
The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

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The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play
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The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

In 1987, the streets of Guangzhou suddenly became unusually quiet. The bustling crowd of yesteryear is gone, replaced by an eerie calm. Crime has plummeted, and police officers are even beginning to wonder if their work is still meaningful.

The answer lies in front of the televisions of thousands of households. Every night during prime time, the citizens are attentively in front of the screen, watching the same TV series - "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain".

This work, which is based on real events, has completely captured the hearts of the audience with its ups and downs of the plot and lifelike characters.

However, no one expected that this TV series not only changed the living habits of the audience, but also completely changed the fate of the participating actors. Today, 36 years later, when we re-examine this work, we can't help but ask: Where are those screen heroes who were once dominant? Are their lives as exciting as they are in the play? Let's uncover the long-forgotten past and rediscover the legend behind this classic.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

In the cast of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", there are several actors from the drama stage who are particularly eye-catching. Their experience is like a gorgeous variation from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, showing the extraordinary charm of artists shining on different stages.

Zhou Qi, the veteran drama bone from the repertory troupe of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, left a deep impression on the audience with his superb interpretation of the role of Tian Dabang.

Although he is over half a hundred years old, Zhou Qi still completed the difficult action scene of "Bang Ye Chasing Dog" with amazing professionalism and physical fitness. He played this insidious and cunning, murderous bandit leader very well, making the audience hate it and admire his acting skills.

This role not only made Zhou Qi famous in the entertainment industry, but also won him more invitations to film and television works, such as the housekeeper Chen Daoshun in "The Red Lantern Hangs High", and the big shopkeeper Cheng Qingya in "Qiao's Courtyard".

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

Chen Jiaqiu, who is also an actor in the repertory troupe with Zhou Qi, successfully captured the hearts of the audience with the role of Liu Yutang. He vividly interpreted the calmness and heroism of the captain of the anti-bandit squad, and became a heroic image in the hearts of countless teenagers.

However, at the peak of his career, Chen Jiaqiu chose to transform and became a behind-the-scenes screenwriter, showing his versatile side. This transition from the front of the stage to behind the scenes reflects Chen Jiaqiu's all-round pursuit of art.

Shen Junyi's experience is legendary. This former ordinary worker was chosen to play the role of Diamond Mountain Leopard with his tall and powerful appearance. Although he has no professional background, Shen Junyi relied on his talent and hard work to vividly interpret this fierce and infatuated bandit.

He not only successfully incorporated the old department of the bandit leader's brother Long Huzi, but also convinced his uncle Tian Dabang. Shen Junyi's acting skills made the audience feel both the cruelty and insidiousness of the bandits, and was moved by his deep affection for Mrs. Zhai.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

This role not only won Shen Junyi the honor of "Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actor", but also made him gain the love of countless fans and established his status in the entertainment industry in one fell swoop.

The experiences of these three actors show the possibilities for artists to shine on different stages. From the drama stage to the television screen, from the workers to the actors, their success is not only the result of their individual talents, but also the result of their persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in art.

Their stories illustrate the charm of the profession of actors, and also set an example for those who come after them.

"The Story of the Bandits in Oolong Mountain" is not only a wonderful film and television work, but also a turning point in the emotional lives of the actors. The love and hatred in and out of the play are like a complex and fascinating emotional picture, showing the reality of less gathering and more separation and more emotions in the entertainment industry.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

Shen Junyi's role in the play is a character with a complex personality. This fierce bandit has a deep affection for Mrs. Zhai, and this contrast deeply attracts the audience.

With the popularity of the series, Shen Junyi received a large number of courtship letters, and became the prince charming in the hearts of thousands of girls for a while. However, Shen Junyi in real life has experienced emotional ups and downs.

The eight-year cohabitation with his girlfriend Jia Ni should have been a positive result, but for various reasons, he failed to enter the palace of marriage. The two played Queen Wei and Wu Sansi respectively in "Daming Palace Ci", and the emotional entanglements in and out of the play led to reverie.

However, the relationship did not blossom in the end. What's even more embarrassing is that soon after the breakup, Jia Ni tied the knot with Shen Junyi's friend, which undoubtedly brought a lot of blows to Shen Junyi.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

Now, Shen Junyi, who is over the age of six, is still alone, and even once had his daughter come forward to marry him, but he never got his wish.

In contrast, Maya Chen's emotional experience is more dramatic. Playing the ruthless spy four girls in the play, Chen Maya created an unforgettable role.

However, as her popularity grew, her married life fell into trouble. Whenever her husband participates in social events, people's attention is focused on Maya Chen, who asks to take a photo with her, but her husband, who is the main character, is often left out in the cold.

The long-accumulated sense of loss eventually leads to the breakdown of the marriage. This experience dealt a heavy blow to Chen Maya, making her have no intention of continuing her relationship for a long time, but devoting herself to her acting career.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

Yue Yueli's emotional experience reflects the reality of gathering less and leaving more in the entertainment industry. He and fellow actor Liu Fang met and got to know each other because of their cooperation in the TV series "Grass by the Green River", tied the knot and had a daughter.

However, the two got together less and separated more due to work, and the marriage finally came to an end in 1995. Fortunately, Yue Yueli later found new happiness and entered the marriage hall with a woman 11 years younger than him.

Now, he has faded out of the public eye, returned to his family, and enjoyed a quiet life.

The emotional experiences of these on-screen heroes show the contradiction and balance between acting careers and personal lives. Their story is not only a portrayal of their personal fate, but also a reflection of the emotional status quo of the entire entertainment industry.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

From Shen Junyi's lonely singleness, to Chen Maya's marriage breakdown due to drama fame, to Yue Yueli's regaining happiness after experiencing separation, every story is full of emotion.

These experiences have taught us that love, whether on screen or in real life, is an art that needs to be managed with care.

"The Story of the Bandits in Oolong Mountain" is not only a successful work, but also a turning point in the careers of many actors. Through this play, we have witnessed the continuous breakthrough and transformation of the actors on the road of art, showing their multi-faceted talents and persistent pursuit of art.

Tian Xiugu, played by Ma Junqin in the play, is a female figure who has gone through hardships but is still strong. This role not only brought Ma Junqin's acting career to a new peak, but also inspired her to create in other fields.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

After "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", Ma Junqin's acting career has been strengthened, and she has participated in more than 200 film and television works. Although these characters may not surpass Tian Xiugu's classic status, many of them, such as the role of the stationmaster's wife in the TV series "Latent", also left a deep impression on the audience.

What's even more surprising is that Ma Junqin began to set foot in the field of literary creation. She has successively published essay collections such as "The Story of Flowers" and "Forever Nanjing Time", showing her versatile side.

These works not only won the love of readers, but also brought her many honors, reflecting her unique talent in writing words.

An Yaping's experience is another metamorphosis. The athlete, who won the double hook championship at the 1984 National Wushu Competition, successfully transformed into an actor with the role of He Shan.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

In "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", his heroic image of holding two guns and firing bows left and right left left left a deep impression on the audience. This successful transformation opened the door to An Yaping's acting career.

After "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", An Yaping continued to challenge himself and created a series of characters that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He played Ma Chao in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Wei Dongting in "Kangxi Dynasty", and Dragon Long, the son of the Dragon King in "Journey to the West Sequel", each role showed his different acting charm.

Even at the end of his life, he maintained his love for acting and continued to shoot on the set six days before his death, showing admirable professionalism.

The experience of these actors not only shows their personal growth trajectory, but also reflects the development and changes of the entire entertainment industry. Their stories inspire those who come after them to continue to explore on the road of art, have the courage to break through themselves, and pursue the diversified development of art.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

The years are like a song, and 36 years have passed quietly. The high-spirited screen heroes in "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain" have now entered different stages of their lives.

Their current situation has both gratifying persistence, embarrassing regrets, and a moving parting.

Zhou Qi, the actor who successfully shaped the image of Tian Dabang, is now 93 years old. Happily, thanks to the diligent exercise when he was young, Zhou Qi still maintains a healthy body.

Although he has gradually faded out of the entertainment industry, his mental state is still admirable. Looking back on those years, it was Zhou Qi's professionalism and excellent acting skills that made the audience remember the image of this sinister and cunning bandit leader.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

Today, his healthy longevity seems to be the best reward for his life's work.

Shen Junyi's current situation makes people feel a little regretful. , a former on-screen lover, is now over the age of six, but he is still alone. Although his daughter had publicly proposed for him, she never got her wish.

However, Shen Junyi maintained a deep friendship with Zhou Qi, and this precious friendship became the comfort of his later life. The interaction between the two old friends seems to be a continuation of the wonderful rivalry in the play back then, but now it is a little less tense and a little more warm and touching.

Maya Chen's life trajectory is another kind of wonderful. After the divorce, she was not defeated by setbacks, but devoted herself to her acting career. Today, the 62-year-old Chen Maya is still in good spirits, serving as the director of the office of the Railway Art Troupe, showing another achievement in her career.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

From the ruthless spy four girls on the screen to the warm and responsible director of the art troupe in reality, Chen Maya uses her own experience to interpret the diversity of life.

It's a pity that An Yaping has left us. In June 2022, the dedicated actor unfortunately passed away due to advanced nasopharyngeal cancer. His persistence in his work at the end of his life is impressive.

An Yaping's departure seems to have drawn a sad end to the story of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain".

Although Ma Junqin has entered her prime, her talent is still shining. In addition to continuing to participate in film and television production, she has also made remarkable achievements in the field of literary creation, winning many accolades.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

From Tian Xiugu to a writer, Ma Junqin has proved with his own experience that there can be many wonderful chapters on the stage of life.

The current situation of these former screen heroes is not only a portrayal of their personal fate, but also a reflection of the changes of the times. Their stories allow us to see the power of time, as well as the wonders and challenges of different stages of life.

Whether it is continuing to shine in the entertainment industry, moving to other fields, or silently enjoying life in old age, everyone is interpreting the meaning of life in their own way.

36 years have passed, and "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain" is still shining in our memory. This work is not only an excellent TV series, but also a common youth memory of a generation, carrying the emotional and cultural imprints of a specific era.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

Although the actors in the play have passed away now, or are enjoying their old age, or are still working hard in the entertainment industry, every time we revisit this classic, it seems to go back in time, they still maintain the youthful vitality and style of the year.

Tian Dabang's treacherous and cunning, the infatuation and affection of the diamond leopard, the ruthlessness of the four girls, the strong and brave of Tian Xiugu, the heroism and fearlessness of He Shan, and the wisdom and courage of Liu Yutang, these lifelike characters still exist vividly in the minds of the audience.

The eternal charm of "The Story of the Bandits in Oolong Mountain" lies not only in its gripping plot and the superb acting skills of the actors, but also in the fact that it perfectly captures the social style and humanistic spirit of that special era.

It is a witness of our youth, a partner in our growth, and a common cultural memory.

The current situation of the actors of "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain", the leopard is still single, but the four girls are divorced because of the play

The success of this work has also witnessed the vigorous development of China's TV drama industry. It has not only created a group of excellent actors, but also promoted the progress of the entire industry.

To this day, "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain" is still a model for many film and television workers to learn from.

Let us cherish this precious memory and thank these actors who have brought us wonderful works. Their dedication and contribution have made "The Story of Bandits in Oolong Mountain" a bright pearl in the development of Chinese TV dramas.

We look forward to the Chinese film and television industry creating more classics like "The Story of the Bandits in Oolong Mountain" to continue to enrich and nourish our cultural life.

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