
Note: The technology is not so difficult, it is nothing more than the finale of 30 pages before the technical exam, which contains 89% of the difficulties


Last year, I applied for the note security exam, and actually went ashore at one time, I was stunned at the time, because I didn't review for a long time, almost this time to start preparing for the exam, the overall down is about 4 months, if the time is too short, the knowledge points can not be mastered, if the time is too long, it is like a tug-of-war, it is very likely to be unable to hold on, 4 months is not long or short, I feel just right, and most of our candidates are preparing for the exam on the job, the time can not be too short, otherwise, how can it be compared with candidates who have time and energy, So prepare for the exam early and get your points early.

The technical knowledge points of Note An are very complicated, we can't memorize all the textbooks, and even if you can memorize them, you can't guarantee that you won't forget, forget to memorize, forget to memorize, it's a waste of time, so it's better to directly memorize the 30 pages of the finale before the Note Security Technology Exam sorted out by Song Xiaoting, which contains 89% of the difficulties!!

Note: The technology is not so difficult, it is nothing more than the finale of 30 pages before the technical exam, which contains 89% of the difficulties

Note: The technology is not so difficult, it is nothing more than the finale of 30 pages before the technical exam, which contains 89% of the difficulties
Note: The technology is not so difficult, it is nothing more than the finale of 30 pages before the technical exam, which contains 89% of the difficulties

Song Xiaoting's compilation of the 30 pages of the finale before the safety technology test, all of which are presented in the form of tables, the test points are clear, and the important and difficult points are also marked in red.

Note: The technology is not so difficult, it is nothing more than the finale of 30 pages before the technical exam, which contains 89% of the difficulties
Note: The technology is not so difficult, it is nothing more than the finale of 30 pages before the technical exam, which contains 89% of the difficulties
Note: The technology is not so difficult, it is nothing more than the finale of 30 pages before the technical exam, which contains 89% of the difficulties

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