
Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

author:Yoyo chatter

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Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

When it comes to Chinese beauties, the girls of the Northeast always attract attention. They seem to have a unique charm that makes people want to know more.

The real sharing of netizens below is simply an eye-opener for me

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

No problem! Unified caliber: Northeast men have no status at home

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

I didn't think that the openness of the Northeast boys was their excellent quality, and I always thought it was the standard, until I went out of the south

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

After my classmate was finally admitted to the south, he said that he missed the appearance of high school girls

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

It's too treacherous

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

The last sentence reversed and laughed to death hahahaha

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

Really, this is the vast majority of Northeast girls

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

Harbin is the authentic Mandarin, I used to think that Mandarin is Beijing dialect, but when I went to the Northeast to study and heard Harbin classmates speak, I felt the same as the announcer of CCTV.

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

Mom, I'm a Northeast girl. Maybe it's crooked? Hearing you praise the Northeast girl like this, I think I may be a fake Northeast girl. But what you said earlier is really right, I think the girl in the south is very delicate

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

Second Battalion Commander, bring me pasta

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

If the old lady likes you, a cup will be poured into your arms; If the old lady doesn't like you, I won't fall if Qingdao doesn't fall, and I won't float if the snowflakes don't fall.

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

Well, this licking dog mentality is absolutely amazing

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

Many people in the Northeast have clarified countless times that Tiezi refers to improper relationships between men and women in our Northeast

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

I have been to nearly 100 prefecture-level cities in nearly 30 provinces, and after a comprehensive comparison, I am modest to say that the number and proportion of beauties in Harbin can rank in the top three, and I am not modest to say that it ranks first in my mind

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

The main thing is that it's okay not to speak. As soon as I speak, I feel different [covering my face]

Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one

? Why don't I have a bridge of my nose? I'm afraid it's not a fake Northeast silver

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Are the girls in the Northeast pretty? Netizen: I just like this one