has never been absent from any danger or danger. He is Zhao Hongliang, deputy commander of the command center of the Harbin Emergency Management Bureau.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level|Zhao Hongliang: There is a rescue mission that will be sent to me first

Go to the front line of flood control

At the emergency rescue scene, he did not fall on the scene, but in the face of this interview, he missed the appointment many times. On the evening of June 28, when the reporter met Zhao Hongliang, he had just returned to Harbin from the front line of flood control, his eyes were full of fatigue and his voice was hoarse. After a stop in Harbin City, he also has to go on a business trip.

Zhao Hongliang's current state is in response to what he said: "Emergency rescue, half life and half death, half fire and half water, half heat and half cold, half of meals, half of baths, half of sleep, half of dreams, for emergency responders is the norm, but when earthquakes, floods, mudslides and other disasters occur, the emergency iron army will still rush to the front line." ”

Chasing the "peak" and breaking the waves to rush ahead

"We want to ...... ahead of Hongfeng" entered June, and Zhao Hongliang entered the work rhythm of "relying on the sky to eat".

At 21 o'clock on June 26th, just after the end of the day's "Meet Harbin" riverside immersive performing arts security work, Zhao Hongliang habitually took out his mobile phone to look at the "Harbin Water Temperature and Rain Forecast and Warning Group", and a vertical column of red signs made him tremble in his heart, secretly screaming that it was not good, and there might be danger. Zhao Hongliang's first reaction was to go home and pick up two pieces of clothing, and then go to the scene to have a look. On the way home, Zhao Hongliang's mobile phone rang, "Hongliang, follow me down to see the flood situation." At the end of the phone was Si Bingchun, director of the Harbin Emergency Bureau and deputy commander-in-chief of the anti-command department. After hanging up the phone, Zhao Hongliang began to mobilize rescue forces.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level|Zhao Hongliang: There is a rescue mission that will be sent to me first

Zhao Hongliang (left) analyzes and judges the flood situation

"The rescue force must be in advance, in case of danger, it will be too late to transfer people." Zhao Hongliang took the Harbin Forest Fire Detachment, the Harbin Fire Detachment and social rescue forces to the source of a small and medium-sized river in danger.

At midnight, after Zhao Hongliang and others arrived at the designated place, they rushed into the front-line command headquarters to learn about the flood situation. When the sky was bright, Zhao Hongliang came to the embankment to check the situation of the embankment. The hydrological information is updated every hour, and Zhao Hongliang and the others should make analysis and judgment based on hydrological, geological hazards, rain conditions, and other information, combined with the actual situation on the spot, and guide the local government to carry out flood prevention work.

"The local government was afraid of the embankment bursting, so it evacuated the people early." Zhao Hongliang very much agrees with the local government's precautionary measures.

"Hongliang, how do I feel more pressure downstream." Si Bingchun muttered to Zhao Hongliang. The two of them, who hadn't met their eyes all night, got into the car tacitly and sped downstream.

At about 15 o'clock on June 27, Zhao Hongliang and others, who had returned to the downstream flood control headquarters after inspecting the downstream dam, were already a little physically exhausted, and they could not take care of eating, so they discussed flood control measures.

On the evening of June 28, the first thing Zhao Hongliang did when he arrived in Harbin was to honor his agreement with reporters. "Don't get too close to me, I'm all 'spoiled'." Zhao Hongliang's opening remarks made the reporter feel awe, which is a true portrayal of the emergency iron army in the new era.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level|Zhao Hongliang: There is a rescue mission that will be sent to me first

Zhao Hongliang (right) uses a drone to understand the flood situation

The heart is as sweet as it is

The duty and mission of a soldier is to defend national security, and whether he is in uniform or not, that responsibility and mission are deeply rooted in his bones.

In 1990, Zhao Hongliang, who was only 19 years old, chose to join the army with the ambition of serving the motherland. At the station, which was more than minus 40 degrees Celsius, he measured the border of the motherland with his footsteps. Due to his outstanding performance, in 1991, he honorably joined the Communist Party of China.

In 1998, Zhao Hongliang passed the civil service examination and entered the local taxation department. When the Wenchuan earthquake occurred in 2008, Zhao Hongliang looked at the live pictures on TV, and his heart was like a knife, "The damage caused by the disaster is too great, I have to do something." Since then, Zhao Hongliang has often used his spare time to participate in various volunteer rescue activities.

It is difficult to make a forest alone. In 2010, Zhao Hongliang and more than 20 partners who often volunteer to establish the Heilongjiang Blue Sky Rescue Team, which includes medical staff, business practitioners, self-employed people, outdoor tourism enthusiasts, etc., and has now grown to more than 400 people. "I want to continue to do more for the country and the masses with my meager strength, and engaging in rescue work is the most direct manifestation." Zhao Hongliang's original intention to engage in rescue has always been the same.

At some major emergency rescue sites in China, Zhao Hongliang can always be seen. His retrograde figure left a deep impression on Zang Jianguo, deputy director of the Harbin Emergency Management Bureau: "This is the emergency rescue talent we need, calm and professional." ”

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level|Zhao Hongliang: There is a rescue mission that will be sent to me first

Zhao Hongliang (left) on-site scheduling

"I'm going to the front line, and there are rescue missions that will be sent to me first." This was the only request made by the 50-year-old Zhao Hongliang when he was transferred to the emergency team in 2021. Transferred to the Harbin Emergency Bureau, Zhao Hongliang found a problem in his work, that is, after the emergency, some rescue forces could not find an organization, and some blindly carried out their work. In order to solve this problem, an idea popped into his mind - to form an emergency work group of social rescue forces, so that social forces can become auxiliary forces for government rescue.

"There are many good and bad social rescue forces, and we not only need to screen them one by one, but also coordinate unregistered rescue organizations to register with the civil affairs department." Zhao Hongliang said that the work looks simple, but it is difficult to operate in practice. After layers of screening, he finally facilitated the registration of 8 of the 14 social rescue forces in Harbin City with the civil affairs department, and coordinated the awarding of licenses to the 6 social rescue forces. At present, there are more than 1,000 social rescue forces.

In times of crisis, we shoulder heavy responsibilities

"What are the most important qualities you need to have as an emergency responder?" In the face of the reporter's question, Zhao Hongliang answered the word brave concisely. "Many rescue sites are linked to the life and death of the masses, and we also pin our heads to the waistbands of our trousers." Years of rescue work have allowed Zhao Hongliang to witness too many reunions and farewells, and these scenes have left a deep imprint on his heart. The most recent test of life and death took place on August 4, 2023.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level|Zhao Hongliang: There is a rescue mission that will be sent to me first

When participating in the rescue, it is common for Zhao Hongliang's shoes to be soaked

In the early morning of August 4, 2023, Zhao Hongliang, who had finished the search and rescue mission in Shangzhi City, was just about to take a nap when he was woken up by a hurried phone ringtone: "The signal in Wuchang Shahezi Town was interrupted due to flooding, and a large number of people were besieged by water, so they immediately went to the rescue." After putting down the phone, Zhao Hongliang led the firefighting, forest defense and social rescue forces to the danger.

The road from the headquarters to Shahezi Town is about 75 kilometers, most of the road is flooded, and the average water depth of the main road is about one meter. At about 19:30 on the 4th, the road-finding vehicles in front could not determine whether the underwater roadbed was washed out, which invisibly increased the risk of moving forward. In a dilemma, Si Bingchun, director of the Harbin Emergency Bureau and deputy commander-in-chief of the prevention command, looked at Zhao Hongliang and asked, "Okay?" Zhao Hongliang replied firmly: "Okay!" The two didn't say a word, put on professional life jackets, took a rescue team member, boarded the jeep, drove to the front, and explored the way for the entire rescue team.

Zhao Hongliang recalled: "The water is deep and rapid, the water surface is foggy, and it is impossible to see the road clearly, so you can only determine the direction of progress by observing the trees on both sides, and once the water flow changes, you must take countermeasures immediately, otherwise it is very likely that the car will be destroyed and people will die if you are washed off the roadbed." ”

After 25 hours of day and night rescue, more than 4,000 trapped people in Shahezi Town were safely evacuated by car.

"Brother Liang, aren't you afraid?" When a colleague asked, Zhao Hongliang said, "I'm afraid." There were more than 4,000 people in front of them, and they were even more scared, and they only felt safe when we arrived. The word 'afraid' is not in the dictionary of Communist Party members. ”

Zhao Hongliang knows that a person's power is limited. He used his spare time to go out to study, and shared his new experience with colleagues and emergency responders in a timely manner, and also taught many colleges and communities for free to teach everyone how to save themselves.

"Next, I want to carry out the emergency rescue work in the villages and communities, so that there are no dead ends in emergency rescue." Zhao Hongliang's eyes were firm.

(Photo provided by the interviewee)

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