
Alec Baldwin's new film "Clearing" revealed that the trailer of "Superman Prequel" actor Tom Welling will perform together



Alec Baldwin's new film "Clearing" revealed that the trailer of "Superman Prequel" actor Tom Welling will perform together

Because of the accidental shooting of the photographer on the set, Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin has fewer films, and the thriller "Clearing" in which he participated recently was exposed, and the film will be released in North America on July 19.

The film follows a team of lumberjacks who discover a methamphetamine processing plant in the forest and are forced to fight for their lives while being hunted by a drug cartel. Tom Welling, who played Superman in the American drama "Superman Prequel", also participated in the film.

Alec Baldwin's new film "Clearing" revealed that the trailer of "Superman Prequel" actor Tom Welling will perform together

Explanation of terms:

Clear-cutting refers to the main cutting method of cutting all or almost all of the mature trees in the felling area in a short period of time (generally no more than 1 year), and using artificial regeneration or natural regeneration to form forests of the same age after cutting.

Alec Baldwin's new film "Clearing" revealed that the trailer of "Superman Prequel" actor Tom Welling will perform together

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