
It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

author:Eri views the world
It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then
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It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

In Yunnan in 1990, the air was filled with the faint fragrance of flowers. He Zhengjun set foot in this strange land, and only thought about the film shooting work that was about to begin.

Fan Yu, this name was meaningless to He Zhengjun at that time. She is just one of the many crew members who are unknown and never seem to be the protagonist of the story.

However, it was this ordinary woman who could no longer be ordinary who inadvertently intruded into He Zhengjun's life.

Their encounter is as plain as a glass of white water, but it has become a mellow wine in the precipitation of the years. How will this relationship, which began at work and ends with a white head, unfold? Let's walk into the story of He Zhengjun and Fan Yu and uncover that little-known past.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

He Zhengjun was born in a military family, and since he was a child, he has been full of yearning for military camp life. He often fantasized that he was dressed in military uniform, standing heroically on the parade ground.

However, his father unexpectedly became the biggest obstacle to his dream of military service.

"Son, I know you yearn for the life in the barracks, but I prefer you to take a different path." There was deep helplessness and concern in my father's words. As a veteran, he understands the hardships of a military career too well to see his son repeat the mistakes of the past.

Faced with the expectations of his parents, He Zhengjun should have been obedient and entered the factory to work peacefully. However, the inner flame has never been extinguished. His eyes flashed with a desire for the future, an indescribable obsession.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

By chance, He Zhengjun heard about the profession of actor. Suddenly, he seemed to have found a new direction in life. "If you can't be a real soldier, why don't you play a soldier on the screen?" This idea kept fermenting in his mind.

In 1982, with a love for acting, He Zhengjun mustered up the courage to express his determination to his parents. Faced with their son's firm eyes, the parents finally chose to support.

In this way, He Zhengjun stepped into the door of the Central Academy of Drama.

Here, He Zhengjun met Ni Dahong, Gong Li, Zhang Guangbei and other future superstars in the entertainment industry. However, when he first entered the academy, he didn't know what kind of waves these names would set off in the entertainment industry.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

He Zhengjun just immersed himself in hard study, with his love for the dream of being an actor, and started his acting life on this stage full of possibilities.

Looking back on the past, He Zhengjun often sighs at the wonder of fate. A fortuitous decision allowed him to find a new direction in life from the shattering of his military dreams. The teenager who once longed to wear a military uniform is now playing various roles on the screen and realizing his dream in another way.

This experience not only shaped He Zhengjun's indomitable character, but also laid the foundation for his future success in his acting career. From the dream of a soldier to his career as an actor, He Zhengjun's life trajectory is like a wonderful script, and he is interpreting his role with his heart.

In the days of the Central Academy of Drama, a youthful relationship quietly sprouted between He Zhengjun and Gong Li. Whenever Gong Li appeared in sight, He Zhengjun's heartbeat would unconsciously speed up, and his cheeks would be slightly hot.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

However, he was an introvert who never mustered the courage to express his heart.

It was a sunny afternoon, and He Zhengjun was sitting in the corner of the classroom, his eyes unconsciously following Gong Li not far away. Her bright eyes and hearty laughter all tugged at He Zhengjun's heartstrings.

However, whenever Gong Li's gaze swept over, He Zhengjun would bow his head in a panic and pretend to be attentive to read the script in his hand.

In this way, in hesitation and timidity, He Zhengjun missed the best opportunity to confess to Gong Li. When Gong Li left school and devoted herself to the filming of "Red Sorghum", the regrets in He Zhengjun's heart were like autumn leaves, quietly piling up.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

In the dead of night, he often thinks back to the opportunities he missed and regrets his cowering.

However, fate always seems to have its own arrangement. In 1990, He Zhengjun came to Yunnan for filming. In this strange land, he met Fan Yu.

When they met for the first time, Fan Yu's simple smile and innocent eyes instantly hit He Zhengjun's heart. At that moment, it was as if he saw a second chance given by fate.

This time, He Zhengjun decided not to repeat the mistakes of the past. He plucked up the courage and took the initiative to express his good feelings to Fan Yu. Facing He Zhengjun's sincere gaze, Fan Yu was both surprised and moved.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

She didn't expect that this seemingly calm "old cadre" would hide such fiery feelings in his heart.

In this way, He Zhengjun and Fan Yu started a long-distance relationship. Despite being thousands of miles apart, the hearts of the two are getting closer and closer. Every call, every letter, makes their feelings deeper.

He Zhengjun often sighed that if he hadn't missed Gong Li at the beginning, he might not have met Fan Yu and experienced this sincere feeling.

Two years later, He Zhengjun finally mustered up the courage to propose to Fan Yu. Faced with this hard-won love, Fan Yu happily accepted it. When He Zhengjun held Fan Yu's hand, he felt unprecedented steadfastness and happiness.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

Looking back on the past, He Zhengjun often lamented the wonderful arrangement of fate. The young boy who once missed love on campus has now found his life partner.

The story of him and Fan Yu proves that sincere feelings will always meet the right person at the right time.

The palace of marriage is not the end of a fairy tale, but the beginning of real life. He Zhengjun and Fan Yu soon faced the test of firewood, rice, oil and salt. In order to support her husband's acting career, Fan Yu resolutely gave up her job and devoted herself to family life.

Whenever He Zhengjun went out filming, Fan Yu took care of the family alone. From early morning to late at night, her figure is always busy. Taking care of the children, taking care of housework, and repairing electrical appliances, Fan Yu gradually grew into a capable "female man".

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

She learned to face life's challenges independently and became a strong supporter for her family.

Once, when He Zhengjun came home late at night, he saw the back of his wife crouching in front of the sewing machine. Fan Yu heard the voice and turned around, with a tired but warm smile on his face.

At that moment, He Zhengjun's heart swelled with a deep sense of guilt and emotion. He realized that while he was chasing his dreams, Fan Yu silently took on too much.

Despite the hardships of life, He Zhengjun and Fan Yu found their happiness in ordinary days. They support each other, understand each other, and face life's challenges together.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

Fan Yu's strength and thoughtfulness have become a solid backing for He Zheng's military career. And He Zhengjun's efforts and progress are Fan Yu's greatest gratification.

In this seemingly ordinary married life, He Zhengjun and Fan Yu interpret the true meaning of love in their own way. Their story is not a vigorous legend, but a sincerity in the ordinary, and a long-term warmth.

He Zhengjun often lamented that it was precisely because of Fan Yu's support that he was able to devote himself to his acting career. And Fan Yu feels that being able to see her husband shine on the stage is her greatest happiness.

Their married life is like a tacit pas de deux. He Zhengjun is working hard outside, Fan Yu sticks to it at home, and the two perform their own duties, but they are heart-to-heart.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

This kind of mutually supportive relationship has made their relationship deeper and deeper in the baptism of the years.

Looking back, He Zhengjun and Fan Yu both deeply feel that true love does not lie in vigorous confessions, but in staying together day after day. In the ordinariness of firewood, rice, oil and salt, they write their own moving chapters.

The year 2005 was a turning point for He Zhengjun. The broadcast of the TV series "Bright Sword" made his role as "Political Commissar Zhao" an unforgettable image in the hearts of the audience.

This role not only won widespread praise for He Zhengjun, but also ushered in a new peak in his acting career.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

During the filming of "Bright Sword", He Zhengjun devoted himself to the role. He often stood alone in front of the mirror, repeatedly pondering the demeanor and tone of "Political Commissar Zhao".

In order to better interpret this character, he even looked through a large number of historical materials, striving to make the character more fleshed out and real.

Fan Yu saw it in his eyes and felt distressed in his heart. She silently prepared hot water for her husband, rubbed her shoulders and beat her back, and gave silent support. Whenever He Zhengjun felt tired because of figuring out the role, Fan Yu could always give encouragement and warmth in her unique way.

When "Bright Sword" was broadcast, He Zhengjun's performance won unanimous praise from the audience. The role of "Political Commissar Zhao" seems to be tailor-made for him. He Zhengjun's eyes flashed with joy and emotion, he knew that he had finally made a breakthrough in his acting career.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

Fan Yu watched her husband's performance on TV, with a proud smile on her face. She remembered those hard days and felt that all the efforts were worth it. He Zhengjun's success is not only his personal victory, but also the result of the joint efforts of this family.

With the popularity of the role of "Political Commissar Zhao", He Zhengjun is known as "pension insurance", which means that as long as the work "Bright Sword" exists, his career as an actor will continue.

This recognition is not only an affirmation of He Zhengjun's acting skills, but also a reward for his years of perseverance.

The success of "Bright Sword" allowed He Zhengjun to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. He knows that behind this hard-won success is the silent dedication of his wife and the strong support of his family.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

The brilliance of this moment is the crystallization of their joint efforts.

Standing at the peak of his career, He Zhengjun couldn't help but look back on the past. He remembered the unfulfilled military dream, and remembered the youth love song that he missed with Gong Li. However, when he looked at Fan Yu beside him, all his regrets seemed to become insignificant.

He Zhengjun deeply understands that there are no ifs in life. Every choice, every experience, paves the way to where we are now. He was grateful for the arrangement of fate, which allowed him to meet Fan Yu who knew him best.

She is not only his wife, but also his confidant and a strong backing for his career.

It turned out that she was the wife of the old drama bone He Zhengjun, no wonder she refused Gong Li and stayed with her back then

In He Zhengjun's view, true happiness does not lie in what you get, but in cherishing what you have. The story of him and Fan Yu may not be the most vigorous love legend, but it is the most real and warmest chapter of life.

In those ordinary days, the two supported each other and faced the challenges of life together, and it was this experience that made their relationship deeper.

Looking back at the past, He Zhengjun's heart was full of gratitude. Thanks to his parents' support for allowing him to follow his dream of being an actor; Thanks to the arrangement of fate, he met Fan Yu; I want to thank the grinding of life for making him grow into the person he is today.

This insight into life is not only He Zhengjun's motto, but also the driving force for him to continue to move forward on the stage of life.

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