
Should my mother-in-law take care of me during confinement? Netizen: It's good that the well water doesn't interfere with the river water

author:The starting point of the baby's story

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoli~

During confinement, should the mother-in-law take care of her daughter-in-law?

I surveyed many mothers, but they all seemed to have different opinions.

Some mothers say: the mother-in-law should take care of the confinement mother-in-law, the husband goes to work, and the confinement alone cannot take care of the baby, and he can't be too tired.

Some mothers said: Confinement would rather invite a confinement lady than let her mother-in-law bring it, and the well water does not interfere with the river water.

Confinement, in fact, the mother-in-law is the best candidate, after all, the mother-in-law is an old man, but also a relative, can speak freely will not be too depressed.

If you invite a confinement lady, after all, she is not your own person, many privacy issues must be avoided, and you also need to pay special attention to communication with you.

Should my mother-in-law take care of me during confinement? Netizen: It's good that the well water doesn't interfere with the river water

If the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not harmonious, confinement should not bother the mother-in-law.

After all, the mother's mood is very important during confinement, whether it is lactation or her postpartum recovery, it is directly related to her mood.

In the case of a bad mood during confinement, it will also make the mother depressed and unhappy, which should be paid attention to by us, which should be paid special attention to.

If the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is very good, the mother-in-law is the best candidate, which is better than inviting a confinement lady or a confinement center.

Should my mother-in-law take care of me during confinement? Netizen: It's good that the well water doesn't interfere with the river water

Why do you say that your mother-in-law is comparable to a confinement lady?

After all, the confinement lady is an outsider and can't always be by her side, so it will only take a month to go down, and if the confinement lady goes down, the mother will have to start over.

Especially over-reliance on confinement sisters, after confinement, mothers are more brain-burning, and they need to let their babies readapt to themselves, which will be harder.

Therefore, although the confinement lady is good, there are also certain drawbacks, if the mother-in-law can be competent, it will naturally be better for the mother-in-law to help, and she can slowly get started after the confinement.

Should my mother-in-law take care of me during confinement? Netizen: It's good that the well water doesn't interfere with the river water

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has always been more delicate, and the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is also a very common phenomenon.

The situation of each family is different, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is also very delicate:

Some mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law have a relationship like biological mother and daughter;

Some mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law have a relationship like strangers.

However, smart mothers will choose to have a good relationship with their mother-in-law, and a good relationship between mother-in-law and herself is naturally conducive to improving their happiness index.

Confinement and taking care of the baby are actually not obliged to take care of the mother-in-law, but if the mother-in-law is smart and sensible, she will also choose to compromise and take care of the baby's confinement.

As a mother, she definitely hopes that her children can be happy, and if she can help her children, she can help them more, so that she can also share the labor and economic pressure of the family, and also promote the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]