
"6.26" Singing from the Drug Rehabilitation Center Singing hearts and hopes

author:Yangtze River Cloud said

"Let's take off the shackles and say goodbye to yesterday, and may the journey of life blossom all the way!" Accompanied by melodious music, 4 drug rehabilitation students recited the poem "Full Score Persistence, All the Way to Flowers", telling their feelings of quitting drug addiction and their desire for rebirth.

"6.26" Singing from the Drug Rehabilitation Center Singing hearts and hopes

June 26 is the 37th International Anti-Drug Day, on the morning of the same day, the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau Compulsory Isolation Drug Rehabilitation Center held the opening and "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day commemorative activities, more than 180 people, including police, drug rehabilitation students, students' families and representatives of the masses, participated in the activities.

"6.26" Singing from the Drug Rehabilitation Center Singing hearts and hopes

At the event site, the police officers gave a detailed introduction to the effectiveness of anti-drug work through vivid photos and drug model displays, and popularized the knowledge of drug recognition, drug identification and crime prevention. "This photograph is the story of a social conflict that we resolved. In September last year, a drug rehabilitation trainee owed 200,000 yuan in arrears to employees, and with the communication and coordination of the police and unremitting efforts, the wages were finally paid in time, and the employee representatives specially sent this pennant. ”

"6.26" Singing from the Drug Rehabilitation Center Singing hearts and hopes

The black tiger pushes the mountain, the golden rooster is independent, and the carp fights the ...... In the theme performance of "Staying Away from Drugs and Embracing New Life", drug rehabilitation student Wu Jun (pseudonym) performed "Return to the "Wu" Taiwan and Reshape the New Life", which made a set of southern boxing strong and vigorous, and won bursts of applause from the audience. Wu Jun practiced martial arts in Shaolin Temple since he was a child, and once won the provincial sanda championship, but he went astray at the peak of his life. After entering the institute, with the help of the correctional police, he gradually rekindled his confidence in life. He said, "Those who have been deeply immersed in darkness understand the value of light, as long as we have hope in our hearts, live towards the sun, and walk in pursuit of light, we will surely break through the haze of poisonous miasma and regain our life!" ”

"6.26" Singing from the Drug Rehabilitation Center Singing hearts and hopes

"Mom, during your absence, my uncles and aunts took good care of me, and I hope you can go home soon." The story sharing "Letter to the Family" made the audience moved. Lily (pseudonym), a 49-year-old woman who was admitted to the hospital in February this year due to drug addiction, has no one to take care of her 10-year-old son. At the event, when Lily saw her son, she immediately ran forward and hugged her tightly and cried, she said, "I am very heartbroken and remorseful, and I also feel very lucky, there are so many people who care about and help me, I will stay away from drugs in the future and give my children a healthy and beautiful future!" ”

At the show, the drug rehabilitation trainees used songs, dances, tai chi, martial arts, recitations and other forms to show their firm will to rehabilitate drugs and their confidence and determination to strive to overcome themselves and return to society. "In the future, we should not only consciously stay away from drugs, but also warn our family and friends to resist drugs together!" A representative of the family of the trainees who participated in the event said.

According to the relevant person in charge of the compulsory isolation drug rehabilitation center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, through the organization of a series of anti-drug theme publicity activities, the purpose is to comprehensively display to the society the achievements of our humanistic drug rehabilitation in recent years, educate and guide the whole people to improve their awareness of drug awareness, drug prevention and drug rejection, and actively create an anti-drug pattern with social participation and comprehensive management of functional departments.

(Correspondents: Wang Wei, Ying Houwei, Yan Junchi)