
Junior high school Chinese score grabbing skills: narrative reading common test knowledge points + answer template to help the exam!

author:Cheng Nuo loves to share


Question type: Identify the meaning and function of the question

1. Meaning: Analyze the basic meaning first, and then reveal the figurative, extended and symbolic meanings.

2. Function: Threads throughout the whole text; summarize the main contents; reveal the main idea of the article (emotional or philosophical); Create suspense and attract readers (arouse readers' attention, thoughts, interests, etc.)


Question Type 1: Summarize the main content of the article

Format: Someone or Something + What (How)

Method: Grasp the six elements of narrative - time, place, person, cause, process, and result of the event

Question Type 2: Analyze the plot of the story

Narrative Essays: Causes, Processes, Effects

Fiction: beginning, development, climax, ending

Method: If there are examples, be sure to strictly follow the requirements of the word count, structure, etc., and summarize the plots similar to this form

Question Type 3: Analyze the role of paragraphs in the content

(1) Opening: opening point; Come straight to the point; The opening is clear; Explain the background of the story (time, place, season, weather); explain why the story happened; engage readers; Arouse the reader's interest in reading

(2) Middle: Expressed ...... Character's ...... image characteristics (or character characteristics, mental activities, thoughts and feelings, spiritual qualities); ...... as above Echoing the above...... In stark contrast; for the following...... as a foreshadowing (ambush pen); Nudge...... the development of the plot;

(3) Ending: the finishing touch; Lighting Center; deepening the center; sublimation of the main idea; Intriguing, leaving room for imagination; Attract the reader's attention and thinking; Unexpected, but reasonable, it impresses the reader; Arouse strong emotional resonance in readers.


Question Type 1: Summarize the main idea of the article

1. Answering mode: content + theme (emotion or reason)

This article describes (describes, narrates, introduces) ............ (person or thing)............ The story (events, deeds, experiences) is expressed (expressed, reflected, praised, exposed, criticized, satirized)............ Feelings (phenomena, perceptions).

2. Method guidance: grasp key sentences and key words

Such as: title, opening paragraph, ending paragraph, transition sentence (paragraph), lyrical sentence, argumentative sentence, recurring sentence, title-related sentence, corresponding sentence

Question Type 2: Analyze the role of the paragraph in the content

Answer examples: point out the main idea, reveal the theme, sublimate the main idea, and deepen the center.


Question Type 1: Divide the passage into paragraphs and summarize the content


(1) According to the development process of events

(2) Conversion by space

(3) Chronological changes (sequence, flashback, interlude)

(4) According to the change of feelings

(5) Logical changes according to the content (e.g. total score)

(6) Transformation by mode of expression (narrative, lyrical, argumentative)

Question type 2: Analyze the clues of the article

1. Categories: character clues, event clues, thing clues, time clues, space clues, emotional change clues, light and dark lines

2. Methods and Guidelines:

(1) the title of the article;

(2) words or things that appear repeatedly in the middle of the text;

(3) argumentative lyrical sentences in the text;

(4) Thoughts and feelings of the characters (changes)

(5) What a person has seen, heard, felt, or whereabouts

3. Function: It is the context that runs through the whole text, organically connecting the characters and events in the text, making the article clear, clear and rigorous in structure.


Angle 1: From a rhetorical point of view

Question Type 1: Judge the rhetoric of a sentence, and analyze the meaning and expression of the sentence.

1. Answering mode: rhetoric + effect + surface content + deep effect

This sentence uses ...... Figures of Speech,...... (Effect) depicted ...... (superficial content), which shows the ...... (Deep Effect)

2. Common rhetoric and expression

(1) Parable: ...... It is compared to ......, and it vividly expresses (describes) ...... Target...... (Characteristics), turning abstract into concrete, making it easy for people to understand.  

(2) Anthropomorphism: endowed... (Things) personify human thoughts (feelings and actions), and vividly express... Target... (Features).  

(3) Exaggeration: Highlight the ...... The essential characteristics of the reader are deeply impressed.  

(4) Ranking: Highlight the ...... (Features), the rhythm is distinct, the tone is enhanced, and it is very infectious.  

(5) Duality: The sentence structure is neat, the rhyme is harmonious, and it is catchy to read.  

(6) Repetition: Emphasize and highlight ...... (Features) Enhance the expressiveness of language.  

(7) Questions: There are questions and answers, which attract the attention and thinking of readers.

(8) Rhetorical question: highlight the ...... (Features), strengthens the tone, and is strongly lyrical.

(9) Contrast: ...... A striking contrast that highlights the ...... (features) to the reader with a deep impression.

(10) Citation: Quoting ...... shows the ...... (features), which adds to the style of the article.

(11) Irony: Make the language humorous and ironic...... (Features)

3. Example: This sentence uses anthropomorphic rhetoric to vividly describe the shape of willow leaves under the scorching sun, showing the heat of the weather and the hardships of Xiangzi's life in pulling a cart.

Angle 2: From the perspective of expression Five modes of expression: narrative, description, explanation, argumentative, lyrical

(1) Description - character description

Question Type 1: What descriptive methods are used to portray characters? What is the effect of expression?

Question type 2: Analyze the characteristics of the characters in the text based on the specific content.

1. Character description method: language description, action description, appearance description, psychological description, demeanor description (detailed description)

2. Answering mode: description method + effect + surface content + deep effect

The ...... was used Description...... ...... is described. ...... of (characters) characteristics, which show the ......, and the above (below) ......

(1) The superficial content refers to the specific content of the language itself, and there should be a central language at the end of the sentence to indicate the identity or occupation of the character. Such as "...... The image of the teacher""...... The cleaner ""...... people"

(2) The deep effect includes a variety of perspectives:

(1) The characteristics of the characters in the text: appearance characteristics, inner activities, personality characteristics, thoughts and feelings, and spiritual qualities;

(2) The author's feelings and perceptions - expressing the author's ...... affection; The author's ...... is expressed of perceptions.

(3) readers' feelings; engage readers; resonate with the reader's feelings; Arouse the reader's interest in reading; Make a great impression on the reader; Catch the reader's attention; Provoke the reader to think deeply; Leave room for the reader's imagination, intriguing (reverie);

(4) the relationship with the main idea; reveal the main idea; Lighting Center; Highlight the main idea; further deepening of the Centre; further sublimation of the main idea;

(5) Structural role.

3. Example 1: This sentence uses a demeanor description to vividly show Li Xiang's image of being free and happy in the sun, which is in stark contrast to the above "melancholy and indifference", thus highlighting the great impact of his parents' return on him.

Example 2: He is an uprising leader with great ambitions and a strong sense of resistance.

(2) Description - description of the environment

Question Type 1: Analyze the methods and functions of environmental descriptions.

1. The method of describing the environment (scenery).

(1) Multi-sensory scene: vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell

(2) Multi-angle scene: far and near, real and virtual, point and surface, dynamic and static, high and low

Function: Make the characteristics of the scenery more comprehensive and more vivid, produce a three-dimensional dynamic beauty, and give people a sense of immersion.

2. The role of the description of the natural environment (1) The ...... is described. characteristics (scenery, environment);

(2) Explain the background of the story (time, place, weather, season); Rendering... Atmosphere; Create... Atmosphere; Establish... emotional tone;

(3) Accentuate the characters...... Mood; Hinting at the character's ...... identity, character, destiny; Sets off the ...... of the characters image, spirit, quality; elicit the appearance of the characters; Provide context for the character's activities;

(4) Promote ...... the development of the plot; for the following...... as a foreshadowing (ambush pen); ...... with the article Contrast;

(5) Highlight ...... of the center, sublimation...... The main thrust

3. The role of social environment description Describe the social situation, explain the background of the times, reveal the essence of society, and pave the way for the following content; Set off the image of the character; Hints at the topic of the article.

Answer mode: Effect + surface content (scenery characteristics) + deep effect uses the description of the scene,...... ...... is described. (Features) scenery, set off the ...... Mood......

Example: This sentence uses the description of the scenery to vividly describe the gloomy and terrible night, which sets off the fear and fear of "me" at that time, and lays the groundwork for the following "I" to go home.

(3) Depiction - Side depiction

Question type: Analyze the angle of description and its function.

1. Frontal and side descriptions

Positive depiction, also known as direct depiction, refers to the depiction of a character's appearance, demeanor, psychology, language, and actions.

Lateral depiction, also known as indirect depiction, expresses the object to be depicted through the depiction of the surrounding people or environment, making it distinct and prominent.

2. Side description method: description of other people's words, actions, and reactions; depictions of other minor things; Depiction of the environment

3. Side description: to set off the mood of the main characters; It is conducive to highlighting the image (character) of a positive character; Stimulate the reader's imagination and produce a strong artistic effect; Make people feel immersed; The description of the characters is more comprehensive and specific, which plays the role of baking the clouds and supporting the moon: it can save pen and ink, make the expression more concise, and the structure more compact.

(4) Lyrical

Directly express the heart and express the author's ...... emotion, revealing the main thrust of the article; It arouses the emotional resonance of readers and enhances the appeal of the article.

(5) Discussion

reveal the meaning of a person or event; Highlight the main idea; deepening (sublimation) of the center; Finishing touch; Food for thought.

Angle 3: From the perspective of words

Question type 1: Understand the meaning and function of dotted words in sentences

1. Method: Grasp some verbs, adjectives, adverbs, overlapping words, idioms and other words to analyze the meaning and function of language.

2. Answering mode: words + effects + surface content + deep action through ...... Words...... (Effect) depicted ...... (superficial content), showing the ...... (Deep Effect)

Examples: Words such as "around" and "pounce" show the touching scene of two children hugging a man in detail and detail, highlighting the innocence and kindness of the two children.

Question type 2: Understand what the pronouns refer to in the sentence

1. Commonly tested pronouns: this, that, these, this, that, other, above, so, this ......;

2. Method: The content of the reference must be in front of the pronoun, or the sentence in front of the pronoun, or the sentence closest to the pronoun, or the sentence in front of the pronoun; Sometimes it refers not to an entire sentence, but to a part of it (phrase or word).

Angle 4: From the perspective of sentence structure

1. Long sentences and short sentences

Long sentences: refers to sentences with complex structure and many words, and the effect: the meaning is complex and rigorous, the content is rich, precise and meticulous.

Short sentences: Sentences with a simple structure and few words. Effect: Short and concise, crisp and neat, vivid and bright, lively and powerful, with a strong sense of rhythm.

2. Whole sentences and prose sentences

Whole sentences: refers to sentences with the same or similar structure and well-proportioned form (mostly referring to comparative sentences and dual sentences). Effect: The rhythm is distinct, the tone is harmonious, the tone is strong, it is very infectious, and it reflects the symmetrical beauty of the language.

Prose: refers to sentences with different structures and different lengths. Effect: Rich in variety, staggered, free of expression, reflecting the beauty of language change.

3. Inverted sentences

Proper use of inverted sentences can play a role in highlighting and making the language more expressive.

Example: Don't worry, Mom and Dad! Where she stood, quietly. (Adverbial and central language inverted)

4. Comprehensive use and flexible collocation

If a variety of sentence patterns are used comprehensively, the article can be made not rigid, swaying and colorful, greatly improving the expressiveness and appeal of the language, and producing a special interlaced beauty.


Question Type 1: Analyze the sequence of narratives and their functions

1. Narrative: in chronological order and in the order of development.

Function: The narrative has a beginning and an end, is clearly organized, and the reading context is clear and impressive.

2. Flashback: Write the results first, and then explain what happened before.

Function: Create suspense, attract readers, avoid flat and direct narration, make the article twists and turns, ups and downs, and fascinating.

3. Interpolation: Interrupt the thread during the narrative and insert another related thing.

Function: Supplement and set off the central content of the article; The storyline is explained; sets off the image of the characters; Make the content richer and more substantial; Make the structure tortuous and twisty.

Question Type 2: Analyze the pronouns of the narrative and their functions

1. First person: The "I" in the prose is the author himself, and the "I" in the novel is a character in the work, which has been artistically processed and is fictional, not the author himself

Function: It is easy to express the heart directly, and it has a sense of intimacy and authenticity when reading.

2. Third person: narrate the characters, events, scenes, etc. in the article as a third person.

Function: It is not limited by time and space, and can be freely narrated from many aspects.

3. Second-person pronouns generally appear in first-person or third-person narratives.

Function: It seems that the author is talking to the reader, which invisibly shortens the distance between the reader and the author, appears more cordial, and can better express his emotions, thereby enhancing the lyricism and intimacy of the article.

Question Type 3: Analyze the details of the narrative and its function

1. Write in detail, write concretely, completely, and vividly. Strive to: narrate, have a beginning and an end; descriptive, specific and vivid; Depicted, nuanced.

Sketch and write concisely, concisely and concisely.

2. Method: The details of the analysis materials must be based on the needs of the center.

People and things that are closely related to the center and can clearly highlight the center are key materials and should be written in detail; People and things that have little to do with the center and only play a supplementary role are secondary materials and should be abbreviated;

3. Function: Only when the details are appropriate and the shades are appropriate, can the article be focused and the theme clear.

Question Type 4: Analyze the presentation techniques and their functions

1. Common expressions

Contrast, contrast, foil, metaphor, personification, foreshadowing, foreshadowing, desire to promote and suppress first, desire to suppress first, clever suspense, small to see the big, the beginning of the clear meaning, chapter of the chapter, borrowing the scene lyricism, borrowing things lyrical, supporting the words (that is, symbolism), using things to metaphor people, the combination of movement and static, the combination of fiction and reality, association, imagination, allegorical reasoning, scene blending, interspersed narrative, beginning and end echoing

2. Role

(1) Anthropomorphism: Give things human character, thoughts, feelings and actions, so as to personify things, so as to achieve the effect of vivid images. 

(2) Metaphor: vividly describe things and explain the truth. 

(3) Exaggeration: Highlight the essential characteristics of people or things, and give readers a distinct and strong impression.  

(4) Symbolism: pinning a specific meaning on the things described, implicitly expressing ...... emotion, which enhances the expressiveness of the article.  

(5) Contrasting techniques: through comparison, the characteristics of things are clearly highlighted, and the theme of the article is better expressed.  

(6) Foil (side accentuation) technique: use secondary people or things to set off the main people or things, and highlight the characteristics, characters, thoughts, feelings, etc. of the main people or things.  

(7) Irony: Use metaphors, exaggerations and other means and methods to expose, criticize and ridicule people or things, strengthen profundity and criticism, and make the language spicy and humorous.  

(8) Desire to promote and suppress: first depreciate, then praise, the context contrasts, highlights the object written, and receives an unexpected touching effect.

(9) Before and after (echoing from beginning to end): make the plot complete, the structure rigorous, and the center prominent.

3. Answering mode: expression + effect + surface content + deep content

Example: Uses the "......" expression,...... It depicts "......" and expresses "......"


Question Type 1: Combine personal experience and talk about views, feelings and enlightenment based on the selected materials;

Question type 2: Understand the content of the selected texts and put forward unique insights in connection with the reality of life;

Question type 3: Comment on the characters in the text based on personal experience;

Answer mode: "I think ......, because ......, such as ......, so ......"

First of all, "I think ......", to express your point of view concisely and to the point; Then, "because of ......", to briefly explain your reasons; Second, use words such as "such as" and "such as" to relate to your own experience, experience or real life, and use examples or reasoning arguments to support your own opinions; (It is also acceptable to use metaphors or pros and cons to reason); In the end, "so" draws its own conclusions.

In short, it is necessary to have a clear sense of viewpoint, clear organization, and strong argumentation. For example, it is necessary to keep up with the pace of the times and be close to the reality of life.

Question type 4: Put forward reasonable suggestions and assumptions about the phenomena in the text in connection with reality;

Question type 5: Give full play to association, imagination, and fill in the relevant content;

Method: The content of the supplement must be closely related to the language environment, in line with the identity and personality of the character; If you add a psychological description, be sure to use the first person.

Question type 6: Appreciate and analyze the points in the text

1. Method: It can be appreciated from five aspects: content, theme, language, structure and technique.

2. Lexicon of language characteristics

The image is vivid, meticulous and expressive, unpretentious, simple and natural, the rhetoric is smooth, fresh and beautiful, concise and concise, incisive and profound, easy to understand, harmonious rhyme, bright rhythm, strong appeal, euphemistic and subtle, elegant and smart; Profound and timeless, fresh and bright, intriguing, concise, swaying, easy to understand, concise, meaningful, thought-provoking, profound, thought-provoking

Inductive reading methods

1. It is necessary to grasp the article as a whole. Read through the full text quickly, grasp the main content (time, place, people, events), understand the main idea of the article (emotion and reason), and sort out the structure of the article.

2. It is necessary to carefully study the topic and grasp the important words of the topic, such as "brief", "general", "main", "respectively", "combined with the context", "combined with the analysis of the article", "according to the content of the article", "linked to the reality of life", "linked to one's own life experience", so that the thinking can be targeted.

3. Re-read the article, especially the important sentences in the text, and grasp the key paragraphs, key sentences, and keywords.

3. It is necessary to stick to the text, not only to pay attention to the paragraphs, sentences and words related to the topic, but also to pay attention to the context.

4. Have an open mind, in addition to closely following the text, but also think about the problem from the perspective of the author, reader, theme, structure and other aspects of the text.

5. According to the number of points and the length of the horizontal line, the language should be organized in an orderly manner and the answers should be standardized.

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