
Pin Electronics Modular 推出SYNTHI-100 便携式模拟合成器 Portello

author:Nine Tone Culture

The Electronics Modular Portello is a new portable EMS SYNTHI-100 pin jumper analog synthesizer with spring reverb. EMS has developed and released a number of legendary synthesizers. EMS Synthi AKS, VCS3 or Synthi-100. All of these synths are what you want to have. It's just a pity that they are all very rare and expensive.

Pin Electronics Modular 推出SYNTHI-100 便携式模拟合成器 Portello

Pin Electronics Modular, a boutique company from Germany, has retrofitted several EMS synthesizers. For example, the Portabella MK III is a clone of the legendary EMS synthesizer AKS. Portello is the latest addition from Pin Electronics Modular, and it's not a clone, but an entirely new synthesizer, but inspired by another large synthesizer, the EMS SYNTHI-100.

Pin Electronics Modular 推出SYNTHI-100 便携式模拟合成器 Portello

Portello looks like a scaled-down version of the EMS Synthi AKS, but it's not. It is a new needle jumper analog synthesizer inspired by the retro synthesizer EMS SYNTHI-100. It has two oscillators, an oscillator with a frequency range of 1-10Khz, which can be synchronized via a Trapezoid generator or an external signal source. For oscillator 1, you can obtain variable square wave and pulse shapes with a potentiometer and can be used in a jumper reel. Oscillator 2 can be adjusted by knob to zigzag and triangle, and by knob.

The low-pass filter is available in either 18dB or 24dB characteristics. The filter has three controllers: cut-off, resonance (response), and level. Thanks to its self-oscillating function, it can also be converted into a pure sinusoidal oscillator. In addition, there is a slew/unslew switch. Thanks to the self-oscillating function, users can also turn it into a clean sine wave oscillator.

The synthesizer also offers a classic EMS-style Trapezoid generator with capsule and attenuation controls on the modulation side. It also has a repeating loop feature that converts it into an LFO with a time range of between 10ms and 7 seconds. In addition to this, it has an envelope follower and a slew limiter.

Pin Electronics Modular 推出SYNTHI-100 便携式模拟合成器 Portello

Pin Electronics 模块化 PortelloPin Electronics Modular Portello 的一大亮点是基于 Ghielmetti 的 10×10 引脚跳线盘。 它配有 10 个白色引脚,用于连接音频和调制。 正如用户从 EMS 合成器中了解到的那样。

In addition, it has a built-in true spring reverb with three springs and a decay time of up to 3 seconds. The dry/wet mixing of the spring reverb can also be controlled by voltage, which is very practical. There are also two audio and CV input amplifiers (1v/oct pre-calibrated) and an output amplifier with filters.


When it comes to connectivity, Portello has a variety of inputs and outputs.

Input CV/ 1V/oct pre-calibrated via CH1, audio input, door socket, OSC sync input, envelope follower, and slew limiter

Output: Mono socket and oscilloscope

据 Pin Electronics Modular 介绍,该合成器重 2.8 千克,闭合时尺寸为 37x27x12厘米。 它配有 18 V/DC 1670 mA 30W 90-240V 外部电源。

The synthesizer also has a real spring reverb built in, with three springs with a decay time of up to 3 seconds, and the dry/wet mixing of the spring reverb can be controlled by voltage. In addition, it has two audio and CV input amplifiers (1v/oct pre-calibrated) and an output signal amplifier with filters.

Pin Electronics Modular Portello 现已接受预订,价格为 3299 欧元 + 增值税。 2024年 7 月/8 月开始发货。

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