
The blank slate of life

author:Honest Love Ambassador
The blank slate of life

A blank sheet of paper that everyone likes because it is useful

Blank paper, everyone will like it because it is useful. If a piece of paper is thrown in the trash, it means that the paper is no longer a blank paper, or that it is no longer a pure white paper. It has been written and scrapped, it has been painted, it has been ruined, it has been polluted. A blank piece of paper, if you write the most beautiful words and draw the most beautiful pictures, it has many times the use value and artistic value of the paper itself. Once it is invalidated, it will be the most tragic end of this blank paper.

Life, like a blank sheet of paper, is pure and flawless. When we descend into this world and break the silence of this world with loud cries, countless eyes are staring at our naked bodies. We are white and pure, without covering, and we don't understand anything, except that we are hungry and feeding, and we cry in pain. Eating and crying are innate, and have nothing to do with thoughts and feelings, and have nothing to do with right and wrong. We are not shy or shy, because we do not yet have the consciousness of shyness. Confess to the sunshine and to everyone, we are a blank sheet of paper, pure by nature. The laughter of the crowd blows up our blank paper, and our life is infected with emotions, and the joys, sorrows, and sorrows in the future are destined to be vented through this blank paper; Our first teardrop wets this blank paper, and our lives will produce feelings, dependence, grievances, excitement, longing, and resentment, which will be performed on this blank paper. White paper is the foundation, but it is also fragile; White paper is backing, but it is also easy to break.

The blank slate of life

Life is like a blank sheet of paper, pure and flawless

Life needs to grow. In the process of growing up, the blank paper of our life must be artificially smeared. The smearing is wonderful, the white paper appreciates, and life is wonderful; If the smear fails, the white paper depreciates, and life is bleak and miserable. The people who smear it for us may be our parents, maybe our teachers, or maybe other so-called nobles. The ways and means of smearing are called cultivating, educating, cultivating, and supporting. Most of the successful people in life lie in smearing their blank paper successfully, writing and painting on you, which makes you have immeasurable value.

Life is something you need to experience. In the process of experience, the blank paper of our life is not only smeared by others, but also smeared by ourselves. The smear of others is cultivation and education, and the smear of oneself is learning and practice. Most of the losers in life are not enough to smear themselves, or they have smeared themselves into the wrong door. Even if you are covered in graffiti and no one approves of it, but someone mocks you, then you are worthless.

From the first day of life, our fate seems to have been locked. That's because the blank sheet of paper in our lives is laid out in whatever environment, what kind of smearing we are destined to encounter.

A friend of mine said that one of his cousins was married twice and had a child each. The first child was born with an educated youth, who later returned to the city to become a civil servant, divorced his cousin, and took the child away before leaving. The second child was born to a small local carpenter, who could only do some simple carpentry work, earning only enough money to feed a few people. Two children are born to one mother, because of the different ways of cultivation, education and development, which determines their completely different fates. The first child went to college, opened a company, and became a wealthy man with a lot of money; The second child had no education, so he could only learn some simple carpentry skills from his father, and his life was stretched, and he couldn't even afford medicine when he got sick, and finally coughed up blood and died.

The blank slate of life

The difference in life lies in the difference in the smearing of white paper

The world of difference between the two children lies in the fact that the blank smears of life are very different. The difference in education is due to the difference in the way they are smeared by others because of the family environment in which they live; The different ways of development are due to the different ways in which they take in life, which creates different ways for them to smear themselves. Lucky children, reincarnated in a superior family, will have a good life, as long as the blank paper of life is not ruined, there will be wonderful. Unfortunate children, who land in poor families, are destined to suffer the hardships of life, and it is difficult to get the affirmation and appreciation of others no matter how the blank paper of life is smeared. Even if you are lucky enough to succeed, you have to put in dozens or hundreds of times more effort than others.

The blank slate of our lives is originally pure, without a single blemish or stain. It is precisely because it is smeared by others or by oneself that it is colorful and qualified to be affirmed for value. Perhaps, we will fail in life because we don't apply it properly. Are we saying that it's better to just keep the performance of a blank sheet of paper? If you don't paint or smear, if you don't write or draw, you'll never have to worry about failure. If you think so, then your blank paper will always be a blank paper, although pure, but useless. For coming to the world to walk like this, it is meaningless to suck a few nipples and cry a few times.

The blank slate of life

A blank piece of paper, if not smeared or not, is meaningless

Everything in the world has a purpose. Don't underestimate a blank piece of paper, the calligraphy and painting inscribed by the famous artist will be priceless; When a businessman signs an agreement, he will have a lot of money; Even if a primary school student writes a small essay of less than 100 words, it may be the debut work of a literary master in the future.

There is a joke about a rich man and a poor man going to the toilet at the same time, and the rich man forgot to bring toilet paper in a hurry, so he borrowed it from the poor man. The poor man said no, and the rich man said I'll give you a hundred dollars; When the poor man still refused, the rich man said I will give you 200 yuan; The poor still don't give. The rich man had no choice but to wipe his ass with bills. One was not enough, so I used two, and I finally wiped it clean, but I ruined several poor bills. The rich man put on his trousers and left, and the poor man picked up a few contaminated bills from the urinal, flushed them in the pool, and left.

Banknotes are valuable, but they are just a blank slate before they become banknotes, and they are just lucky enough to be banknotes. In an emergency, no matter how valuable a banknote is, it is still like a piece of paper. However, it is a banknote after all, and it is valuable despite being polluted. After the poor man washed it and took it away, it could still be used as money, and the person who received the money only recognized the value, and did not care whether the banknote had been used as a toilet paper or not.

The blank paper of our life cannot be a blank sheet of paper for a lifetime, it can only be purely temporary, not forever. In order to survive, we will, consciously or unconsciously, let others smear ourselves, or simply smear ourselves. Many times, we obviously don't like the color, and we will be forced to smear it on the blank paper of our life. Because we are facing the scrutiny of society, the choice of the public, too selfish, will be excluded, eliminated, and ultimately achieve nothing.

I hope that the blank paper of our life, no matter how it is painted, can be painted to the maximum value of our life!

The blank slate of life

I hope that our blank paper can be smeared with the maximum value of life