
Jessie. Rodriguez VS Donaire: More than ten years ago, we were together in the boxing ring! Fate

author:Ah Fei said boxing

Yesterday at noon, Jesse. Rodriguez knocked out Estrada in the seventh round and successfully challenged to win the WBC Super Flyweight Championship belt again! Had a really good fight, and I'm really looking forward to his 115 pounds soon!

Jessie. Rodriguez VS Donaire: More than ten years ago, we were together in the boxing ring! Fate


Jessie. Rodriguez, 24 years old, from Mexico, is 1.63 meters tall, has an arm span of 1.70 meters, and has won all 20 fights with 13 KOs, with a 100% win rate and a 65% KO rate! A two-division champion, the reigning champion of the WBC super-flyweight division! He's my favorite junior junior fighter, beating Edwards, Kudalas, Srisaket, Estrada, and more! In these 4 fights, he knocked out his opponent 3 times, showing his strong strength!

Jessie. Rodriguez VS Donaire: More than ten years ago, we were together in the boxing ring! Fate


Today I saw a video from more than ten years ago, at Donaire's media training day, there was an eleven or twelve-year-old child. Invited to the ring by Donaire, he showed Dornell his boxing skills! Donnell praised the child on the spot for playing well and becoming a boxing champion in the future! Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, Donaire's prophecy came true!

Jessie. Rodriguez VS Donaire: More than ten years ago, we were together in the boxing ring! Fate

Donaire vs Rodriguez

Jessie. Rodriguez VS Donaire: More than ten years ago, we were together in the boxing ring! Fate

Donaire vs Rodriguez

Jessie. Rodriguez VS Donaire: More than ten years ago, we were together in the boxing ring! Fate

Donaire vs Rodriguez

Many times, we say that a fighter is born out of thin air and suddenly comes out of nowhere! However, no professional fighter can succeed casually!

Jessie. Rodriguez VS Donaire: More than ten years ago, we were together in the boxing ring! Fate

Rodriguez vs Cudalas

Two years ago, 22-year-old Rodriguez, who temporarily substituted the injured Srisackter, and Kudalas fought for the vacant WBC super-flyweight belt. Unexpectedly, Rodriguez, who had been playing 108 pounds before, jumped off the bench and knocked out Kudalas once, and finally won the game by unanimous points!

Jessie. Rodriguez VS Donaire: More than ten years ago, we were together in the boxing ring! Fate

Rodriguez won the WBC Super Flyweight Championship for the first time

The opportunity presented itself and Rodriguez seized it! That's because, before this, this young man, who has loved boxing since he was a child, has been preparing seriously! For his dream of becoming a World Champion, he is always ready! At the age of 22, once he has the opportunity, he can achieve his dream of becoming a champion! In our country, parents who like boxing can let their children start practicing boxing from an early age, and maybe the future boxing champion is your own children!

You can take a look at the young Rodriguez more than ten years ago, at Donaire's media training day!


Okay, thanks for watching!

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