
The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taipei, and the coast guard ships sailed to the edge of Kinmen, and the people of Taiwan were shocked: The landing operation is about to begin?

author:Thinking Navigation Station

Recently, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has suddenly become tense, and a series of military moves have made the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island panic.

The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taipei, and the coast guard ships sailed to the edge of Kinmen, and the people of Taiwan were shocked: The landing operation is about to begin?

The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and other state organs on the mainland jointly issued opinions on punishing "Taiwan independence" diehards, and the PLA has also frequently carried out military activities around the Taiwan Strait. Where is the situation in the Taiwan Strait headed?

In the face of this series of military and political moves, the "Taiwan independence" elements obviously feel unprecedented pressure. They began to panic and tried to use the 23 million people on the island as a "shield" to resist the "offensive" from the mainland. However, does this approach really work?

Let's first take a look at the specific actions of the mainland. First, there is the approach of the Coast Guard to Kinmen. According to Taiwan media reports, at about 5 o'clock in the morning, a number of mainland coast guard ships sailed directly into the so-called "prohibition and restriction" waters of Kinmen, and once approached the shore of Kinmen, which was the closest mainland coast guard operation to Kinmen in history.

The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taipei, and the coast guard ships sailed to the edge of Kinmen, and the people of Taiwan were shocked: The landing operation is about to begin?

The people of Kinmen expressed their shock one after another, and some even shouted, "Is this going to land directly"? This action has undoubtedly brought tremendous pressure to Taiwan's "Coast Guard" and has also demonstrated the mainland's firm determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Not only that, but the mainland's military maneuvers go far beyond that. According to information released by Taiwan's "defense department," PLA military planes and fighters have carried out large-scale activities around the Taiwan Strait, forming a situation of encircling Taiwan from all sides.

These military planes are not only large in number and rich in their models, but also have very intensive activity periods, which have exerted tremendous pressure on the Taiwan military. A general of the Taiwan military bluntly said that the PLA's military operations have shown a trend of "three more and one close," that is, there are more aircraft types, more sorties, more time periods, and closer and closer to Taiwan Island.

In the face of the mainland's military pressure, the "Taiwan independence" elements began to seek various ways to deal with it. Lai Qingde and other "Taiwan independence" diehards have openly declared that the mainland has no right to sanction the people on the island, let alone the right to pursue them across regions.

The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taipei, and the coast guard ships sailed to the edge of Kinmen, and the people of Taiwan were shocked: The landing operation is about to begin?

In this way, they tried to calm the mood of the people on the island and called on all parties to unite to deal with pressure from the mainland. But can it really work?

As a matter of fact, such a move by the "Taiwan independence" elements will only make the situation in the Taiwan Strait more tense. They try to divert the attention of the people by inciting national sentiments, but they ignore the mainland's firm determination to preserve national unity.

The mainland side has made it clear that "Taiwan independence" criminals will be severely punished and will not be subject to the time limit for prosecution. This means that no matter where the "Taiwan independence" elements flee, they will face legal sanctions.

In addition to military pressure, the mainland has also influenced and infiltrated Taiwan through economic, cultural, and other means. More and more people in Taiwan have begun to realize the importance of cross-strait relations and hope that the two sides of the strait can achieve peaceful reunification and common development. This trend is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the "Taiwan independence" elements.

Going back to the original question, does this series of moves by the mainland herald a major change in its policy toward Taiwan? Judging from the current situation, the mainland side is indeed strengthening its Taiwan policy and its determination.

However, this does not mean that the mainland will take drastic action to solve the problem. On the contrary, the mainland has always stressed the importance of peaceful reunification and hopes to resolve the cross-strait issue through peaceful means.

So, how should the "Taiwan independence" elements deal with the current situation? First of all, they need to recognize the situation, abandon illusions, and stop trying to distract the population by inciting national sentiments.

Second, they need to actively seek dialogue and communication with the mainland side to resolve the cross-strait issue in a peaceful way. Only in this way can we truly safeguard peace and stability in cross-strait relations.

The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taipei, and the coast guard ships sailed to the edge of Kinmen, and the people of Taiwan were shocked: The landing operation is about to begin?

Of course, as far as the mainland is concerned, it is also necessary to remain calm and restrained, and not to over-interpret the words and deeds of "Taiwan independence" elements. At the same time, the mainland side also needs to continue to intensify its propaganda on the Taiwan policy so that more people in Taiwan can understand the importance of cross-strait relations and the necessity of peaceful reunification.

In this series of tense events, we have also observed a noteworthy phenomenon: the reaction of the people of Kinmen and the fishermen of Taiwan. They directly witnessed the activity of mainland coast guard ships and warships, and these scenes with their own eyes undoubtedly had a profound impact on them.

The surprise of the people of Kinmen and the worries of the fishermen on Taiwan Island reflect the sensitivity and concern of ordinary people about the situation in the Taiwan Strait. This also shows from the side that the mainland's actions have not only stayed at the political and military levels, but have also had a wide impact on the people.

Let's look at the reaction of the Taiwan authorities. In the face of military pressure from the mainland, Taiwan's "defense department" appears to be quite passive. Although they have announced the PLA's developments, they are stretched thin on how to respond effectively.

The outspokenness of Zhang Yanting, former deputy commander of the Taiwan Air Force, has even exposed the helplessness and confusion of the Taiwan military under military pressure. This also reflects from the side that the determination and strength displayed by the mainland through military means have made the Taiwan authorities feel unprecedented pressure.

The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taipei, and the coast guard ships sailed to the edge of Kinmen, and the people of Taiwan were shocked: The landing operation is about to begin?

However, military means are not the only way to solve the problem. As a matter of fact, while intensifying military pressure, the mainland is also actively seeking the possibility of a peaceful settlement of the cross-strait issue.

The Supreme People's Procuratorate's clear attitude toward "Taiwan independence" criminals is a stern warning to "Taiwan independence" elements at the legal level.

This not only reflects the mainland's zero-tolerance attitude toward "Taiwan independence" acts, but also demonstrates the firmness of the mainland's determination to safeguard national reunification through the rule of law.

To sum up, the mainland's recent series of moves have undoubtedly brought tremendous pressure to the Taiwan authorities and "Taiwan independence" elements.

These moves not only demonstrate the mainland's comprehensive layout in military, political, legal, and other aspects, but also reflect the mainland's firm determination and various means to resolve the cross-strait issue.

The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taipei, and the coast guard ships sailed to the edge of Kinmen, and the people of Taiwan were shocked: The landing operation is about to begin?

Against this background, it is not difficult to understand the panic and confusion of the "Taiwan independence" elements. However, we still need to maintain a cautious and optimistic attitude about the future direction of cross-strait relations, and hope that the two sides can find a final solution through peaceful dialogue.

In this series of incidents, we have seen the comprehensive and multidimensional nature of the mainland's policy toward Taiwan. Whether it is military pressure, political statements, or legal sanctions, the mainland has shown full preparation and determination.

As far as the Taiwan authorities and "Taiwan independence" elements are concerned, how to make a wise choice and response in the face of such pressures and challenges will have a direct impact on the future trend of cross-strait relations.