
The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

author:Red with green

Age is not a shield!

Don't think that when you are old, the whole world will let you, you can do whatever you want, and you will be lawless!

Recently, a 65-year-old man in Beijing made a series of unexpected operations after asking the girl to "give up her seat" on the subway and was refused.


(Video source: Guangzhou Daily Dayang Network)

Things reviewed

The incident happened on the Beijing subway line 10.

On June 24, according to the online video, an elderly man wearing a peaked cap, sunglasses, and a bag and crutches was facing a girl wearing short-sleeved shorts sitting on a seat and asked, "Can the elderly be allowed to sit?" ”

The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

The more the old man spoke, the more excited he became, pointing his finger at the girl, and the girl reached out to block it, but was directly held by the old man and pressed to the girl's mouth.

The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

The girl solemnly reminded the old man: "Don't do it! ”

And tell him: "Others can let it, you don't let it!" ”

Next, the old man's operation was stunned, and he put the crutch in his hand between the girl's legs and swept it several times.

The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

The girl was probably also stunned, and she didn't react for a while.

The old man began to pull the girl's arm with his hand again, and asked the girl to go to the police station with him, saying that he was going to report the crime!

The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

Although the video is very short, no matter how you look at it, this old man has a problem!

Let's talk about "giving up your seat" first, giving up your seat is love, not giving up your seat is your duty, there is no problem with the girl not wanting to give up her seat to this old man, and there should be no moral kidnapping!

There are so many people in the subway, this old man specially found a little girl and asked someone to give him a seat, this is obviously to see that the little girl is easy to bully!

Second, the old man pulled the girl with his hands and swept between the girl's legs with a stick. This move is insulting to girls, and it can be said that the old man is playing hooligan!

The elderly man was placed in administrative detention

Soon, the Beijing police intervened in the matter, and according to the released briefing, it can be seen that this immoral old man was administratively detained!

The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

However, the reason for the detention still saved him enough face: a dispute with another passenger due to a seat problem, disrupting the order of the ride!

Netizens who have watched the video know that this is not just as simple as disrupting the order of the ride, but is there no suspicion of sexual harassment in the behavior of the girl?

The police were condemned by the whole network

What's even more outrageous is that these behaviors of the old man were actually carried out under the noses of the subway security staff.

The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

At the beginning of the video, it should be that the security guard has just arrived here to understand the situation, and the old man said: "I said can you let me sit, what's wrong?" Nothing wrong with it, right? ”

The subway security immediately responded: "No problem is no problem." But you ......"

The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

Before the subway security finished speaking, the old man didn't give him a chance to speak again, and he stood on the side and became a "melon eater".

The "inaction" of the subway security made netizens particularly angry, and the comment area was denouncing him.

From the beginning, the subway security was wrong, and his sentence "no problem" fueled the old man's prestige. If you want to solve the problem, you shouldn't be with the mud!

The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

If the security can stop it in time, the old man will not dare to be so arrogant, and the girl will not be harassed by the subsequent attack, and the matter may still stay on the issue of "giving up her seat".

The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

Is this subway security worker also responsible for this? Don't blame him for not handling things well, but at least show the attitude and behavior to deal with it!

The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!
The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!
The 65-year-old man asked the girl to give up her seat and was rejected and played hooligan, the police intervened, age is not a shield!

Write at the end

This old man relies on the old and sells the old, even if he is a scoundrel and a hooligan, it is so hateful!

Fortunately, the Beijing police did not let him go because of his age.

No matter who you are, no matter how old you are, if you violate laws and regulations, you should be punished accordingly!

【Disclaimer】The process, pictures, and videos described in the article are all from the Internet. The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.