
Behind the shutdown of Minqin's 828 illegal wells: exceeding the target water use, climate change exacerbates the contradiction between people and water

author:Xiao Li said life

When the spring of Minqin is dry, who will quench its thirst?

In the scorching summer, the fields in Minqin County are scorched yellow. In the past few years, disasters and famines have been frequent, and the people have struggled to make a living. Lao Huang wiped the sweat from his forehead, silently reciting God's blessing in his heart. He was in his seventies, and he had never seen anything like it all his life—the crops in the fields could not withstand the scorching sun, and the whole field withered and died.

Behind the shutdown of Minqin's 828 illegal wells: exceeding the target water use, climate change exacerbates the contradiction between people and water

These days, the people of the village are praying that the dark clouds are rolling and the rain is moistening the earth. I hope that there is no endless road to heaven and a bumper harvest in the coming year. Minqin, a county town located in the Hexi Corridor of Gansu Province, is known as the "Pearl of Oasis". But now, this pearl is fading rapidly. The original green beauty is withering little by little, disappearing inch by inch.

The culprit of all this is underground.

Last year, the National Audit Office found that there was a serious problem of groundwater overexploitation in Minqin County, with a total of 828 illegal wells! These illegal wells indiscriminately suck up groundwater content, causing the groundwater level in Minqin to drop significantly. In addition, in recent years, climate change has reduced the amount of water coming from rivers and insufficient groundwater recharge. As a result, Minqin's oasis faced an unprecedented challenge – drought.

Behind the shutdown of Minqin's 828 illegal wells: exceeding the target water use, climate change exacerbates the contradiction between people and water

In the face of the water crisis, Minqin County has taken decisive measures. Since the beginning of this year, 228 illegal wells have been shut down, and a series of water-saving measures have been implemented: reducing agricultural water use targets, promoting water-saving crops, and implementing crop rotation and fallow...... All kinds of measures are telling people that water resources should be used sparingly and not causing secondary disasters.

However, the problem is far from solved. It is estimated that even if every effort is made to save water, Minqin's water consumption this year will exceed the approved target. In order to declare a "water-saving society", the allocated water consumption and the actual water consumption cannot exceed the standard, which is a hard indicator.

Behind the shutdown of Minqin's 828 illegal wells: exceeding the target water use, climate change exacerbates the contradiction between people and water

In the face of this unavoidable reality, Minqin adopted the method of transferring water sources. Through the construction of water conservancy projects, water is transferred from other places. But it takes a lot of money and it takes time. At present, Minqin is at the "critical point" of water supply and demand, and the situation is still grim.

Overexploitation of groundwater has pushed an oasis to a desperate end, and Minqin's experience is embarrassing. It also serves as a reminder that fragile ecosystems can be easily destroyed by climate change and irrational use of resources. We must cherish the environment more, use resources more rationally, and act as soon as possible to protect our common home.

Behind the shutdown of Minqin's 828 illegal wells: exceeding the target water use, climate change exacerbates the contradiction between people and water

Let's join hands and fight for Minqin's tomorrow!

Looking at the dry ravines in the field, Lao Huang couldn't help but sigh: "The ground is cracked like my old face, and I have never encountered such a big drought in my life." If the heavens are not beautiful, I am afraid that our days will be even more sad. "Indeed, Minqin is facing an unprecedented existential crisis. It is not enough to rely on the strength of the county, and more attention and support from the higher-level government and all sectors of society are needed.

The state should increase the intensity of financial transfer payments to the people. Let Minqin have more funds to build water conservancy infrastructure and improve the efficiency of water resource utilization. At the same time, we should actively coordinate the transfer of water resources across provinces to achieve a more scientific allocation.

Behind the shutdown of Minqin's 828 illegal wells: exceeding the target water use, climate change exacerbates the contradiction between people and water

Enterprises and social organizations can provide material assistance to Minqin to solve the urgent needs of the local people. Technicians are also dispatched to guide local farmers to promote suitable and efficient water-saving crops such as rice planting.

The media should strengthen their coverage of the water resources situation in Minqin. Arouse the attention of all walks of life to Minqin, and promote the formation of a joint force of all parties to systematically solve the water resource problem of Minqin.

Behind the shutdown of Minqin's 828 illegal wells: exceeding the target water use, climate change exacerbates the contradiction between people and water

We also call on the general public to care for the people, understand the plight there, and actively save water in their lives, starting from little by little, saving resources and protecting the environment. The problem of water resources needs to be systematically managed, and it is difficult to fundamentally solve it by relying on the efforts of Minqin County alone. Let us work together to continue to work hard with a scientific and pragmatic attitude, and cheer for the future of Minqin!

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