
A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

author:Brother Chen chats about the world
A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed
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A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

On the last day of 2023, Tianjin Tingyunxuan should have been filled with a joyful atmosphere.

When He Yunwei appeared in the finale, the atmosphere of the scene changed suddenly. The audience invariably shouted "traitor" and demanded that the former Deyun Club celebrity step down immediately.

He Yunwei stood in the spotlight, his face pale, his eyes full of confusion and unease.

On the stage, he is like two people from the former crosstalk rookie. In the roar of the audience, the words "get off the stage quickly" and "traitor" can be faintly heard.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

This performance was supposed to be a New Year's Eve ceremony, but it became a nightmare for He Yunwei's career.

What is the reason why this once high-profile cross talk actor has fallen here? What impact will this failed performance have on He Yunwei's future? Amid the boos of the audience, a once-brilliant career seemed to be coming to an end.

The development of Deyun Club has not been smooth sailing, and in the process of its rapid rise, a series of events have pushed this cross talk group to the forefront. This turbulent period became the background for He Yunwei's decision to leave.

The first is the sensational "enclosure incident". Mr. Guo's construction of a high wall around his mansion has sparked public skepticism. After people with intentions revealed the incident, media reporters flocked to the incident and even had a fierce conflict with Guo's family.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

The news of "Deyun Club beating people" spread rapidly, seriously damaging the reputation of Deyun Club. Although Guo Degang explained that the move was to prevent excessive fans, this statement did not quell the controversy.

This was followed by the "Expansion Event". During the critical period of Deyun Club's rapid development, Guo Degang's expansion ambitions seemed to be over-inflated. Li Jing, a veteran of the Deyun Society, was skeptical of such rapid expansion, but her suggestion did not seem to have been adopted by Guo Degang.

This led Li Jing to finally choose to leave Deyun Club.

In this context, He Yunwei also made the decision to leave. On the surface, his departure seems to be a concern for the future of Deyun Society, but in fact, it is more out of self-preservation.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

He Yunwei knows that staying in Deyun Club may be involved in this turmoil and affect his future.

However, Ho's decision was not a purely wise move. The timing of his choice to leave was precisely the time when Deyun Club needed unity the most. This not only shows his lack of loyalty to his teacher, but also exposes his character of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

After leaving Deyun Club, He Yunwei's words and deeds were even more jaw-dropping. He openly threw himself into those TV stations that had clashed with Guo Degang, which was undoubtedly challenging the bottom line of Deyun Club.

His actions not only completely cut off the possibility of reconciliation with Guo Degang, but also made his situation in the cross talk industry increasingly difficult.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

Looking back on He Yunwei's experience, we can't help but ask: in the face of difficulties, should we choose to stick to or leave? Is He Yunwei's choice wise or treacherous? These questions may take time to be answered.

But what is certain is that He Yunwei's decision completely changed the trajectory of his life and laid the groundwork for his future predicament.

The relationship between He Yunwei and Guo Degang can be called one of the most complex master-apprentice friendships within Deyun Club. During his time in Deyun Club, He Yunwei was undoubtedly Guo Degang's most favored disciple.

Guo Degang not only devoted himself to He Yunwei in his career, but also gave great care in his life. This kind of care even extends to the family level, Guo Degang's wife Wang Hui personally cooks fish soup for He Yunwei, and this diligence is unique in Deyun Club.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

However, when He Yunwei chose to leave Deyun Club, this master-apprentice friendship took a sharp turn for the worse. He Yunwei's series of words and deeds not only disappointed Guo Degang, but also caused an uproar in the cross talk world.

He called Guo Degang "Guo Gang" in public, a seemingly minor change, but it implied great irony of Guo Degang's conduct. The removal of "virtue" from the word "gang" means that He Yunwei thinks that Guo Degang is a "person without virtue".

What's even more shocking is that He Yunwei publicly said that he once called Guo Degang "Master", but the "father" in it does not refer to paying, but to "punishment".

He even claimed that he belonged to "learning art with teachers", rather than Guo Degang's apprentice in the true sense. These remarks were undoubtedly like a sharp blade, which deeply pierced Guo Degang's heart.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

He Yunwei's words and deeds not only made Guo Degang feel betrayed, but also shocked and disappointed the members of the entire Deyun Club. The former friendship between master and apprentice is gone in He Yunwei's remarks.

His behavior not only hurt the relationship with Guo Degang, but also made his status in the cross talk world plummet.

In stark contrast to He Yunwei is another cross talk actor Cao Yunjin who left Deyun Club. Although he also chose to leave, Cao Yunjin always maintained his respect for Deyun Club and Guo Degang.

With his own strength, he gradually won the support of the majority of fans and established his own career platform. Cao Yunjin's success highlights the inappropriateness of He Yunwei's approach.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

He Yunwei's words and deeds not only affected his relationship with Guo Degang, but also made him fall into an isolated situation in the cross talk world. He used to be beautiful, but now he has become a "street rat", and he is not welcomed anywhere.

From He Yunwei's experience, we can see how heavy the price of betrayal is in the cross talk industry, which emphasizes inheritance and respect for teachers. His story also reminds us of the importance of maintaining respect and gratitude for our mentors, no matter what the situation we find ourselves in.

He Yunwei's example may become a lesson in the cross talk industry, reminding latecomers to cherish the friendship between master and apprentice and maintain industry ethics while pursuing personal development.

Among the series of actions after He Yunwei left Deyun Club, the most shocking thing was that he defected to Hou Yaohua. This decision not only further intensified the contradiction between He Yunwei and Guo Degang, but also laid a huge hidden danger for his own career development.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

To understand the gravity of this move, we need to look back at a major event that took place in 2007. In that year, Hou Yaowen, an important figure in Deyun Club, unfortunately passed away, which was a huge blow to the entire Deyun Club, especially to Guo Degang, who regarded Hou Yaowen as his mentor.

At this moment of grief, Hou Yaohua's behavior was shocking. As Hou Yaowen's own brother, Hou Yaohua actually tried to deprive Hou Yaowen of the inheritance rights of his two daughters, in an attempt to monopolize the huge inheritance.

In the face of this shameless act, Guo Degang stepped forward and stood firmly on the side of Hou Yaowen's daughter. This is not only out of respect for the teacher, but also out of insistence on fairness and justice.

Guo Degang's intervention undoubtedly made him have a deep hatred with Hou Yaohua.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

But He Yunwei chose to take refuge with Hou Yaohua at this time, which is undoubtedly a public slap in the face of Guo Degang. He Yunwei's decision not only completely cut off the possibility of reconciliation with Guo Degang, but also made his situation in the cross talk industry worse.

Many supporters and cross talk lovers of Deyun Club feel disgusted by He Yunwei's behavior, thinking that he not only betrayed his teacher, but also stood on the side of injustice.

He Yunwei's choice reflects his confusion and eagerness after leaving Deyun Club. He may have hoped to revive his career by turning to Hou Yaohua, but he underestimated the negative impact of that decision.

In the cross talk world, faith and gateway views are often more important than talent. He Yunwei's behavior has violated the unspoken rules of the cross talk industry in the eyes of many people.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

This decision also exposed the flaws in He Yunwei's moral judgment. He seems to have ignored Hou Yaohua's misconduct in the estate dispute and only looked out for his own interests.

This short-sighted behavior not only damaged his public image, but also deprived him of many potential opportunities for collaboration.

He Yunwei's series of actions make us think: how should we balance career development and moral choice? Should an artist's success be based on the right values? He Yunwei's experience may serve as a warning to those who come after him: while pursuing personal interests, one must also consider the moral implications and long-term consequences of one's actions.

He Yunwei's career trough continues, and his personal life has begun to have frequent problems. He Yunwei, who has been caught in scandals such as "scumbag" and "derailment" many times, has suffered a serious blow to his public image.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

used to be a beautiful cross talk actor, but now he has become a frequent visitor to entertainment news. Every time a scandal breaks out, He Yunwei's situation is even more difficult. He tried to recover the decline through live broadcasts and other means, but with little success.

In the process, He Yunwei seems to have lost himself, constantly creating a different image in front of the public, but every attempt has ended in failure.

These successive negative news not only affected He Yunwei's career development, but also made his image in the hearts of the audience deteriorate. used to be a well-spoken and personable cross talk actor, but now in the eyes of the public, he has become a character who does not keep his promises and has a bad character.

He Yunwei's private life problems have formed a vicious circle with the trough of his career. As negative news continues to come to light, his commercial value drops dramatically, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities to perform.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

This pressure further affected his life and made him even more flawed in his personal relationships.

In the process, He Yunwei seems to have lost control of his public image. His remarks on social media are often controversial and sometimes even contradictory.

This behavior not only did not save his image, but made the public's impression of him even more negative.

After a series of setbacks, He Yunwei tried to return to the stage by teaming up with Cao Yunjin. At the end of 2023, he was invited to participate in the New Year's Eve event of Tianjin Tingyunxuan, which should have been a good opportunity for him to regain his strength.

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

However, this performance became another blow to He Yunwei's career.

When He Yunwei appeared on the finale, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense. The audience invariably shouted "traitor" and demanded that he leave the stage immediately. This strong resistance reflects the public's long-standing resentment against Ho Yunwei.

His performance on stage appeared awkward and helpless, and he eventually had to end the show early.

This failed performance not only exposed He Yunwei's negative image in the hearts of the audience, but also marked that his status in the cross talk industry has plummeted. used to be a celebrity in Deyun Club, but now he has become a representative of "ten thousand people".

A performance directly shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", and Li Jing's words began to be believed

This experience may be a turning point in Ho's career, forcing him to re-examine his situation and where he is headed.

However, He Yunwei's experience has also triggered deep thinking in the industry: in this era of rapid change, how should cross talk artists balance artistic pursuit and commercial interests? How do you keep the tradition while keeping up with the times? He Yunwei's story undoubtedly provides a case worth pondering for these questions.

This defeat may be the end of He Yunwei's career, but it may also be an opportunity for him to start anew. In any case, his experience has left a deep imprint on the cross talk industry and has become a warning and thinking material for latecomers.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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