
"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Kang Yancheng's strength until he completed the harrier flight, how strong it is!

author:Xiao Fei said entertainment

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In the play "Haitian Eagle", the carrier-based aircraft test has come to the critical moment of landing, which is an important node that determines success or failure! According to the previous flight regulations, it was impossible for an aircraft to successfully land on an aircraft carrier by slowing down when it landed. Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao, the two brave pilots, in order to find a solution, searched a large number of domestic and foreign information, and finally found that the landing of carrier-based aircraft on an aircraft carrier and landing on land are completely different things, and they need to accelerate rather than slow down, and Harrier flight has become the most suitable way.

"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Kang Yancheng's strength until he completed the harrier flight, how strong it is!

Qin Dadi, this senior pilot, can't see the key? However, the Harrier is extremely difficult to fly, and the mainland's technology in this area is not yet comprehensive, so out of safety considerations, he resolutely opposes the use of this method to land the ship. Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao couldn't convince Qin Dadi, so they pinned their hopes on Tao Siyong, hoping that he could help convince Qin Dadi, and also reported to the leader of Yi Zhenbang. Tao Siyong, watching the flying team do useless work every day, also understood that ordinary methods would not work, so he agreed to try harrier flight.

But Tao Siyong, as a political commissar, has to ensure everyone's safety! He asked Wu Qiang how many people in the flight team could complete the Harrier flight. Wu Qiang said that at most, there are three people, Qin Dadi, Xie Zhenyu, and Yu Tao, and at least Qin Dadi. But Tao Siyong mentioned Kang Yancheng and felt that he could do it too.

"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Kang Yancheng's strength until he completed the harrier flight, how strong it is!

Kang Yancheng, although he is just a wingman, has been practicing hard and constantly improving himself in order to be worthy of Xie Zhenyu, the "king of the air". When facing the visual wall, everyone chose to stop, only Kang Yancheng flew out desperately. It was at that moment that his abilities began to shine. This time the Harrier flew and landed on the ship, which was terrifyingly difficult, but Kang Yancheng had seen Xie Zhenyu's Harrier flight and loved to play virtual games, so he really succeeded, becoming the fourth pilot in the flight team who could fly out of the Harrier after Qin Dadi, Xie Zhenyu, and Yu Tao.

It was only then that everyone realized that Kang Yancheng was so powerful! This can't help but make people sigh, being with excellent people can really make people better. Kang Yancheng became so good because he was Xie Zhenyu's wingman, had a dream, and had the motivation to improve himself. Although he may not be as good as talented players like Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao, he is definitely a top existence in the wingman!

"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Kang Yancheng's strength until he completed the harrier flight, how strong it is!

Therefore, apart from Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao, Qin Dadi can completely train Kang Yancheng as the next successor. After all, flying isn't just about completing a mission, it's about passing on a skill!

This drama allows us to see the spirit of pilots who constantly challenge themselves and break through the limits for the sake of the country's aviation industry. They do not flinch in the face of difficulties, have the courage to explore and innovate, and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. At the same time, it also shows us the importance of teamwork and inheritance. It is the inheritance of this spirit that allows the mainland's carrier-based aircraft industry to continue to develop, and allows the Haitian Eagle to fly higher and farther in the vast sky!

"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Kang Yancheng's strength until he completed the harrier flight, how strong it is!

The drama "Haitian Eagle" is really eye-opening! It shows not only the superb skills and heroic posture of the pilots, but also a persistent pursuit of dreams and a firm commitment to the mission. Think about it, in order to solve the problem of landing the ship, Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao have to read how much information and how much effort they have to expend! Isn't their spirit of going all out for the goal worthy of our praise? There is also Qin Dadi, his opposition is not stubborn, but out of deep concern for the safety of pilots, which is a responsibility and a responsibility.

Let's talk about Kang Yancheng, the wingman pilot who has been working silently. He practiced desperately in places that others couldn't see, just to keep up with Xie Zhenyu's pace, this kind of perseverance and determination is really admirable. He is like a pearl hidden by sand, finally blooming with dazzling light at a critical moment. In life, don't we often yearn for such an opportunity to break through ourselves and prove ourselves? Kang Yancheng grasped it, and his success was not accidental, but the result of accumulated efforts.

"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Kang Yancheng's strength until he completed the harrier flight, how strong it is!

There is also the role of Tao Siyong, as a political commissar, he has too many things to weigh. On the one hand, there is the progress dilemma of the flight group, and on the other hand, the safety of the pilots, whose every decision is crucial. When he finally decided to support the Harrier flight attempt, it took a lot of courage and courage! This drama gives us a glimpse of a world of flying full of challenges and opportunities. There, every take-off and landing is a matter of life and death, and every decision affects the future. And these pilots, they are fearless and courageous.

In fact, isn't each of our lives a flight? Sometimes we will encounter headwinds, sometimes we will lose our way, but as long as we are like these pilots, with dreams and unremitting efforts, we will always find our own piece of blue sky. "Haitian Eagle" is not only a TV series, it is also an inspiration that makes us believe that as long as we have dreams, courage, and perseverance, nothing can stop us from moving forward.

"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Kang Yancheng's strength until he completed the harrier flight, how strong it is!

I hope that there will be more such excellent works in the future, so that we can draw strength from them while appreciating them, and bravely pursue our own "blue sky". I don't know when the next drama that can make us so enthusiastic will appear? Let us continue to move forward on the course of life with anticipation

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