
Grade 7 Second Semester Final Exam Essay Prediction (10 articles)

author:Cheng Nuo loves to share

Ten essay topics

1. Please write an essay titled "I always remember that scene".

Requirements: (1) less than 500 words; (2) Except for poetry, there is no restriction on genres; (3) Grasp the details, follow the words and use concise language; (4) The real name of the place, the name of the school and the name of the person shall not appear.

2. Nothing purifies our minds like classics. Pick up a classic casually, even if you only read it for half an hour, the whole person will feel refreshed, the body and mind are comfortable and clear, the spirit is transcendent and invigorating, as if it has been cleaned and purified by the mountain stream and clear spring.

Please fill in the title of a classic book, "____________, purified my mind", and write an essay on this topic after completing it.

Requirements: (1) self-determination; (2) Literary selection, except poetry; (3) The real name of the school, person, or place shall not appear in the article; (4) No less than 600 words.

3. Topic: My Wonderful

Requirements: Except for letters and poems, there is no restriction on the genre. The real school name, class name, or person name must not appear in the text. No plagiarism. The word count should not be less than 600 words.

Fourth, tidying up your own room independently is a kind of growing up; Making a pot of hot tea for parents who have just come home from work is a kind of growing up; Moving a bicycle stuck in a blind lane is a kind of growing up...... Growing up means learning to take responsibility, growing up means learning to be grateful and reciprocating, and growing up means learning to think about others......

Please write a narrative essay on the topic "At that moment, I grew up."

Requirements: (1) Write true feelings; (2) no less than 600 words; (3) The real name of the school, place and person shall not appear in the article; (4) No copying, no plagiarism.

5. Write a narrative essay of about 600 words on the topic of "listening".

Requirements: (1) Selected materials to express true feelings. (2) There is no real school name or personal name, and the writing is neat and standardized.

6. Please write an essay on the topic of "The Taste of Summer", you can write about the scenery, you can also write about people, and you can also expand your imagination to write an interesting story.

Requirements: (1) no less than 500 words; (2) The real name and school name shall not appear in the text.

7. There must be a lot of "cattle people" around you, right? He or she is either a "book lover", or an "orator", or an athlete or a master of musical instruments......

Please write an essay titled "Awesome, my ______".

Requirements: (1) Complete the horizontal line; (2) Except for poetry, the genre is optional; (3) The real name of the school, place and person shall not appear in the text; (4) The number of words is about 600 words; (5) The volume is neat and tidy, and the writing is neat.

8. Please write a narrative essay on the topic of "Too Unexpected".

Requirements: (1) Write about your own personal experience, with true feelings; (2) Please write on a special composition paper, no less than 600 words; (3) Don't include your school, class, or name in the text.

The ninth and seventh grades are coming to an end, and there must be people, things or things in your life that touch your heart during the year......

Write a narrative essay of no less than 550 words on the topic of "A Lens in Life".

Requirements: (1) The real place name, school name and personal name shall not appear in the text. (2) The writing is neat and the volume is neat.

10. For anyone, growth is a kind of savings, the long is the body, the long is knowledge, the long is emotional, the long is wisdom, and the long is experience...... Regardless of the focus, growth is an inevitable state.

Please write an essay on the topic "Growth is the most important thing".

Requirements: (1) Fill in the appropriate words or phrases on the horizontal line, complete the question and copy it on the answer sheet; (2) Except for poems and scripts, there is no restriction on genres; (3) No less than 600 words; (4) Do not appear (or imply) your name or school name in the text.

1. Excellent essay examples

I always remember that scene

"Whew-whew-" The wind outside the window howled, as if there were countless hands, scraping against the window. I looked out the window, and the new shoots of the sunflowers were swaying in the wind. "Still so tenacious......" Looking at the sunflower, I couldn't help but think of that scene again......

It was a cold spring, but also a "gloomy" spring - the sun seemed to be angry with the earth, and it did not show up for several days, and the dark clouds blocked his face. The earth was devoid of the light of the sun, and became very dark; The wind and rain ran rampant across the land. The petite sunflower seedling looked weak in bad weather—as soon as the wind blew, it fell down Feng as if it were about to stick to the potting soil.

Looking at such a thin sun seedling, I can't help but be very worried: what if it rains heavily one day and washes away the flower seedlings? What if the wind blows off the seedlings......

After two or three days of anxiety, the nightmare finally came: I was still in school, but I felt that the light in the classroom was getting darker and darker, and there was a constant sound of muffled thunder in the distance. "It's going to rain......" Before the student next to him finished speaking, he saw a white dragon leap out of the sky, hit the ground straight from the clouds, and disappeared all at once before he could see the shape clearly, and when it disappeared, it was a strong light - the whole world was illuminated, and it was very dazzling at once - it was a lightning bolt. Then there was a deafening thunder that surrounded my ears. In this fierce "battle", the wind and rain also came to join in the fun, and it was very lively outside - the world seemed to be their stage, and lightning was seriously doing lighting special effects; Accompanied by thunder; The rain "crackled" on the ground, and the sound of "rustling" echoed the howl of the wind, and the march was played.

But I didn't pay attention to the weather outside the classroom at this time, but desperately wanted to go home and move the sunflower seedlings back into the house, for fear that the flower seedlings would be damaged.

Time is like a snail walking on ice – slower and slower, as if frozen. I finally got through it, I didn't care about the wind and rain, and I flew to the flower seedlings at home.

But when I opened the door, I was really surprised by the scene: the sunflower was not only not blown short in this extreme weather, but swayed from side to side in the direction of the wind, without a trace of weakness before. It's like enjoying the music, mocking the wind, sucking nectar, so happy!

The wind blushed as if it had been laughed at by the sun, and gradually became smaller, and the rain retreated with the wind; The sun finally dragged its red and swollen body up into the sky, drawing its bow and shooting out the light, shooting through the dark clouds and spilling the sun back into the earth. Sunflower stood proudly, with rain and dew on its stems, fully absorbing the sunlight.

What a feeling this scene brought me! Although the sunflower seedlings are weak, they have overcome difficulties and survived by relying on their tenacious willpower, how great it is!

I come back from the memories and every time I think about it, I feel very relieved. This scene often comes to my mind......

2. Excellent essay examples

"A Family Under the Bridge" purified my mind

One summer evening, after reading "The Family Under the Bridge" in one go, I was not only attracted by the beautiful sentences in the book, but also deeply surrounded by the love and warmth described in the story, which caused me to recall and think for a while. "The Family Under the Bridge" is a novel that has won an international gold award.

Its story mainly describes an elderly homeless man living in Paris, Armand, who finds that the shelter under the bridge of the Seine is occupied by three children and a puppy, and in the process of being surprised, angry, and driving away the children, he gradually changes his attitude, and takes care of and cares for the children with an undying conscience and conscience, and the children have long regarded Armand as a dear grandfather. Armand, who had been wandering until his old age, rediscovered the feeling of home, and at the same time knew that what his children wanted and needed most was a real home. In order to fulfill the children's wishes, Armand cheered up, stopped begging for a living, found a job with a new spirit, and supported a real home with his poor mother and children.

This story made me feel the love and warmth between the poor and the poor in a poor life, the process of people being wary of each other to understanding each other, and then treating each other honestly, and feeling the help and support between people, making poverty no longer so terrible, and feeling the life of poverty and suffering, and not clouding the children's crystal clear innocence. After reading this book, it dawned on me that the stories described in the book can be seen everywhere in our daily life, why didn't I observe them carefully? With this question in mind, I walked out of the room and wandered among the street vendors, holding my breath and carefully observing their every move. I saw a shabby, dirty tricycle parked under the dim street lamp on the side of the street, a dark-faced, thin girl about the same size as me, wearing a yellowed white cloth with countless small red flowers printed on it, she sweated profusely in the scorching temperature, she helped her mother unload countless daily necessities from the car, and arranged them in a row without occupying the road, waiting for the guests to come and have fun.

The rules of the game are: the guests use a small circle to trap these small household items, if they are trapped, they will take away their own items, and if they are not trapped, they will be paid according to each triangular money, so that the little girl and her mother can create some meager income to support the family. Pedestrians leisurely turn around in twos and threes, and the guests who patronize them are like sparse stars floating in the dark starry sky on this summer night, so that the little girl looks up and looks forward to it at the same time, she can't help but pick up some small pebbles, yawn with her mouth open, and at the same time force her spirits to play with the pebbles, and finally come to a patron who asks for a discounted price, and the little girl not only smiled and agreed, but also busied like a little swallow, and enthusiastically served the guests. I knew that I had been looking at it for a long time, and I also knew that the girl had only earned two or three yuan for such a long time, so I couldn't help but walk forward, picked up the imitation air gun and played with it, and asked the girl, "When will I go home from the stall?" The girl replied, "I won't be home until after twelve o'clock in the evening." "Ahh By that time I had already fallen asleep. As I walked, I looked back at the little girl and her mother who had left the stall.

At this time, I seem to be able to better understand the theme spirit and thoughts of the story "The Family Under the Bridge", which makes me feel the power of love, love is not absent, but everywhere, as long as the eyes pass through the fog in front of you, you will definitely be able to find the existence of love. At this time, individual words from "The Family Under the Bridge" kept echoing in my ears: "Three frightened children were curled up in a tattered quilt, looking at him with the same startled eyes as Armand." Armand said calmly: "Whether you are rich or poor, the family should stay together." "When the three children heard this, they were like three birds in spring, standing on the branches and singing to their heart's content." Yes, I am glad that I have gained from reading, and I am also happy for an experience for my soul.

3. Excellent essay examples

Wonderful for me

When you look up at the starry sky, have you ever wondered: Is every star in the universe the same shape? Is the light emitting place the same? No, there are no two stars that are exactly the same, just as there are no two leaves in the world that are exactly the same. Everyone exudes a different light and has a different splendor. My brilliance lies in keeping my promises.

It was a hot afternoon, the sun was scorching the earth like a fireball, and the pedestrians on the road were hurrying to get home. After I finished buying water from the store, on the way, I suddenly heard a shout behind me, which turned out to be a neighbor's schoolgirl. She ran towards me while wiping the sweat from her face with a small bag in her hand, "Why did you go on this hot day?" I looked at her and asked, confused. I...... I just got back from cram school and I lost my watch. She gasped and said with a slightly sad face. I looked at her sad face, I couldn't bear it, and said, "It's okay, I'll help you find it, you can tell me the route you go back and forth first." ”

As soon as she told me the directions, I immediately followed what she said. Soon I was able to settle on a target—a field of grass ahead. I leaned down and used my hands to push through the dense grass pile, looking carefully, as my footsteps slowly moved, I pushed more and more grass, but all that appeared in front of me was the dark dirt and grasshoppers that jumped out from time to time, except for the watch. The strong sunlight pierced my eyes, and the sweat had already wet my shirt, clinging to my back, and the beads of sweat on the top of my head flowed into the corners of my eyes, so astringent that I couldn't open my eyes. The fingers were soaked with sweat and mixed with the dirt, which was very uncomfortable. Although the thought of giving up flashed through my mind many times, I immediately rejected it. Since you have promised, you can't be untrustworthy! I kept searching...... One step, two steps, three steps, carefully searching. For more essays, welcome to search the public account on WeChat "Full Score Essay for Middle School Students" Finally, a flash next to the stone pier caught my attention, and I walked quickly, it was a watch! I was pleasantly surprised, and carefully picked it up as if I was holding a treasure, for fear of falling it, and then ran towards the community with it in my arms.

Through this incident, I can't help but realize a truth: since I have made a promise, I have taken the responsibility, if I don't take it and don't keep my promise, my heart will be like a thousand pounds of weight and I can't breathe; If we want to gain the trust of others and make others willing to help you, we must first be honest and trustworthy.

My brilliance lies in keeping my promises.

4. Excellent Essay Samples

At that moment, I grew up

People spend their whole lives growing up, perhaps growing taller; Maybe there is an idea; Maybe it's reasonable; Maybe it's ripe. Sometimes just a sentence, an action, or a picture can make people grow up. In that moment, I grew up.

  It was a mild summer day, without the baking of the sun; There was no thunder ringing; There is no hustle and bustle. Without any interference from nature, the huge square is breezy and the blue sky sets off a tranquility, and the white clouds that look like light veils decorate the sky even more beautifully.

  There is a beautiful new car parked in the square, the silver-white body is shining, and the black and shiny handlebar is extremely attractive, so that people can't help but touch it. There was a small headlight on the iron sheet of the rear wheel, like an eye, red and red, blinking from time to time. The car is embellished with extraordinarily beautiful.

  Next to this beautiful car, I stood in a daze, my brow furrowed and my eyes flashing. Faced with such a perfect bike, who would have thought that I would wonder if I should step on it. In fact, this is not strange: since the day my father bought the car back and generously let me study on my own, the neighbors have been coming to "care". Today, Uncle Li said that someone broke his leg while learning to drive; Aunt Liu said again that so-and-so stepped on a bicycle and was lame; Uncle Zhang also said seriously: Some people even fell and were paralyzed because of riding a bicycle. Listening to these seemingly threatening warnings, my heart was so frightened that it took me a long time for my brain to vaguely receive words of comfort that told me to be careful. Now, just the thought of stepping on a bicycle clearly conjures up images of flesh and blood in my mind. Cold sweat broke out, and his bones were so weak that he wanted to collapse to the ground.

  Just when I had mixed feelings, I suddenly saw a patient mother under the shade of the willow teaching the child to walk, only to see the child clumsily move his feet, as if he had fallen into the abyss, his feet twisted, and fell to the ground. I thought to myself: Ha, this is a hardship, at this time, the young mother hurriedly stepped forward to help, and to my surprise, the child did not wait for his mother to lead, but got up on his own, and tried to walk on his own. It shook me and I thought: Isn't he in pain? The mother on the side was smiling and staring at the child with a smile on her face, very pleased.

  At that moment, I suddenly understood, yes, everyone is not born with everything, if you don't try, don't experience failure, how can you sum up experience from failure again and again and move towards success? So, I walked to the bike and stepped on it. Although I fell countless times in the process of learning to drive, each fall also meant that I was one step closer to success, and I learned that the sea on the other side of the mountain needs to be pedaled to the top of the mountain to see; I understood that no one can succeed casually, and I deeply realized the eternal truth that failure is the mother of success.

Here, I really want to cry out with pride: I have grown up.

5. Excellent essay examples


A spring rain moistened the long-dried earth, and the earth showed vitality and vitality. In the same way, a moment of listening makes the mind fly over the confusion and pain, so that the heart has light and warmth.


Listening is a lamp, a lamp that illuminates the future.

How many dazed nights, lonely and sleepless, the difficulties in life seem to be abundantly nourished and breed at will. I dodged left and right until I finally had no place to stand. At this time, a resounding sentence came from the cracks, "Suffering is an inevitable festival in life." This is Shi Tiesheng, who has become a famous writer with a physical disability, and when I think of his bumpy life, I begin to understand that suffering is actually a frequent visitor to life. "Life hurts, but I also have to live strongly, and I want to live the poetry of life." Listening to Zhang Haidi's strong words again, a sleepless lamp has been lit in the depths of his heart.

Listening is a gust of wind, a gust of wind urging forward.

The wind, coming from all directions, gathers in one place, and then keeps rising. There are always all kinds of discussions in life, from different people and different points of view. If you close your eyes and listen and go your own way, you will only stagnate, or even regress. If the arrogant Hebo hadn't listened to the life of the sea god, not only would he not regret it and work hard, but he would have laughed and been generous. According to reports, after the Three Gorges Project was successfully intercepted, a foreign reporter asked Professor Pan Jiazheng, a well-known expert on water conservancy projects on the mainland, who had made the greatest contribution to the Three Gorges Project. The professor replied, "Those who oppose the Three Gorges Project." ”

Listening is a bond, a bond that connects two hearts.

The depressed Boya Zhenri played the piano, but he didn't understand it, and it wasn't until he listened to the child that he opened his closed heart, and from then on, between listening and being heard, he sang out the mountains and rivers that had been handed down.

Listen or...

The world is of all things, and the existence of sound constitutes the richness of the world, and since it exists, it must be perceived. Let us listen to every voice, feel every feeling, rise in difficulties, ride the wind in adversity, grasp the friendship around us, and grasp the pair of "ears" in our hearts.

"The road is long, I will go up and down and seek." Listen with your ears open, put those familiar words, enthusiastic faces, and vivid days into your forward backpack and go!

6. Excellent essay examples

The taste of summer

Listen! I know it's calling. It turns out that summer has quietly come to us. Do you smell the smell of summer?

Summer has the fragrance of fruit, don't believe you smell it. In front of the vines in front of my grandmother's house, I took a deep breath and wow! It smells so good! When I opened my eyes, the vine was already covered with bunches of grapes, which looked crystal clear, like a grain of green agate, which was simply one exquisite work of art after another. Just as I was indulging in it, the Peachtree Girl next to me got a little angry and said, "Hey! Hey! I'm no worse than Brother Grape! If you don't believe you, come and smell it! So, I immediately ran under the peach tree, took a deep breath, and sure enough, it was no worse than the grapes. The Peachtree Girl seemed to see my intentions, and said with a spring breeze on her face, "Hehe, I'm great!" I didn't disappoint you! I nodded in agreement. Come and eat watermelon, if you don't hurry up, you're going to be eaten up! "With my grandmother's shouts, I ran into the house. A sweet smell of watermelon greeted me, with a sweet hint in the fragrance. I was fascinated by this tempting fragrance, and I couldn't help but pick up the melon and take two bites, wow! It's so sweet and refreshing! Do you smell the fruit smell of summer?

It has a refreshing taste in summer. The scorching summer day is extremely hot, but it is also full of coolness. "Hey! The heat is dead! The heat is dead! "That's my three-year-old sister's complaint. So I asked her to go to the fridge and feel the coolness. My sister obeyed, listened to my words, immediately ran to the refrigerator, pulled with her hand, and saw the door of the refrigerator open. Bursts of cold air rushed to my sister's side like a cloud. My sister must be enjoying the refrigerator now! I wanted to enjoy it too, so I took out a piece of ice cream from the fridge and shared it with my sister. For more essays, welcome to search the public account "Full Score Essay for Middle School Students" on WeChat In this hot summer, it is really comfortable to taste this trace of coolness. Do you feel the cool smell of summer?

Summer has a hot taste. People walk down the street, sit on the ground, stand in the fields, and feel hot, as if they are eating chili peppers. Put the eggs on the road and feel like they can be fried. The big dog is so hot that he sticks out his tongue, the hen hangs her wings in the shade of the tree to escape the heat, and we children can't wait to soak in the pool until it's almost dark, and my mother keeps urging, and I am reluctant to go home. Have you ever felt this way?

In fact, there are many incredible flavors in summer, as long as you taste them carefully and feel them with your heart, you will definitely be able to taste good tastes.

7. Excellent Essay Samples

Awesome, my performance

It was a performance at the first-grade party at that time.

On that day, Ms. Cai, the head teacher, said, "We are going to have a class party next month!" "We were all very excited, and even though we never knew what a party was, we thought it was a lot of fun. Teacher Cai said: "Of course, there must be some performances at the party, and if anyone volunteers to perform at the party, please sign up with the class leader." The class immediately boiled over, and everyone pointed to the others and said, "He's going to perform!" He's going to perform! "I actually wanted to perform, but I didn't want to admit it.

After class, gradually some students went to the class president to sign up, and my heart became more and more conflicted, should I sign up? This is my first chance to perform. I suddenly remembered the funny dialogue between the pig father and the pig son that I watched on the computer, and I want to play this. At that time, his mind was hot, so he immediately pulled his good friend Huang Jiaye and said, "Huang Jiaye, why don't we go up and perform, you will be a father." "Okay!" Huang Jiaye said. We went to the class leader to sign up, and the class leader asked, "What is the name of the program?" I thought for a moment, and then said, "Funny father and son! And just like that, we signed up hastily.

When I got home, I happily told my mother about it, but she nervously said, "This is not child's play, you must rehearse." ”

So in the next few days, we rehearsed very hard, not only on weekends at my house, but also sometimes in places where no one was around during school recess. For more essays, welcome to search the official account on WeChat "Full Score Essay for Middle School Students" After a few weeks of rehearsals, our cooperation is perfect, plus our tone is also very funny, and it is also a funny script itself, so I firmly believe that our script will make people laugh.

The day of the party still arrived, and after the first few programs, finally, the host reported: "Next is Zheng Zize and Huang Jiaye's performance "Funny Father and Son". I excitedly walked up the steps and started the performance with Huang Jiaye, and when I said, "Then why didn't you study hard when you were a child——? The audience laughed.

It was a very successful performance, and I later learned that the parents outside the window were also amused by our performance. Thinking of this, I can't help but sigh: "Awesome, my performance!" ”

8. Excellent essay examples

It was so unexpected

I never thought that this scene would happen in front of my eyes! It was so unexpected, but what made me feel more warmth was ......

That afternoon, the sun was just right. Lingering white clouds drifted in the clear blue sky. The breeze blows and the treetops sway gently. In this wonderful time, I received a notice from Mr. Wu - the exam. I almost broke down! Unbeknownst to me, I hurriedly opened the book and read it carefully over and over again. I couldn't read seriously at all, my palms were sweating, and there were only two words echoing in my mind - accident! "Jingle bell!" At that moment, the accident finally came.

When I got the test paper, my whole body was shaking. I opened my bag with trepidation and prepared to take out the pencil case to start the exam. Until the moment I lifted my bag, I was stunned. How so? I remember bringing it! What to do?! I was so panicked that I was going to ask my friends for help. Nervously, I whispered to my back desk, "Can you lend me a pen?" As a result, she shrugged her shoulders, shook her head, and calmly took the test. I jerked to the front table again and patted his arm, but he stared at me in annoyance. Gradually, I withdrew my hand, disheartened and helpless. Who told me that I didn't have a pen! Dejected, I fell to the table. At this moment, the afterglow of my table mate swept over me. He pondered, stopped his pen, flipped the case over and over for a few more moments, and then silently handed me a gel pen. I looked up in amazement, my eyes widened, and I pinched my flesh. It's incredible, I never dreamed that a hot-tempered man like a cow, a tablemate who ignores me, would lend me a pen!

What a surprise! I didn't expect an arrogant boy to make me so warm. What he gave me was not just a pen, but a friendship. It's been more than half a year since this happened, but I have never forgotten that moment, that moment of friendship!

On the road to growth, I have you by my side. Maybe it was too unexpected, but I will remember that gel pen, that ray of warmth......

9. Excellent essay examples

A shot from life

There are many shots in life, some are happy, some are happy, and some are sad...... The scene I'm going to write about today is something I will never forget.

In the first two days of Chinese class, we ushered in the sixth unit of learning - unforgettable primary school life. This topic is full of sadness, because everyone is about to graduate, and they don't want to talk about it, but the class still has to be held. On that day, the teacher talked about "Unforgettable Laughter", and everyone shed tears while reading it. The teacher looked at us who were depressed and said, "Our classmates are very distinctive, let's make a game, okay?" ”

We knew that the teacher was trying to divert our attention, so we cooperatively said, "Okay! The teacher said unhurriedly: "One of our classmates comes out and talks about the characteristics of another classmate, and then everyone can guess who he is?" Good no good? "Good!" Everyone spoke in unison. I got it! I got it! We couldn't wait to raise our hands.

A classmate quickly stood up, and she began to describe: "She is my good friend, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses...... Before she finished speaking, everyone shouted in unison: "Qi Zihe!" Another classmate stood up, "I'll tell you his nickname, and everyone will know who he is, 'Hengshui Lao Baigan'" "Bai Haoxin, Fan Hengrui." This time, the teacher was puzzled, "Why are Hengshui Lao Baigan the two of them?" "Because Bai Haoxin's surname is Bai, he is called Lao Bai, and because Fan Hengrui has Heng, so the combination of the two is ah!" The teacher laughed and praised us for our talent.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher concluded, "Do you know why you can guess every classmate? Because you have been too familiar and too familiar in these six years. As soon as the teacher's words were finished, everyone was silent again, more essays, welcome to search the official account on WeChat "Full Score Essay for Middle School Students" because, those unforgettable years are really nostalgic!

I thought: no matter how many years later, the footage of this class will remain in the depths of my memory forever. My unforgettable elementary school life, I love you!

10. Excellent essay examples

Growing up is the happiest thing

There are countless happy things like the stars in the sky, there is happiness when you play, and there is happiness when you reap...... However, I am happy because I am growing up, and I enjoy the joy of growing up all the time.

Growth is the growth of height. Looking at the scales carved on the back of the door marking height, I suddenly realized that I had grown a lot taller. When I think back to the envious eyes of people who are taller than me, and then look at me as a junior high school student, I feel extremely happy and proud. And this is just a welcome gift brought to me by growing up.

Growth, not only in height, but also in spirit and heart. "Good son, come and help Mom." This kind of sound is a common occurrence for me. When I grew up, I knew how to care for and help my parents, which was very different from the naïve me I used to be. "I knew my son could do it." The praise of my parents and the gratitude of my neighbors made me deeply aware that I am no longer a child, and I also have my own responsibility and a happy responsibility. And all of this is the joy of growth.

Growing up, I also met mentors and friends. I was already a junior high school student, and I grew up as a mentor. When I entered junior high school, the pressure of studying increased, and the burden on my body became much heavier. However, it is our teachers who work harder than us. In the classroom, the teacher tirelessly imparts knowledge and truth, which is in line with the saying "The teacher is the engineer of the human soul". After class, the teacher patiently answered the students' questions, which was really tireless. At night, compared to us who have fallen asleep, the teacher has worked much harder, correcting homework, preparing for class, and describing it as "the spring silkworm is dead to the end, and the wax torch is gray and tears are dry", which is not an exaggeration at all. It was the teacher's step-by-step guidance that allowed me to achieve excellent results. It is growth that has brought me mentors.

Friends are naturally indispensable. Growing up, how can you not have friends? A word of advice from friends, moments of playing together, and a state of mind for the sake of others...... It's all the happiness that good friends bring me and the wealth that comes to me. How can I forget the credit for growing up?

Growing up brings me joy and pride, mentors and friends, and endless happiness.

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