
As long as you don't set limits for yourself, the possibilities are endless......

author:Huang Guoming of Zhongyixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute

The Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi said, "Mo Dao Sangyu is late, and the sky is still full of light." What do you mean? What he meant was not to say that it was late, but that the sunset was still beautiful and brilliant. No matter how you say it, it can't be separated from the role of mentality, it seems that mentality is too important, some people say that "people let you, it's not that people are afraid of you, but people have better quality than you." That's not wrong at all, don't mistake others for bullying, people just don't want to worry so much about you, flat is not the best channel, ups and downs are called enriching life. (The picture below is yesterday morning, friends took a group photo at the Huaxia Construction Engineering Group Zhongyixin Calligraphy and Painting Institute to give to everyone)

As long as you don't set limits for yourself, the possibilities are endless......
As long as you don't set limits for yourself, the possibilities are endless......
As long as you don't set limits for yourself, the possibilities are endless......

Life is like a marathon, speed is not the key, the important thing is persistence, only persistence, in order to run a wonderful life. It is not easy for people in this life, it is lucky to be able to find what they like to do, and it is interesting to live with people of the same frequency, some roads do not know how beautiful the road is, and some things do not know how difficult the process is. Some people always carry the label of age, in fact, this label has nothing to do with age, and true elegance has little to do with age, age is not a kidnapping, and size is not a constraint. (The picture below is last night, at the invitation of my brother President Tang Yongxiang, Huang Guoming, President of Zhongyixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and Huang Xixi, a famous Chinese painter who is well-known in Europe and the United States, a national first-class artist, and honorary president of Zhongyixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and Wang Lijia, financial consultant of Zhongyixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and other brothers and sisters came to Futian District - Times Financial Center Building - Wahaha Zongsheng Commerce, Guizhou Zongsheng Prickly Pear Industry Group for investigation and research and took a group photo to send to everyone)

As long as you don't set limits for yourself, the possibilities are endless......
As long as you don't set limits for yourself, the possibilities are endless......

The past is already in the past, there is no need to cry out for the past, the future is still in the future, and there is no need to worry about the future. The world is very small, fly with your dreams, the world is big, carry it with your persistence, don't use other people's wisdom to blackmail yourself, and don't let your life lose to arrogance. There is no late start in life, as long as you are willing to do it, everything is in time, as long as you don't set limits for yourself, everything is full of infinite possibilities! It can be said that every effort you make is the most valuable starting point in your life, and what you are willing to do is where your talent lies. (The picture below is my hometown, Professor Li Qifeng, Executive Dean of the Shenzhen Research Institute of Peking University, led a team to attend the 50th anniversary dinner of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia)

As long as you don't set limits for yourself, the possibilities are endless......
As long as you don't set limits for yourself, the possibilities are endless......

Don't worry about your age, don't doubt your life, just try hard, leave the rest to time. Love can penetrate the years, cold eyes will cut time, whether you have a heart or no intention, the best thing will always appear when you are most inadvertent, you can not find the traces of the years in the self-confident person, what you find is just the calmness and calmness of the heart, I also think that the beginning may not be successful, but if you do not start, you will not succeed. (The picture below is that in 2016, the 12th World Huang Clan Conference was held in Xiasha Village to send back to everyone)

As long as you don't set limits for yourself, the possibilities are endless......

Be a man, it's better to be real, it's simple, you will live freely, you have no heart and lungs, you will live freely, you can't rely on deception in front of friends, you can't rely on pits, the rivers and lakes are sinister, you have to understand the rules of the rivers and lakes when you walk on the rivers and lakes, and one day you have to pay it back, if you don't pay it back, the sky will help you pay it back, do you believe it? The picture below is a small video made by Huang Guoming, president of Zhongyixin Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and sent it to people all over the country......
