
On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

author:Emotional University Hall
On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces
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On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

In 1988, the cold wind was howling in Antarctica, and a Chinese scientific expedition team was on a difficult task. However, as fate would have it, their research ship was blocked by a huge iceberg and fell into a life-and-death dilemma.

At this critical moment, a seemingly ordinary photographer stepped forward. Relying on the blasting knowledge he had accumulated as a railroad worker, he risked his life to rush to the unlit blasting point alone.

This warrior is none other than the famous mainland actor Zhang Guoli. He successfully detonated the explosives, blew up the iceberg that hindered the progress, and saved the entire expedition team. This feat not only earned him a second-class meritorious service medal awarded by the state, but also paved the way for China to establish a scientific research station in Antarctica.

Zhang Guoli's story is just the tip of the iceberg of hidden heroes in the entertainment industry, and more amazing secrets are waiting for us to reveal.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

Behind the bright stars, there is such a group of stars, who are not only shining in front of the screen, but also silently contributing their own strength to the country behind the scenes. Some of them were once top athletes, while others were unique in the field of technology.

Let's uncover another side of them that is less well known.

Wu Qilong, the name always conjures up images of handsome idols and superb acting skills. However, before he became a star in the limelight, Wu was a standout judoka.

From the time he was selected for the judo team in elementary school, he showed exceptional athletic talent.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

Under the rigorous training, Wu Qilong made rapid progress. Every weekend, no matter how bad the weather, he insists on running long trails to exercise his willpower.

This perseverance soon paid off – by the time he was in junior high school, he had become a core member of the varsity team, winning numerous provincial championships.

The 15-year-old Wu Qilong is already a seasoned athlete. His medal cabinet is filled with 23 individual championship trophies and 135 medals of all kinds.

At the Asian Junior Championships, he represented China seven times and won an astonishing result of 4 golds and 2 silvers.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

Seeing that the Olympic dream was within reach, fate played a cruel joke with Wu Qilong. Family changes forced him to give up his beloved judo career and switch to the entertainment industry to make a living.

Despite this, Wu Qilong was not defeated by setbacks. He brought the fighting spirit of an athlete to his acting career, and eventually became a successful actor and producer.

Similar to Wu Qilong, the "Queen of Comedy" Niu Li also hides a little-known athlete experience behind her. Born into a family of sportsmen, she has shown amazing athletic talent since she was a child.

Under the guidance of her mother, a shooting instructor, 9-year-old Niu Li began her shooting training. She quickly mastered the handling of various models of rifles, shooting with a steady and precise aim.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

At the same time, under the cultivation of her swimming coach father, Niu Li's swimming talent has also been fully developed. In just three years, she broke the provincial record for her freestyle speed and earned her the opportunity to join the national youth swimming team.

At the age of 15, Niu Li led the team to win the team championship in the national synchronized swimming competition, and her future is bright.

However, fate is always full of uncertainties. The sudden dissolution of the national swimming team made Niu Li's Olympic dream come to naught. After a brief period of confusion, with the encouragement of her mother, Niu Li regained her confidence and turned to focus on shooting.

She quickly stood out in the national shooting competition and washed away her previous loss in one fell swoop.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

However, fate once again played a joke on Niu Li - her shooting team was also disbanded. In the face of one blow after another, Niu Li did not give up. With the support of her mother, she resolutely decided to enter the entertainment industry, and quickly became a popular comedian with her keen insight and rich acting experience honed over the years.

Interestingly, even after entering the showbiz for many years, Niu Li's shooting skills have not diminished at all. During a trip to the UK, she took part in the annual local shooting competition.

Surprisingly, Niu Li, who has not touched a gun for 15 years, still maintains an amazing feel and superb aiming skills. In the fierce competition of many professional shooters, she won the championship by a landslide, showing the unknown side of the "Queen of Comedy".

The story of Wu Qilong and Niu Li allows us to see the little-known side of the stars in the spotlight. They are not only entertainers who entertain the public, but also ordinary people who integrate the fighting spirit of athletes into their lives.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

These experiences may be the secret to their success in their respective fields.

When we talk about actor Ning Wentong, the image of "Uncle Dada" in "Kiss My Teacher" may come to mind, or the fat aunt and brother in "Family with Children".

However, what is less known is that the actor, who has excelled in many popular series, has another amazing identity - drone technology expert.

Ning Wentong has shown a strong interest in electronic devices since he was a child. His thirst for knowledge drove him to continue to explore, and he mastered a wealth of electronic information technology knowledge through self-study.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

This love of technology laid a solid foundation for his future achievements in the field of drones.

What is amazing is that it only took Ning Wentong 3 years to grow from a novice programmer to a professional and technical personnel of the Beijing Radio Association. This amazing learning ability and perseverance in research make people awe of him.

With his enthusiasm for science and technology, Ning Wentong resolutely embarked on the road of entrepreneurship and established his own drone company. Although he faced the dilemma of lack of funds in the early days of his business, he finally achieved independent research and development and production with his persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in drone technology.

Ning Wentong's contribution is much more than that. In order to fill the technical gap in the field of low-altitude defense in the mainland, the low-altitude defense vehicle developed by him and his team has successfully passed the strict certification of the European Union.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

This breakthrough achievement has undoubtedly won international recognition for the mainland in this field.

Faced with the potential threat that drones could be used by terrorists, Ning Wentong did not stop. He has set up a scientific research team focusing on the research of UAV electronic countermeasure technology to escort national security.

The team works around the clock to develop advanced technologies that can effectively counter drone threats.

Ning Wentong's efforts are not limited to the laboratory. He personally led a team to participate in the counter-terrorism operation of the Chinese peacekeeping force in Mali, Africa, and applied his professional knowledge to actual combat.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

In this dangerous mission, Ning Wentong showed courage and determination that were completely different from his gentle appearance, and explained what a true patriot is with practical actions.

From screen stars to drone experts to counter-terrorism heroes, Ning Wentong's experience has given us a new perspective on the stars in the entertainment industry. His story tells us that behind those glamorous stars, there are many hidden talents and selfless dedication to the country.

Ning Wentong's experience has broken people's stereotypes of entertainment stars. He has proved with practical actions that a person can achieve excellence in different fields.

His story inspires us: don't be limited by what you can achieve, be brave enough to explore uncharted territory and make a greater contribution to society.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

In this era of rapid technological development, Ning Wentong's example also reminds us to always maintain our enthusiasm for learning and constantly update our knowledge and skills. Only in this way can we remain competitive in this rapidly changing world and create greater value for society.

When it comes to Jet Li, the first thing that comes to people's minds is often his majestic kung fu image on the screen. However, beneath the kung fu superstar's aura lies a compassionate philanthropist and a seasoned counterterrorism expert.

As early as the early 90s of the last century, when Jet Li's star journey was on the rise, he began to set his sights on public welfare. Jet Li has traveled to Africa many times to experience first-hand the living conditions of poor children there, and these experiences have deeply touched Jet Li's heart.

He not only provided material assistance to these children, but also worked to improve their living environment and educational conditions.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

Jet Li's philanthropic journey has not been easy. He has faced various doubts and challenges, some doubt that he is sincere, others think that he is just putting on a show.

However, these voices did not shake Jet Li's determination. He always adheres to his original intention and interprets the social responsibility of stars with practical actions.

In order to carry out charity work more systematically and effectively, Jet Li set up his own foundation. This foundation is not only committed to poverty alleviation and education, but also actively promotes the development of educational equity and environmental protection.

Thanks to Jet Li's efforts, tens of thousands of impoverished children have been given access to education, and countless endangered species have been protected. His dedication has made a real difference in the world.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

However, Jet Li's contributions don't stop there. What is less well known is that the kung fu superstar is also a seasoned counterterrorism expert. With years of martial arts training and a deep understanding of martial arts techniques, Jet Li has provided valuable combat experience and training guidance to the counter-terrorism force.

In an international anti-terrorism operation, Jet Li personally participated in it. Using his kung fu skills and tactical analysis skills, he successfully assisted the Special Forces in a dangerous hostage rescue operation.

All this is carried out in obscurity, little known to outsiders.

Jet Li's story allows us to see the other side of celebrities outside the spotlight. They are not only entertainers who entertain the public, but also ordinary people who contribute to society and the country in their own way.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

Jet Li has explained what true social responsibility is with practical actions, and his story inspires each of us to contribute to the world.

The name Wang Yifu may not be as familiar to ordinary audiences as other entertainment stars. However, in the Chinese shooting world, he is a well-deserved legend.

As a multi-time Olympic participant, Wang Yifu has won numerous honors for China's sports industry, and his achievements are exemplary in the field of shooting.

After retiring, Wang Yifu did not choose a comfortable life, but resolutely stayed in the sports world. He has served as a coach and referee, passing on the valuable experience and skills he has accumulated over the years.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

Under his careful guidance, batch after batch of outstanding shooting athletes have come to the fore and injected new vitality into the sustainable development of China's shooting industry.

Wang Yifu interprets the social responsibility of a sports star with practical actions, and shows the important contributions that athletes can make to society after retirement. His story tells us that no matter what position you are in, as long as you are enthusiastic, you can contribute to the development of society.

Through the little-known stories of these stars, we were able to get a glimpse of the other side behind the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry. From Zhang Guoli's adventure rescue team in the ice and snow of Antarctica, to Jet Li's charity in Africa; From Ning Wentong's innovative contributions in the field of science and technology to Wang Yifu's silent inheritance of sports, these familiar faces show amazing versatility.

They have not only made outstanding achievements in their respective fields, but also interpreted what it means to be a real star with practical actions. These stories have made us reacquaint ourselves with these familiar faces on the screen, and their dedication and contribution are far beyond our imagination.

On the surface, they are actors, but they actually won second-class merits, and they have been anti-terrorism experts, and these actors hide their faces

Their deeds not only deserve our respect, but also serve as an example for us to follow. These celebrities use their actions to tell us that no matter what position they are in, they should contribute their own strength to society.

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