
Folk Tale: Dream Aunt

author:Poetic storytelling
Folk Tale: Dream Aunt


He Yan lost his father since he was a child, his mother raised him, and he died of a sudden illness at the age of thirteen, one day a footman was bitten by a snake when he passed by here, He Yan knew how to identify the herbs that treated the snake's bite, and healed the footman, and when the footman recovered, he gave him a bag of melon seeds, so He Yan found a wasteland and planted melons.

In order to better take care of these melon seedlings, He Yan simply built a melon shed next to the melon field, and lived in it every day, when He Yan was weeding and loosening the soil, the hoe touched a hard thing, I thought it was a stone, bent down to check after He Yan vaguely saw a blue thing, dig it with his hand to see, it is a blue pillow, the pillow material is like wood, and a mouse is painted on it.

After some cleaning, He Yan loved it very much, so he pillowed it under his head every day, and that night in his sleep He Yan heard a rustling sound, and when He Yan opened his eyes, a beautiful woman with snow-white skin crawled out from under his pillow.

Folk Tale: Dream Aunt

He Yan got up in surprise when he saw this, and then said in a panic: Girl, are you a human or a demon?

The woman stuck in front of He Yan and said flatteringly: The little woman called Aunt Meng, only appeared in your dreams, you can rest assured, I will leave tomorrow morning.

Meng Gu said that he threw down He Yan, He Yan is a young man, where can he withstand this temptation, he didn't say anything all night, and waited until the next morning, He Yan slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing I did when I got up was to look for Aunt Menggu last night, but after several searches, I found that there was no one inside and outside the melon shed, where was there any trace of Aunt Meng, He Yan secretly said that it was probably a dream last night.

At night, He Yan slept in the melon shed as usual, and unconsciously fell asleep, and when He Yan just fell asleep, the dream girl climbed out of the pillow and snuggled next to He Yan.

In the early morning of the second day, He Yan got up to check and found that as this Menggu said, he was by his side at night, and he would leave by his own accord during the day.

On this day, a friend of He Yan's name is named Li San, and he came to him: He Yan, I heard that there are fish in the East River, let's catch fish.

Li San shouted He Yan before he walked to the melon shed, but when Li San got closer, he found that this He Yan was so skinny now, so he asked He Yan again: He Yan, why are you like this?

He Yan was in the melon field at this time, and when he heard Li San's shout, he turned his head to look at it and said: What are you talking about, what are you talking about?

Li San hurriedly said: You are skinny, the whole person is listless, what happened?

He Yan smiled: I am in good spirits and fierce every night, where is I listless, what are you looking for me?

Li San repeated what he had just said again, He Yan looked up at the sky, and said: The sun is about to go down, tomorrow, tomorrow, after lunch, the two of us will go to catch fish together.

Li San was puzzled after hearing this, he usually asked He Yan to catch fish and hunt, He Yan was the first to rush to the front, how could he shirk it so much today, although he was puzzled, he did not question He Yan, but said to He Yan: Okay, I will come to you again tomorrow.

But although Li San left, he didn't go far, but found a place to hide, and when it got dark, Li San saw He Yan enter the house, so he went outside the melon shed to check inside.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, I looked at the melon shed from the gap, and found that He Yan was lying on the bed, with a strange pillow on his head, and a huge mouse crawled out of the pillow, and the mouse was stirring He Yan's face with its tail, and the mouth was inhaling a puff of white smoke from He Yan's forehead.

Seeing this, Li San was shocked, and hurriedly picked up a thick stick from the side of the melon shed and rushed in, but after rushing in, he found that the mouse had disappeared, and He Yan was quietly awakened.

He Yan opened his eyes and saw Li San holding a stick in his hand, and he was even more angry when Li San disturbed his good dream, and said angrily: Li San, what are you doing, you didn't go with you to catch fish, you want to use a stick to harm me?

Folk Tale: Dream Aunt

Li San was also angry when he heard He Yan say this, and shouted at He Yan loudly: Just now there was a mouse that wanted to harm you, so I rushed in with a stick, I wanted to save you, but you missed me so much, and in the future, the brotherhood between you and me will be severed from now on.

After that, the angry Li San slammed the door and walked out, and He Yan in the melon shed had calmed down at this time, looking at the departing Li San with regret in his heart, but at this moment, the beautiful and moving Menggu hugged He Yan from behind him.

Meng Gujiao opened her mouth and said: Then Li Sanhao was rude and suddenly broke in, it wouldn't be because he wanted to take me for himself.

After He Yan heard this, his heart, which had been calm, rolled abnormally, and he quickly turned around and hugged Meng Gu, and then said: You are mine, no one can take it away, and I will go to kill him tomorrow.

Meng Gu nodded, and then plunged into He Yan's arms, and on the second day, He Yan found Li San angrily, and without saying a word, he raised his hoe and smashed it at Li San.

Seeing this, Li San shouted angrily: He Yan, what are you going to do, in broad daylight, you can't kill people?

He Yan's eyes were red, his whole face was condensed, and then he shouted: You want to occupy my Menggu, I will kill you.

Then He Yan raised the hoe high again, ready to smash it at Li San, probably because He Yan was now as thin as firewood, but he was grabbed by Li San with his hand.

Then He Yan was pressed to the ground, Li San called a friend to take out a rope to tie He Yan, and then Li San splashed water on He Yan's face.

Then he asked: He Yan, what kind of wind are you smoking?

He Yan opened his eyes, his eyes were still blood-red, trembling and trying to break free of his hands, and said: You want to rob my Menggu, I want to fight with you.

Li San said angrily: You mean the big mouse yesterday, I went to ask Tianyi last night, it is estimated that he will arrive in a while, and when he arrives, you can take a good look at whether that Menggu is the big mouse.

As soon as Li San's words were finished, Tianyi Chang came to Li San's house, Li San told Tianyi Chang what he saw last night, and Tianyi Chang said after a little thought: Listen to what you said, it should be a dream pillow, Dream Pillow is a pillow of an evil cultivation system in ancient times, which suppresses this heavenly rat, this rat can transform into a form, demagogue, absorb the soul, this pillow has disappeared for thousands of years, but for some reason it has appeared again.

After listening to Tianyi's long words, He Yan said angrily: My Menggu is not a mouse.

Li San saw that He Yan was already stunned, so he begged Tianyi Chang to save him, and Tianyi Chang led everyone to He Yan's melon shed, and then threw out dozens of small flags in his hand and planted them around the melon shed, and then took out a pen wash from his arms and threw it into the sky, and then gradually became larger in the sky, forming a sky dome and shrouded down.

Waiting for everything to be ready, the words in his mouth vibrate, reciting the Dao Dao Decision, and then slapping it casually, a gust of wind flew out from the pen wash, and the wind blew everything in the melon shed away, leaving only a strange pillow on the ground, and then another Law Decision was played, and the lightning shot out of the Dao Dao in the pen wash and fell on the pillow, and suddenly the pillow emitted Dao black gas, and only a wail was heard.

And after He Yan heard the wailing sound, his eyes were tearing and he shouted anxiously: Menggu, Menggu, I will save you. Then he broke free from the shackles and rushed into the formation, but in the end he was pressed to the ground by Li San.

Then when the lightning receded, I saw that the pillow was broken, and there was a big snow-white mouse lying on the pillow, and at first glance I thought it was a fox, but I looked closely, and its tail was bare and thin and long, and it was determined that the mouse was undoubted.

When the mouse stopped moving, He Yan was also a lot quieter, his eyes looked at the front in a daze, and then Tianyi looked back at He Yan, then shook his head and sighed, reaching out to grab the mouse, the mouse seemed to turn into liquid, and gradually condensed into a small pill.

Folk Tale: Dream Aunt

Tianyi asked Li San to give him a dose, Li San grabbed He Yan's mouth and fed him the pill, the pill seemed to melt in his mouth, and disappeared when it entered He Yan's mouth, and then He Yan's complexion gradually recovered, and then the dry skin gradually rejuvenated, the dry skin slipped off like falling soil, and the white and tender skin was revealed.

And the day after tomorrow, a long mouth said to He Yan: All cause and effect come from the footman you saved, and the melon seed was also given to him by me, after you saved him, he gave you the melon seed, this melon is a spiritual melon, no wonder this lewd dream pillow will come here, live a good life in the future, don't be confused by the lights.


The scorching sun is like a fire, and the melon farmers sweat and pour the fertile soil.

Pick up the treasure pillow dream person, lingering melon shed beauty.

Who knows that the treasure pillow hides the root of the bane, because the heavenly rat demon sucks sperm and disappears.

is getting haggard and bones, but fortunately, a friend sees through the trick.

Urgently summon Taoist priests to cast spells and spells to suppress the demonic spirit.

The world is dark, because the rat demon is finally ambushed.

The treasure pillow is broken and the evil spirit is dispersed, and the melon farmers regain their new life.

Thanksgiving, thank you, and stay away from the dream.