
When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

author:Yifeng talks about history
When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly
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When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

In 1999, the crew of "Pride of Heaven and Earth" was in full swing. 26-year-old Cai Shaofen took advantage of the break time to come to the dressing room alone. She stood in front of a bright mirror and habitually styled her hair.

Suddenly, her movements froze. The slightly tired face in the mirror shook her heart.

Cai Shaofen approached the mirror in disbelief and carefully examined her face. The once full cheeks seemed to be a little sunken, and a few fine lines crept up the corners of the eyes.

She couldn't help but think back to when she first started in the industry seven years ago - the girl known as the "doll" seemed to be far away from her.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

In a trance, Cai Shaofen suddenly realized that she might be experiencing the difficulties faced by other "skin beauties". Will her beauty be like a flash in the pan and fleeting? The thought sent chills down her mind.

Cai Shaofen stared at herself in the mirror and fell into deep thought. She can't help but start looking back at the stories of actresses who were once as beautiful and moving as her, but quickly faded over the years.

In 1989, Ms. Qiong Yao's eyes were like a torch, and she locked on the 15-year-old Chen Derong at a glance among many young girls. This girl who is as pure and immaculate as a white lotus seems to be born to be the heroine in Qiong Yao's drama.

However, Tran's mother, believing that her daughter was not ready, declined the opportunity. But Qiong Yao did not give up, but waited patiently for three whole years.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

In 1993, 18-year-old Chen Derong finally made a stunning appearance in "Plum Blossom Branding". As Bai Yinshuang, she is like a spring flower in bloom, with a beautiful face and bright eyes and bright teeth, which instantly captured the hearts of countless audiences.

In the following "Water and Clouds", she played Du Qianqian, who was even more extravagant. Even if it is just a simple braided shape, it is difficult to hide its beautiful face and show an extraordinary temperament.

In 1996, the broadcast of "A Curtain of Dreams" made the 21-year-old Chen Derong the focus again. Wang Ziling, played by her, with a pure face and bright makeup, made the audience pay attention.

At this time, Chen Derong was at the peak of his appearance, and the light of youth seemed to never fade.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

However, time is like flowing water, and the traces of time come quietly. In 1999, Chen Derong in "The Peerless Twins" had already shown some signs of aging. Her once full cheeks were slightly sunken, and her high cheekbones and deep eye sockets made her look slightly tired.

The audience began to be surprised to find that the goddess of the past could not escape the erosion of time.

In the following years, in works such as "Flying Dragon" and "The Secret History of Taizu", although Chen Derong was not yet 30 years old, her sagging skin, drooping eye bags and deep tear troughs ruthlessly announced the loss of her youth.

The once amazing girl is now only left with the mature temperament after years of precipitation.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

Chen Derong's story is like a flower that blooms too early and withers too quickly. Her beauty was a flash in the pan, leaving a deep but short-lived imprint on the audience's memory.

This process also reveals the common fate of "skin-like beauties" - the rapid decline after stunning bloom.

Qiong Yao's discerning eyes brought a peerless beauty to the audience. However, even the most beautiful faces are hard to resist the erosion of time. Chen Derong's experience can't help but make people sigh at the short flowering period of skin beauty, and also arouse people's deep thinking about the relationship between beauty and time.

Her story is like a mirror, reflecting the fate of many contemporaneous beauties. Those who once amazed the world's faces will eventually escape the baptism of time.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

However, it is precisely the transience of this beauty that highlights its preciousness and memorability at a particular moment.

In the golden age of the Hong Kong entertainment industry, Li Lizhen stood out with her unique charm and successfully ranked among the "otaku gods and goddesses". In 1981, the hand of fate gently pushed the life of this 15-year-old girl.

A chance street encounter allowed the scout to discover Li Lizhen's potential, and since then she has started her brilliant acting career.

Li Lizhen, who is new to the industry, although her cheeks are slightly plump, her full square face is full of youthful atmosphere and full of cuteness. With the passage of time, especially after starring in "The Great Era" and the high-profile "Fengyue Trilogy", 26-year-old Li Lizhen ushered in the peak of her appearance.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

In 1992, Li Lizhen, who was at the peak of her appearance, was like a dazzling star, illuminating the entire Hong Kong film industry. The once baby fat is gone, replaced by delicate facial features and firm skin.

With her dark and thick hair, graceful body curves, and her pure appearance but tough inner screen image, she became one of the hottest stars of that era.

Li Lizhen's unique temperament - the perfect fusion of purity and sexiness makes her stand out among many beauties. Each of her roles seems to be tailor-made, whether it is the pitiful girl next door or the charming and moving beauty of the wind and moon, she has performed it vividly.

The audience was captivated by it, the critics were amazed, and Li Lizhen's name became synonymous with beauty and talent in that era.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

What's even more embarrassing is that in 2005, Li Lizhen, who played the holy aunt in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", had expanded cheekbones, sunken in the middle of her face, and her whole face showed exhaustion and vicissitudes.

used to be the heart-warming "wind and moon stunning", but now only the mature temperament after years of precipitation remains.

Li Lizhen's story seems to be a beautiful dream. She blooms like an epiphany, dazzling yet fleeting. From a 15-year-old young girl, to a 26-year-old peak of appearance, and then to the gradual fading after her 30s, Li Lizhen's experience reflects the common fate of many "skin-looking beauties".

However, even though her face has passed away, Li Lizhen's mark in the hearts of the audience is eternal. Her story is not just about the rise and fall of beauty, but also about the memory of an era.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

The peerless Li Lizhen has forever been frozen in the most glorious era of the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and has become an indelible memory in the hearts of countless people.

In 1995, the costume drama "Wu Zetian" was born, and a 20-year-old star named Miao Yiyi played Helan in the play, which instantly amazed countless audiences.

Her appearance is like an active Tang Dynasty painting, perfectly presenting the charm of ancient beauties in front of modern audiences.

Miao Yiyi's talking eyes are full of charm in the circulation; When her eyebrows and eyes were looking forward to it, there was a hint of nobility. This young woman from Hangzhou, with her outstanding appearance and superb acting skills, has successfully created an unforgettable character image.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

Dressed in a colorful skirt and long gown, wearing a delicate and graceful high bun, and decorated with gorgeous pearl hairpins in her ears, the young Miao Yiyi is like a blooming Tang Dynasty peony, which is so beautiful that people take their breath away.

Each of her shots is like a carefully drawn gongbi painting, showing the grace and grace of the Tang Dynasty women to the fullest.

However, this beautiful flower has not stood the test of time. Just a few years later, the once stunning face began to fade quietly. In 2001, in "Smiling Proud Jianghu" directed by Zhang Jizhong, 26-year-old Miao Yiyi played the role of the little sister Yue Lingshan.

When she reappeared in front of the audience, people were surprised to find that the once bright and beautiful girl no longer existed. Instead, there was a woman with gloomy eyes and a melancholy face, who looked nearly ten years older than her actual age.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

The rapid decline of Miao Yiyi's appearance reached its peak in the 2006 annual drama "Golden Wedding". The 31-year-old plays the adult Tong Yanni in the play, but she gives people the impression of a "yellow-faced woman".

Although this is related to the character setting, Miao Yiyi's sallow face, rough skin, and long-term sad expression still shocked and regretted the audience.

From the radiant Helan in "Wu Zetian" to Tong Yanni, who has experienced the vicissitudes of life in "Golden Wedding", Miao Yiyi's appearance changes seem to be a fast-forward life.

Her story is like an epiphany that blooms too fast and withers faster, making people sigh at the transience and impermanence of beauty.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

Miao Yiyi's experience also triggered people's thinking about the fate of "skin-like beauty". Are those celebrities who rely on their appearance to become popular quickly destined to face a faster aging rate? Beauty is of course a valuable asset, but how to maintain charm in the torrent of years may be the eternal topic that every actor needs to think about.

In 1989, the god of fate favored 21-year-old Xiao Qiang. An ordinary college graduation commemorative photo has become a stepping stone for her to step into the entertainment industry. This girl from Taiwan has enviable superior conditions: fresh and bright facial features, tall and slender figure, palm-sized delicate face, and the iconic beauty tip.

Her golden ratio of nine heads makes her the focus of attention as soon as she stands up.

Xiao Qiang's changeable temperament makes her feel like a fish in water in the entertainment industry. Whether it is to interpret the mature and stable style of the royal sister, or to show the sweet girlish atmosphere, she can perfectly control and interpret the role well.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

This unique charm made her quickly emerge in the film and television industry.

In 1990, Ba Hongying, the princess of the Heavenly Demon Clan played by Xiao Qiang in "Blood Phoenix", left a deep impression on the audience. Wearing a pendant on her head and wearing a light gauze skirt, she exudes a unique exotic style that is unforgettable.

Subsequently, she created a series of impressive roles in many modern dramas such as "The End of the World", "A Curtain of Dreams", "True Love" and so on, showing her excellent acting skills and changeable charm.

1999, for 31-year-old Xiao Qiang, was the pinnacle of her acting career. In the martial arts drama "Xiao Li Flying Knife", she played the unforgettable Lin Shiyin.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

Xiao Qiang interprets this role vividly: with affectionate eyebrows, a slender body, and a fan on her head, the whole person exudes a melancholy and charming temperament, like a delicate lilac, which is endearing.

However, just when Xiao Qiang's career was in full swing, the traces of time began to quietly appear. People are surprised to find that the former beauty has undergone some changes: the head is low, the atrium is too long, and even the face has obvious nasolabial folds.

Xiao Qiang, who was once radiant, began to show some vicissitudes.

In the face of such changes, Xiao Qiang chose a path that many celebrities have tried - plastic surgery. She wants to regain her former beauty through facial fillers.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

However, contrary to expectations, the excessive injection made her face appear visibly swollen, and eventually became a typical case of "tech face".

Xiao Qiang's story seems to be a beautiful tragic song. From the surprise of being discovered by talent scouts, to the brilliance at the peak of her career, and then to the helplessness of her face gradually fading, her experience reflects the inner struggles and hesitations of many "skin-looking beauties".

However, even though her face has changed, Xiao Qiang's beautiful mark in the hearts of the audience is indelible. Her story is not only about the rise and fall of beauty, but also a vivid case of how to cope with the passage of time.

Perhaps, true beauty is not only in appearance, but also in how to face the passage of time gracefully.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

In 1989, 16-year-old Ye Yunyi crossed the night sky of the Asian entertainment industry like a comet with the role of "Asura" in the movie "The Peacock Prince". Her round baby face, without prominent edges and corners, exudes a unique charm.

Ye Yunyi's face is like a gift from God, full of vitality, and the photogenic effect is excellent. Her smile, in particular, is like a spring breeze, warm and sweet, reminiscent of sweet and juicy peaches.

Ye Yunyi's star journey has been soaring, but just when her career is in full swing, love quietly comes. At the age of 22, she resolutely chose to enter the palace of marriage.

This decision was like a butterfly effect, which not only completely changed her originally hopeful career, but also made this once beautiful beauty quickly fall into the whirlpool of time.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

At the same time, the life trajectory of another beauty, Chen Derong, is completely different. In 1993, 19-year-old Chen Derong became an instant hit with his outstanding performance in "Plum Blossom Branding".

In the following years, she showed amazing beauty and acting skills in many works in a row, becoming a new generation of goddesses in the eyes of the audience.

However, even without the fetters of marriage, Chen Derong's beauty still cannot escape the erosion of time. Time is like a ruthless carving knife, gradually leaving traces on her beautiful face.

Despite this, she still maintains a certain status in the entertainment industry, which is in stark contrast to Ye Yunyi, who chose to quit.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

The story of Ye Yunyi and Chen Derong is like a mirror, reflecting the common fate of "skin beauties" under different life choices. Whether it's choosing a family or sticking with a career, the passing of beauty seems to be an inevitable end.

Their experience makes one think deeply: in a society that values appearance, beauty is a double-edged sword, it can bring opportunities, but it can also become a shackle.

In the end, what can really resist the erosion of time may not be the appearance itself, but the inner temperament and talent. The parallel lives of Yip and Chan teach us that everyone has the right to make choices about their own lives, and those choices ultimately shape our destiny.

Whatever your choice, it is the most precious quality to face the changes of life with grace and dignity.

When they were young, they were thrillingly beautiful, but the flowering period was very short, and the appearance of these skin-looking beauties collapsed too quickly

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