
After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

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After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from


Guan Feng, a well-known literati in the 60s, endured the hardships of being isolated in 1967 to write a review in Diaoyutai until he was released from Qincheng Prison in 1982, ending his 14-year prison life. In his later years, although Guan Feng was placed in the dormitory of "Qiushi" magazine and lived a simple life, he still maintained a high monthly living allowance. So why can he enjoy bureau-level treatment, and where does the monthly income of 4,000 yuan come from? Let's take a little history to learn about it.

Zhou Yufeng, a man who was born in Qingyun County, Shandong Province, was a keen writer in 1939, and at the age of 20, he chose "Guan Feng" as his pen name in his work in Leling County, Shandong.

Guan Feng's literary journey began with a deep love of words, a passion that has been ingrained in his life since childhood. In his early work experience in Shandong, although his position was ordinary, he showed extraordinary talent through his articles, and gradually established a reputation in the local literary circle. These initial recognitions laid the foundation for his later career and provided an opportunity for him to broaden his path further.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

In 1944, Zhou Yufeng's well-known pseudonym won Kang Sheng's appreciation, and the high-ranking official who was then secretary of the Shandong branch spoke highly of the brilliance of his articles. This recognition opened the door for Guan Feng to emerge on the political scene and contributed to his meteoric rise in the ranks, leading to his appointment as head of the Bohai District Education Section.

Guan Feng and Kang Sheng are quite similar in appearance, both have long and thin faces with glasses, and they look quite scholarly. With the promotion of Kang Sheng's position, Guan Feng's career has also risen.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

1956 became an important turning point in Guan Feng's life trajectory. At the age of 37, he was transferred from the local government to Beijing and joined the work of the Political Research Office. The Political Research Office is a think tank of the central government, and a high-level research and consulting institution that brings together top wisdom and literary talents. It has gathered many well-known theorists and outstanding writers, such as Chen Boda, Tian Jiaying, Hu Cheng, Ai Siqi, etc., who have had an important influence on the field of Chinese politics and culture.

Being in the Political Research Office meant that Guan Feng's talent was recognized at a higher level, and his career entered a new height. Here, Guan Feng has the opportunity to exchange ideas with other outstanding figures, and can directly participate in the research and formulation of important national policies, which is a huge expansion of his vision and ability.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

Guan Feng also faces unprecedented challenges. The work of the Political Research Office is extremely stressful, and each research may directly affect the direction of national policy, which requires him to find a precise balance between theoretical depth and practical application. His way of writing and thinking has been deepened and improved in the process, and his articles have begun to carry more profound thoughts and unique insights.

1958 was indeed a turning point in Guan Feng's career. In that year he joined the Red Flag magazine and was quickly promoted to the editorial board within six months, and in the same year he published a profound paper in the Guangming Daily, in which Guan Feng demonstrated an in-depth understanding and unique insights into the Chinese philosophical tradition, which attracted the attention of great men.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

The great man praised his article and personally commented on it at the bottom of the article, expressing his high praise for Guan Feng's opinion. This decision not only strengthened Guan Feng's reputation in the academic world, but also greatly increased his influence in political circles.

Soon after the success of this article, Guan Feng was promoted to the head of the magazine's philosophy group. This position not only marked his central position in Red Flag magazine, but also meant that he became an important figure in the development of state ideology. In this role, Guan Feng is responsible for guiding and shaping the direction of philosophical discussions in the magazine, a challenging and influential role.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

In the eyes of the great man, history and philosophy are the key to understanding and promoting social development, so being able to lead philosophical discussions in such an important journal as Red Flag undoubtedly makes Guan Feng's position even more important. For Guan Feng, 1958 was not only a pivotal year for him to transform himself from a literary and philosophical researcher to a leader of state ideology, but also a year in which his personal prestige and influence reached new heights.

In 1965, Guan Feng showed his political sensitivity and strategic vision in the fierce political turmoil of the early days of the Cultural Revolution, supported Yao Wenyuan's "Commenting on the Dismissal of Hai Rui", and elaborated more deeply on this basis.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

Guan Feng's political sense and literary talent made his popularity in political circles rise rapidly. He has become a high-profile figure in cultural circles, and has been consistently admired by high-level leaders such as Kang Sheng for his active participation and bold expression in political groups.

In 1966, Guan Feng's reputation reached its peak, and there was even a proposal to make him the director of the General Political Department, but Chairman Mao had reservations about nominating Guan Feng. When he heard about the nomination, he said that although Guan Feng was brilliant in writing and quick in thinking, his experience and ability were not enough to hold such an important military position.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

Chairman Mao's assessment was succinct and profound, "a thousand miles off topic" meant that Guan Feng lacked the necessary military background and practical contributions, while "being a teacher, but not being a 'judge'" criticized his rash and possible individualistic tendencies in political manipulation. In the end, Chairman Mao decided to replace Xiao Hua with Li Desheng, the founding major general, as the director of the General Political Department.

As the incident fermented, cracks began to appear within Zhou Yufeng's political group. As the main author of the article, it is difficult for him to get rid of the pressure of public opinion and political responsibility. In August 1967, he was forced to "take a leave of absence to write a review," effectively beginning a months-long quarantine review.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

Mr. Zhou and his fellow-accusator, Wang Li, were initially housed in an official residence in Diaoyutai, Beijing, before they were transferred to a hidden villa in Xishan to continue their scrutiny. In January 1968, the situation worsened, and Zhou Yufeng was officially sent to prison, starting a 14-year life of imprisonment. Although Zhou Yufeng was in prison without a formal trial or sentence, his political career and personal freedom were greatly restricted.

After 14 years in prison in 1982, at the age of 62, Guan Feng planned to return to his hometown, away from the hustle and bustle of Beijing. When the local government in Shandong learned of his wishes, they built a two-story residence in Qingyun County for him to welcome him.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

However, due to health reasons, long-distance travel was no longer suitable, and he finally decided to stay in Beijing, where he settled in the family compound of Hongqi Magazine, a secluded place on North Beach Street. At first, the organization provided him with a monthly subsistence allowance of 150 yuan to ensure his basic livelihood, which was increased to 500 yuan in 1988.

During this time, Guan Feng was told to reduce contact with the outside world, although he still enjoyed some freedom of movement. It wasn't until 1989 that restrictions were lifted, and Guan Feng began to communicate freely with the outside world. During his time at Red Flag Magazine, Guan Feng helped nurture many young talents, including Yan Changgui, a formal philosophy scholar who graduated from Chinese University.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

Although Guan Feng himself was not from a professional background, his depth and insight in philosophical research deeply influenced Yan Changgui. Yan Changgui recalled that it was Guan Feng who guided him into the deep waters of philosophy and helped him grow from a young student to a philosophical researcher.

With the cessation of the "Red Flag" magazine in 1988, the "Qiushi" magazine was launched, and the original "Hongqi" family compound was also renamed the "Qiushi" family compound. Guan Feng's treatment and living are the responsibility of Qiushi magazine, and although he has not received severance benefits, his treatment is still paid according to bureau-level standards, including housing, salary, medical and other benefits.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

Guan Feng's financial situation gradually stabilized after he was released from prison. In addition to his salary, he earns additional manuscript fees for publishing articles. By the early 1990s, his monthly income plus manuscript fees was usually between 3,000 and 4,000 yuan, and even today, such an income is a dream for many people.

Since his release from prison, Guan Feng has been pursuing an extremely retiring philosophy of life - the "four nos": do not watch, do not think, do not discuss, and do not write politically related content. His interest turned to the study of the philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi, as well as the in-depth exploration of other philosophical fields.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

Among the many reporters, Ye Yonglie is one of the few who can enter Guan Feng's house. Through the introduction of an old friend who had worked with Guan Feng at the "Red Flag" magazine, Ye Yonglie successfully met the 68-year-old Guan Feng in March 1988. The matchmaking of this old friend finally made this precious visit possible.

During the interview, Guan Feng described himself as "deaf to what is going on outside the window and concentrate on being a bookworm", apparently hinting at Ye Yonglie's boundaries about the content of the interview. Entering Guan Feng's residence, the simplicity of his life and his obsession with academics are obvious. Books fill almost every corner, and even the aisles struggle to get rid of the stacks of books.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

Although Guan Feng maintains the seriousness of a politician on the outside, wearing a traditional tunic and an old-fashioned cadre hat, in private, he appears more relaxed, talkative and enthusiastic. Despite his strict principles of life, Guan Feng was not completely isolated, and he was interviewed by Ye Yonglie and showed off his carefully curated and insightful manuscripts.

The manuscripts cover the scholarship of his later years, and the exact number of words is marked at the corner of each sheet, indicating his pursuit of academic rigor. After the visit, Ye Yonglie presented Guan Feng with a book and deliberately wrote respectful words in it: "Comrade Guan Feng teaches righteousness, Ye Yonglie respectfully presents."

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

Guan Feng appreciates this traditional title, preferring to be addressed as "comrade" rather than "sir," reflecting his penchant for equality and friendliness. Although Guan Feng has retired from the political arena, his contributions to scholarship and his passion for life remain intense, and his stories and ideas will continue to influence generations to come.

Guan Feng's life trajectory is closely linked to China's turbulent history, and his identity and actions deeply reflect the complexities and challenges of his time. As a key figure at a turning point in history, his decisions and actions have left indelible marks on China's social and political development. In particular, his role in the drafting of the May 16 Notice, as well as his multifaceted performance in the Cultural Revolution, make him a historical figure worth studying.

After the 62-year-old Guan Feng was released from prison, he enjoyed bureau-level treatment, where did the monthly income of 4,000 come from

Looking at Guan Feng's life, we are able to understand the significance and potential consequences of individual choices in a totalitarian context. His career has shown that in the corridors of power, even the most talented thinkers can be swept away by the torrent of the times and eventually face a severe test of morality and ideals. Guan Feng's story is a profound exploration of the relationship between power, responsibility, and personal morality.