
Folk Tale: Yan Marrying

author:The story of Gao Liangye

During the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanzong Li Longji favored the concubine Yang Yuhuan, and Yang Guifei's three sisters were named Mrs. Korea, Mrs. Qiuguo, and Mrs. Qin, and her cousin Yang Guozhong became a hot high-ranking official.

He Guangfu and his wife in Hetang Village, Baisha Town, Lingnan are over forty years old, and only have a daughter under their knees.

He Yanhong didn't look like a peasant girl at all, she was carved in pink and jade, her long hair was black and soft, hanging down to her heels, and the neighbors said that such a little girl was like a jade girl next to the Bodhisattva.

Because of the neighbors' remarks, He Guangfu and his wife were worried, for fear that their daughter would not be able to raise much, so they deliberately promised her to Yishou Nunnery on Xiaoqingshan outside Baisha Town as a registered disciple, and on the fifteenth day of each month, they sent her into the nunnery to recite scriptures and eat fasting, and every May, they retreated in the nunnery.

Folk Tale: Yan Marrying

He Yanhong has liked swallows since she was a child, and swallows also like her, no matter where she goes, many swallows often fly.

Under the eaves of her house, one after another are full of swallow nests. Swallows come and go every year, big swallows give birth to small swallows, big and small swallows quarrel together, and many swallow droppings are often sprinkled on the ground.

A little older, He Yanhong learned a good embroidery skill from Yishouan teacher, especially good at embroidering swallows, the same fabric embroidery thread, the embroidered swallows are lifelike, as if they are about to break through the fabric and fly to the sky at any time.

There are rumors in the town that the swallow silk handkerchief embroidered by He Yanhong can really fly if it is placed in the moonlight for three nights and gets the essence of the moon.

There is a son named Mo Qing in the town, who is two years older than He Yanhong, who likes to eat, drink, dance, and make trouble all day long.

When he heard this rumor, he became curious, and spent a lot of money to buy He Yanhong's six swallow embroidered handkerchiefs, which were spread out in the moonlight, and kept watch for three whole nights.

Because of this incident, many people in the town laughed at him for being stupid. But he was never tired of it, and continued to spend a lot of money to buy the swallow handkerchief embroidered by He Yanhong herself. Someone in the town deceived him with other embroidered handkerchiefs, he didn't distinguish between the real and the fake, but he only heard that it was He Yanhong's embroidered handkerchiefs and happily accepted them and collected them one by one.

Mo Yuanwai couldn't cry or laugh, and asked him if he wanted to marry He Yanhong as his wife, and if he liked it, he would come to the door to propose marriage.

Mo Qing was inexplicable, saying that what he liked was an embroidered handkerchief that could fly out of swallows, and he was not a woman who embroidered a handkerchief, just like he liked to eat lychees, could it be that he wanted to take back the farmer who planted lychees back at home?

Seeing that his son had not yet opened his mind, Mo Yuanwai couldn't cry or laugh anymore, thinking that he would talk about it in a few years, and then his son might cry and shout that he would go to He Family to propose marriage.

Folk Tale: Yan Marrying

At the age of twelve, He Yanhong had already become a rare beauty within a radius of dozens of miles, and the matchmaker who came to propose marriage broke through the threshold of the He family.

He Guangfu politely declined one by one, on the grounds that He Yanhong had made a vow in front of the Bodhisattva, and would not discuss marriage until the age of the Bodhisattva.

Some people believe it, and some people don't believe it, saying that he is a strange commodity to live in, and he wants to send his daughter to the palace to compete for favor with Yang Guifei, and he doesn't want to think about Yang Guifei's peerless style, what kind of character, how can a little village girl be able to catch it?

Wu saw that so many good people had missed it, and he felt sorry in his heart, and asked his husband why he didn't pick a suitable person and nodded yes? Could he really bear to send his daughter into the palace and never see each other again for the rest of his life?

He Guangfu sighed and said, "Who do you think is suitable?" With the talent of the daughter, marrying into an ordinary family, it is like a three-year-old child holding a pearl and walking alone in the market, which will inevitably bring disaster to them. ”

Wu thought about it, raising a child who was 100 years old and worried about 99, and raising such a flowery daughter was even more worried, and he didn't know how to settle her home.

Folk Tale: Yan Marrying

At the age of fourteen, He Yanhong's reputation as a beauty has spread all over the country, and many teenagers dress up carefully and stay at the door of the He family or Yishou Nunnery early.

He Guangfu didn't dare to let his daughter go out, and He Yanhong also stayed at home obediently, planting flowers and embroidering handkerchiefs every day, like this every day.

Teacher Yishouan was so pitiful that she couldn't leave the house, so she came to see her every once in a while, chatted with her, and then took her embroidered handkerchief back to sell it on consignment, and the money from the sale was used to help the poor.

A young man with a lively mind, he deliberately left the teacher's door, and promised to give him gifts and love letters to He Yanhong.

The teacher refused one by one, saying that He Yanhong wanted to be quiet, if she brought these things to the door by herself, wouldn't she give her trouble?

Folk Tale: Yan Marrying

In the fourteenth year of Tianbao, in mid-April, Su Ping, the little son of Su Thorn History in Benzhou, went to Baisha Town to see people start dragon boats from Sushui River, and heard that He Yanhong was as beautiful as a flower, and the dragon boat was not seen, so he went straight to He's house with a group of servants, and wanted to accept He Yanhong as a concubine, and urged her to come out to meet her.

He Yanhong hid in the room, locked the door, and trembled with fright.

He Guangfu complained bitterly in his heart, he heard that Su Ping loves beauty the most, once he sees a beautiful woman, no matter whether he has a husband or not, he will rush home first, and after ten days and eight months of boredom, he will push out the door, and the woman who has been harmed has no place to return and has nowhere to go, so he can only cut his hair and become a nun.

The daughter's rhetoric that she vows not to marry early, can excuse ordinary people, how can she deal with the son of the assassin family? He Guangfu mustered up all his strength to entertain Su Ping, pushing left and right, and he could drag on for a moment. At this time, he began to regret it, he knew that this was the case, it was better to engage his daughter, and then thought about it, with Su Ping's personality, let alone his daughter getting married, even if his daughter gave birth to three children, I am afraid that she would not be able to escape his hands.

Su Ping saw that he was desperately delaying and not letting his daughter come out to meet, so he smashed the teacup with a snap, and was about to order to smash the door to find someone, but he heard someone outside the door shouting: "What is the old man doing with the door half-closed in broad daylight?" ”

Folk Tale: Yan Marrying

Before he could finish speaking, a young man with broad shoulders and a thin waist walked in carrying a piece of wood pulp.

He Guangfu saw that this person was Mo Qing, a famous little demon king in the town, and called himself his father-in-law, he couldn't help but be surprised and delighted, although Mo Qing was unreliable, after all, he was a local, and he might be able to help.

Mo Qing has always been powerful, in recent years, he has helped Baisha Town to set up a dragon boat, and when he heard that the assassin Shi Gongzi killed He Yanhong's family, he thought that it was going to be broken, so he copied an oar and ran away, but fortunately he ran fast, and the He family had not had an accident.

When Su Ping saw Mo Qing, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly hid behind his subordinates.

A few days ago, he grabbed a little daughter-in-law who returned from incense at the foot of Xiaoqingshan Mountain, and was met by Mo Qing, and he was beaten to the ground with a stick, crying and calling his mother, Mo Qing also threatened that if he saw him robbing the people's daughter again, he would be beaten until his father couldn't recognize him.

Seeing Mo Qing's eyes wide, Su Ping couldn't help but feel a pain in his legs, and his whole body trembled, even if there were a group of servants, he didn't dare to try Mo Qing's skills again, and if there was something at home, he wouldn't bother their son-in-law gossiping, and hurriedly took his subordinates to slip away.

When he stepped out of the house, his head and shoulders were cold, and when he wiped it with his hand, it was wet bird droppings, so angry that he pulled out the knife under his hand, threw it, and smashed the two swallows' nests under the eaves, smashed to pieces, and several small swallows suddenly flew up, and soon fell to the ground crookedly.

Su Pingzheng was so angry that he stepped on it and killed several little swallows before leaving the He family.

Little swallow's cry before she died alarmed He Yanhong in the room, she opened the door, rushed out, and saw a few swallows in the courtyard who died tragically, her heart was like a knife, and her tears were like beads with broken threads, falling in a row.

Folk Tale: Yan Marrying

Mo Qing came out with it, and saw her pink face and tears, like lotus flowers with dew, beautiful jade and brilliance, she couldn't help but breathe, and the whole person was stupid.

Once upon a time, his father asked him if he wanted to marry He Yanhong as his wife, and he said no, at that time, he was busy trying to make the swallows in the embroidered pan fly out, but he had no interest in He Yanhong.

Now, when they suddenly met, his father suddenly appeared in front of him, and he realized that he was stupid at that time.

In order to solve the problem for the He family just now, he pretended to be the son-in-law of the He family, but now that he thinks about it, his face is full of heat and panic. Such a beautiful woman in front of her, if she can become her wife, she really has no regrets in this life!

Seeing that He Yanhong was so sad for the innocent and tragic death of Xiaoyanzi, Mo Qing was also very sad in her heart, squatted next to her, and persuaded her to bury Xiaoyanzi.

The big swallow flew back, and flew around the two of them again and again, letting out a low wail.

Mo Qing dug a pit under the melon shed in the corner of the yard, and the two worked together to bury the little swallow.

He Guangfu was still afraid of Su Ping's persecution just now, compared to Su Ping, Mo Qing, the little demon king of the mixed world, was really not a villain, and then looked at Mo Qing's expression when he looked at his daughter, he understood, and went back to the house to say a few words to his wife Wu, and Wu also nodded again and again.

On the same day, Mo Qing went home and walked around Mo Yuanwai, unable to open his mouth. Mo Yuanwai had already heard about what happened in the afternoon, and beckoned him to come close and asked him if he wanted to marry He Yanhong as his wife, Mo Qing scratched his head and said yes.

The two families were afraid that Su Ping would come to be a demon again, so they hurriedly invited a matchmaker, picked a date, and handled the marriage on the third day. Originally, the two families were worried that Su Ping would run out to make trouble, but Su Ping did not show up until the three dynasties returned to the door.

Folk Tale: Yan Marrying

Later, when I inquired, I learned that after Su Ping returned from Baisha Town, he took a fancy to a married woman who sold baked cakes and wanted to drag her home, but the woman's husband picked up a red-hot stick and beat him all over his body, and on the way back, he was pecked out of one eyeball by a swallow, and he couldn't get out of bed in two or three months.

Mo Qing was originally worried that Su Tingshi would settle accounts with him, but on the night Su Ping returned home, a fire broke out in the mansion for no reason, burning the Su family's mansion to the ground. Although the Su family escaped with their lives, they were all smoky and burning, as black as Kunlun slaves.

Su Ping scolded Mo Qing, saying that he must have instructed the swallow to burn it, and asked Su Tingshi to send someone to arrest him back.

Before the fire just now, Su Tingshi dreamed that a majestic man in black called himself the king of swallows, scolded him for having no way to teach his son, and killed seven of his grandsons.

Su Thorn Shi Cheng was terrified, for fear of provoking the dissatisfaction of the Swallow King again, so he slapped his son and told him to cultivate himself in the future, not to go anywhere, let alone provoke others.

Mo Qing and He Yanhong lived a peaceful and happy life for half a year.

Folk Tale: Yan Marrying

Once the wind and clouds moved, all kinds of rumors flew to Baisha Town, which is located in Lingnan, saying that there was a rebellion in the north, and the fat man An Lushan, who was deeply favored by the emperor and the concubine, suddenly rebelled.

After that, bad news kept coming, Luoyang fell, An Lushan proclaimed himself emperor in Luoyang, Ge Shuhan was forced to send troops and was defeated, Tongguan fell, Chang'an was in danger, and the emperor fled from the capital with his concubines, princes, grandsons and officials......

At this time, He Yanhong was already pregnant for half a year, Mo Qing originally wanted to wait for the child to be born before going out, but when she heard that the emperor had fled, she couldn't help it, and discussed with her family that she was going to join the army and help quell the rebellion.

Mo Yuanwai was pleased with his son's growth, but he thought that now was not a good time to join the army, his daughter-in-law was about to give birth, and he needed his son to take good care of him.

He Yanhong thought differently, saying that Mo Qing has a lot of ability, and now is a good time to repay, just go, don't worry about home.

Mo Qing was grateful for his wife's support, chatted with her for a long time that night, and rode away the next day.

He Yanhong was at home, recuperating with peace of mind, and when the term expired in October, she gave birth to a big fat boy.

Mo Yuanwai was overjoyed, saying that his grandson was very similar to his son when he was a child, but unfortunately he didn't know where his son was at this time.

When these words reached He Yanhong's ears, she picked up the silk handkerchief, wrote a few lines, waited for the handwriting to dry, folded it into a small stack, and beckoned.

A large swallow flew into the room, stopped beside her, raised its head, and looked at her curiously.

He Yanhong said: "Yanzi, Yanzi, if you really have spirituality, please take me to bring a letter to your husband." ”

The big swallow picked up the silk handkerchief and flew away quietly.

A few days later, He Yanhong dreamed that her husband had received a silk handkerchief from Yanzi, and when she knew the birth of her son, she hugged a soldier next to her and laughed. During breakfast, she told her father-in-law Mo Yuanwai, who said that it was strange, and she dreamed of the same scene.

Both of them believed that Da Yanzi had really delivered the letter, and Mo Qing was really safe.

Folk Tale: Yan Marrying

One day five years later, He Yanhong prepared a bundle and pen, ink, paper and inkstone, ready to send her son to a private school to open her mind, and suddenly a lot of swallows flew in the house, screaming while flying.

The son had never seen so many swallows, clapping his hands and laughing.

Suddenly, there was a crowd of people on the street outside, shouting as they ran and shouted that the new thorn history is coming, the new thorn history is coming.

The shouts were getting closer and closer, and He Yanhong was holding the child, her heart pounding. Mo Yuanwai also seemed to have a premonition, and walked out on crutches.

The door of the Mo family was opened, and the first person to walk in was a tall man in a brocade robe, with dark skin and a bright smile.

The swallows flew up and down and flew wildly. He Yanhong's eyes were moist, and she said to the child who was squirming left and right in her arms: "Dad, your father is back!" ”

It wasn't a dream, after years of separation, they were really reunited and lived happily ever after.




@高凉叶故事原创, thank you for your support and companionship all the way, and continue to share the world of stories and joys and sorrows in 2024