
Duties and tasks of firefighting

author:Quanhu February 8 farming culture
Duties and tasks of firefighting

The townspeople fell into utter despair. The fire started in a small restaurant and grew so hot that it was now almost burning the entire business district. But everyone seems to be helpless.

Suddenly, a truck full of migrant workers sped down a small slope and rushed straight into the fire. The workers jumped out of the car and fought the flames with their clothes, and the fire was miraculously contained.

Duties and tasks of firefighting

City officials were so grateful for their bravery that they presented each of them with a medal and a $1,000 prize. After the award ceremony, a journalist interviewed the driver and asked him what he was going to do with the money. Without thinking, the driver replied, "Needless to say, the first thing I did was fix the brakes on the truck." ”

Duties and tasks of firefighting

This article tells the heroic deeds of migrant workers who bravely put out fires, and they proved their worth and courage with their actions. In the face of the fire, they decisively rushed into the fire, fought the flames with their own clothes, and finally succeeded in controlling the fire. Their courage and determination saved the city from even greater losses and filled them with gratitude and respect.

Duties and tasks of firefighting

City officials were so grateful for their bravery that they each presented each with a medal and a $1,000 prize. However, the driver said that the first thing he had to do was fix the brakes on the truck, as that was the most important thing in their lives. This answer is very touching to people, because it shows that migrant workers value their work and life, and they do not value honors or bonuses, but pay more attention to their own responsibilities and tasks.