
The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked in the article, please be aware.

There was an uninvited guest in the college entrance examination room! He didn't come to inspect the students as an examiner, nor did he come to inspect the scene as a leader, let alone accompany the exam, he came to take the college entrance examination in person!

You heard it right, I'm here for the exam! This is even more exciting than watching the national football team score!

Everyone can't guess, what does this old man think? He has gone through more than half a century and experienced ups and downs, how can he still be so concerned about the college entrance examination?

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

But the facts are in front of you, he did come, and for what? To challenge yourself? In order to realize the dream of youth? Or is it to prove to the world the truth of "live to be old, learn to be old"?

No matter what the answer is, the courage and determination of this old man is admirable! He tells us with his actions that age is never an obstacle to pursuing your dreams! That's amazing, this old man!

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

In 2020, a college entrance examination center in Changsha, Hunan Province welcomed a special candidate - 84-year-old Wang Guigui.

When everyone just looked at the proud college entrance examination candidates, an old man on crutches and hunched over his waist suddenly appeared in the picture.

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

His arrival instantly broke the tranquility of the scene, and everyone around was surprised, who is this old man?

Parents and students around him looked at them curiously: Why did an 84-year-old man take the college entrance examination? Can he really do well?

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

These problems have brought countless shocks to people, and laid the groundwork for the extraordinary story of the old man that followed.

I can't help but wonder what happened behind this old man!

The Road to Dreams: Preparation for the War Epidemic!

That year's college entrance examination was simply a comprehensive coverage of biological and chemical weapons! Everyone has to brace themselves in order to stand firm.

Not to mention the developing students, not to mention the elderly who are riddled with illness!

Under the shadow of the new crown epidemic, this annual exam has been postponed, but the tension and anxiety in the hearts of the candidates are still there!

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

In the days that accompanied the epidemic, the more questions were brushed, and the pen was used more and more lightly, but no one took it lightly.

Even in the face of school closures and online learning, no one gave up easily!

In such a special environment, parents are increasingly worried, and they are always concerned about their children's physical and mental condition and revision progress.

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

In the face of these sudden changes, can candidates adjust their mentality, overcome many difficulties, and perform at their best in the college entrance examination?

Who can say for sure! The uncertainty and tension are the biggest attractions of this exam!

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

It was in this context that the old man survived the hard years, was not defeated by the new coronavirus, and slowly walked to the examination room with a firm gaze, supported by the staff and the police.

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

He is Wang Fugui! A man of God who does not take the ordinary as his melody!

Walking through the road to the examination room, he seemed to have returned to his youthful days, walking more and more straight, and every step seemed calm and powerful.

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

Outside the examination room, the young candidates and waiting parents looked at the old man, full of admiration and curiosity.

When the exam bell rings, the entire exam room instantly falls silent, nervous and focused, stimulating every layer of cells!

Wang Guigui sat on the seat specially arranged for him, facing the familiar and unfamiliar test papers.

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

He held the pen gently, his hand trembling slightly, but every word was full of strength and determination. His thoughts flowed with the tip of the pen on the answer sheet, as if he had returned to the classroom decades ago, the place where he had regretted leaving.

He writes slowly, thinks attentively, and every question, every word, is full of his years of hard work and perseverance.

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

The exhaustion of his body invaded his brain like a disease, but his heart was still burning with love and longing!

That's why he was able to race against time and spread all his passion throughout the paper.

For him, this is not an ordeal, but a struggle against fate, the writing of life!

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

Will he be able to break through himself, move forward into the distance, and realize his uncontested dream?

This firmness and perseverance have aroused the thinking and moving of countless people inside and outside the examination room.

Exhausting the Years: Wang's Precious Early Years and Choices

When Mr. Wang was a child, his family was not wealthy, but his parents thought that no matter how poor he was, he could not be poor in education, and hoped that he could change the fate of the family through studying.

However, Wang Guigui has little interest in book knowledge, preferring to play in the fields.

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

From elementary school to junior high school, his grades have always been at the bottom of the class, and his parents and teachers have tried their best to shake his heart to drop out of school.

This is a person who has not yet experienced the beating of society! After work, the heavy work and pressure made him breathless!

When his colleagues were promoted one by one, he raised his eyes with envy and couldn't help but reflect on his original choice.

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

Perhaps, if you continue to study, you can have a greater success?

The end of the year: a dream comes to an end

In the weeks after the college entrance examination, Wang Guigui and his family have been in a nervous wait.

Time is not as fast as in the examination room, but for Wang Lao, such a long road in life has come and gone, what else can't be walked over?

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

He was confident in his performance and estimated that he should be able to score 630 points.

On the other hand, although his family supports him on the surface, their confidence is not as abundant as that of the old man!

Finally, the day of the results was announced, and everyone didn't dare to blink for fear of missing something.

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

The family sat around the computer, without blinking their eyes, their fingertips tapping lightly on the keyboard.

When the score was displayed on the screen, the air seemed to freeze for a split second - 26 points, a number that surprised everyone.

His family looked at each other, unable to believe their eyes. The old man has always been confident in his own score, how can there be such a big gap with the actual score?

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

The family was dumbfounded! The old man was also stunned! I've been working hard for so long, but it still doesn't work?

This breath almost didn't hang back, after all, no matter how low Hunan's score line was that year, it couldn't be as low as 26!

How will the 84-year-old face this ordeal in the days that follow, and how will his story continue to be written?

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

The results were well below expectations, but the media attention to him did not decrease.

His story was widely disseminated, and many people were touched by his perseverance and spirit of challenge.

There was also a lot of ridicule and ridicule, thinking that he was not doing his best and wasting the resources of the examination room!

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

In this regard, he said that although his results were not satisfactory, it was a dream to complete the college entrance examination, and he decided not to participate in the follow-up college entrance examination.

There are always various reasons for abnormal performance, but for Wang Lao, these reasons are not worth mentioning at all.

I've been to the college entrance examination, I've seen it, and it's enough for me to walk through it!

Final Wishes: A safe life

Age is just a string of numbers, and Mr. Wang, who is 84 years old, can walk with a cane, so what else do we have to be afraid of?

He told the future with practical actions, let it go, don't be afraid that it will be too late!

The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!

Although his final result did not meet his expectations, his story has inspired countless others and shows that the real test is courage and perseverance in the face of life's challenges.

His experience reminds us that dreams have nothing to do with age, and are always worth working for.


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The 84-year-old man "fights" the college entrance examination: he is full of confidence and has an estimated score of 630, and he almost faints after checking the score!
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