
Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly

author:Chengcheng's whimsy

Zhang Haibo appeared in court with witnesses before, accusing Fan Xiaohui of cheating on marriage, sitting on the stage, stepping out, and violently hurting people. Later, Fan Xiaohui threw off the chat record, and her ex-husband threatened to kill her and the child for half a year. And Dandan has been taught bad by Dad.

Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly

Fan Xiaohui shook the chat record again

At 6 p.m. on June 25, Zhang Haibo threw out the recording and found the witness. At seven o'clock in the morning on June 26, Fan Xiaohui threw out ten chat records. The first six are so terrifying, and it is suspected that Zhang Haibo has lost control of his emotions.

Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly
Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly
Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly
Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly
Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly
Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly

The man repeatedly emphasized the word "killing", and he was going to Nanjing to entangle with Fan Xiaohui. Fan Xiaohui responded, you have been threatening to kill me every day for half a year. This kind of chat history makes people look creepy.

Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly
Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly

The last four chat logs seem to be a little more emotionally stable. Zhang Haibo emphasized that he would send a small essay to engage Fan Xiaohui, and also said that he would fight a lawsuit with Fan Xiaohui, and he would definitely win, etc.

Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly
Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly

The last one is very uncomfortable to watch, and it is about the child's balls. Fan Xiaohui blamed her ex-husband Zhang Haibo for bringing the balls badly. Dolls who are only a few years old will say swear words that are difficult for even adults to say. As a result, Zhang Haibo calmly replied "sleeping"! It's infuriating.

Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly

Ten chat logs, it seems hard to believe that this is from the mouth of a soldier. Zhang Haibo's mouth is fragrant, and his quality is really not complimentary. The divorce is so ugly, even if the lawsuit is won, it is still a lose-lose!

Netizen's point of view

Regardless of whether what Zhang Haibo said about Fan's black material is true or not, even if it is true, it is before he was with Zhang Haibo. It may be true that it is not right to conceal it, and it is understandable that Zhang Haibo divorced because of this.

Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly

But after the divorce, why do you want to pick up all the black material of your ex-wife? After all, you have children in common! Is this really good for children? I believe that Fan Xiaohui is also willing to give Zhang Haibo a little compensation financially.

But Zhang Haibo is suspected of wanting to take revenge on Fan Xiaohui, the kind that never stops. The majority of netizens are still more sympathetic to Fan Xiaohui.

Fan Xiaohui threw out the real hammer again, and was physically threatened by Zhang Haibo for half a year, and the egg has been taught badly

First, she worked hard to build your small family by herself, and she became a big Internet celebrity with her hard work.

Second, as a military wife, Fan Xiaohui stays alone in the empty house all the year round and takes the baby alone. She has something to give.

Third, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is difficult, did Zhang Haibo play a mediating role in the middle?

Fourth, Fan Xiaohui tried her best to gather and disperse, giving both sides decency. However, Zhang Haibo has to destroy his ex-wife, is this really good for the child?

Fifth, did you ask for Dandan's consent to forcibly take DanDan away? Is the child willing to be separated from his mother?

Finally, the majority of netizens reminded Zhang Haibo that even if you win the lawsuit, you will be a man in vain!
