
In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

author:Fog and rain review room

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In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

A lonely city, in the face of tens of thousands of Japanese invaders, 20,000 Gui troops fought to the death and none of them surrendered, four generals died heroically, and thousands of miles of the Li River were red.

In 1944, in order to smooth the communication line to Vietnam, the Japanese invaders launched Operation Plan No. 1. Because the Kuomintang Central Army blindly retreated to protect itself, the front suffered a major rout, and Changsha, Hengyang and other important military towns fell one after another.

In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

After the fall of Hengyang, the Japanese army of the three routes advanced into Guangxi, as the northern gate of Guangxi, the important town of Guilin was in danger at the moment.

In July of that year, the flames of war were approaching Guilin step by step, and the people of Guilin were evacuated in accordance with the government's instructions, while the Japanese invaders took the opportunity to bomb Guilin indiscriminately, and machine-gun fire was carried out on the evacuated crowd.

For a time, there were countless dead and wounded on the evacuation road, and there was a wail, which was a miserable scene of hell on earth.

In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

Whenever an enemy plane was shot down or an enemy pilot parachuted, these people rushed up one after another, holding hoes and sickles in their hands, and chopped the Japanese pilots into pulp before they could relieve their hatred.

In such a hellish scene, an anti-Japanese propaganda team composed of college students went upstream, entered northern Guangxi, mobilized the masses to resist Japan, and set an example by staying in the city of Guilin to wait for the arrival of the Japanese invaders.

At that time, only the 131st Division and the 170th Division, which was composed of a large number of recruits, were left in the city of Guilin, the defenders were only 20,000, there were only 22 artillery pieces in the whole army, and there was not a single aircraft.

In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

However, the soldiers defending the city were not alone, and under the encouragement of the anti-Japanese propaganda team, the anti-Japanese militias around Guilin spontaneously entered the city of Guilin, preparing to defend this lonely city that the Japanese army was bound to win together with the defenders.

In order to prepare for street fighting with the Japanese army and to defend Guilin, the defenders converted all the empty houses into simple pillboxes, built fortifications at various intersections into Guilin, and poisoned all the wells in the city.

In other words, the defenders at that time were ready to die when the city was in the city and the city was destroyed.

In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

On October 28, 1944, under the cover of air fire, the Japanese army prepared to capture Guilin from three directions.

They launched a fierce attack on Guilin's North Gate Pingfeng Mountain and Mao'er Mountain, and the two battalions of Gui troops stationed here held on until November 4, and except for one who returned to the camp to report the news, all of them were killed and none of them surrendered.

In order to clear the outlying positions of our army, the Japanese invaders used poison gas bombs in a frenzy, creating the tragic Qixingyan poison gas incident.

In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

After the outlying positions of our army were lost one after another, the Japanese invaders began to attack the city of Guilin.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Japanese invaders, Guilin shook the mountains and turned into a sea of fire, with ruins and broken walls everywhere.

Although the equipment and numbers of our troops in Guilin City were far behind the enemy, the defenders at this time had the courage to die, their morale was high, and they tore together with the Japanese army, and every building and every street and alley became a battlefield for the enemy and us.

Death squads of thousands of militiamen from all over Guangxi rushed to the battlefield, shirtless, strapped to hand grenades and explosives, shouting and cursing at the Japanese tanks.

In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

His courage in the face of death even led the Japanese commander to say in his report: "Since the beginning of the war in China, no soldier has been so fierce." ”

When the enemy entered the central city, they were surprised to find that standing in front of them were rows of Chinese men armed with large swords, their complexions were dark, and their eyes revealed a terrifying ferocity.

The Japanese ordered to shoot, but what they didn't expect was that no matter how many people fell in the front row, the people in the back row would still charge, wielding broadswords, pulling grenades and dying with the enemy, such a scene was repeated 27 times.

On the afternoon of November 9, the Japanese army reinforced in large numbers, and Guilin was finally outnumbered and lost, but the gunfire of resistance in Guilin did not completely stop until after the 11th.

In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

In the entire defense of Guilin, 20,000 Gui troops were either killed in battle, or poisoned and captured, and none of them surrendered, while the Japanese army also paid more than 30,000 casualties, including 9 Dazuo and more than 100 squad leaders.

In this battle, Major General Chen Jihuan, Major General Lu Qimeng, and Major General Hu Houji of our army were killed in battle, and Major General Kan Weiyong committed suicide and martyrdom.

After the battle, the 5-kilometer-long surface of the Li River was covered with the corpses of Chinese and Japanese soldiers, and the entire Li River was stained red with blood.

In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

With their weapons and equipment and the number of troops far behind the enemy, our defenders held on to the city of Guilin for more than ten days and nights with the determination to die.

It inflicted heavy losses on the Japanese army beyond its expectations, greatly delayed the pace of the Japanese invaders' southward advance, and wrote a heart-wrenching chapter for the mainland's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression with blood.

The Japanese troops who entered Guilin did not live a peaceful life, and soon after, our army launched a counteroffensive against Japan throughout the country, and the Japanese troops in Guilin also tasted the taste of being bombed every day.

In order not to be reduced to Gaza, how hard did the ancestors fight? 20,000 soldiers fought hard for 70,000 Japanese soldiers, and none of them surrendered!

On July 28, 1945, our army cleared the Japanese invaders in Guilin, a heroic city that had been tempered by blood and fire, and finally recovered.

Salute to the great anti-Japanese ancestors!

Without their selflessness and fearlessness, our country might still be bullied, with constant artillery fire, and tens of thousands of Chinese sons and daughters would be moaning helplessly in the ruins.

I really hope for world peace!


"The Tragic and Tragic Battle of Guilin" - Huang Wuliang - "Spring and Autumn of Literature and History"