
After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

author:Hibiscus said emotionally

At the end of "The Story of Rose" for the second time, seeing Zhuang Guodong returning to China to celebrate Huang Yimei's birthday, Jiang Xueqiong, played by Zhu Zhu, asked him with a smile if he still wanted to pursue Huang Yimei, I don't understand why he inexplicably said "Can the living still catch up"?

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

I really don't understand why Zhuang Guodong is discouraged! Obviously, he has been chasing for half his life, his competitor Fu Jiaming is no longer there, Huang Yimei is in an emotional window period, and his focus has shifted to China, what a good opportunity to "pick up leaks"?

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

What's even more puzzling is that in the side story of the plot, Zhuang Guodong also entered the exhibition hall, which is Huang Yimei's secret base. When I saw that moment, I felt the same mood as many netizens, regretful, uneasy, in the end, Zhuang Guozhu missed it, he is also Huang Yimei's soul mate!

I really don't understand why he suddenly abandoned Huang Yimei?

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

It wasn't until I brushed it for the second time that I realized that there was a reason for Zhuang Guodong's sudden abandonment! This has to start with his entry into Huang Yimei's secret base.

There, Zhuang Guodong finally understood Huang Yimei, Huang Yimei's feelings for Fu Jiaming, and even more understood himself.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

Zhuang Guodong enters the secret base

Zhuang Guodong walked into Huang Yimei's secret base with the idea of wanting to understand Huang Yimei, not because he was special, but because this exhibition hall has been opened to the public, the door is no longer locked, and anyone can enter and exit.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

The reason why I said this is because Zhuang Guodong did not sit down and play the piano like Fu Jiaming, followed the instructions step by step, and finally got the key to the secret room, and then opened the door of Huang Yimei's heart. Zhuang Guodong walked straight in.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

After Zhuang Guodong walked into the secret house, the first thing he saw was a wall full of prisms, these mirrors are like Huang Yimei's inner world, the unique "prism", which reflects all kinds of light and colors, bringing together the multifaceted and complex aspects of her heart, which contains Huang Yimei's contradictions, desires, needs, and conflicts of values, as well as Huang Yimei's inner confusion and struggle.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

Zhuang Guodong entered the second door, this door is called the mysterious entrance of the forest gate, this door is the last barrier to Huang Yimei's heart, as long as you open this door, you can see Huang Yimei's true inner world, see her exploration and expectations for the emotional world.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

It's just that when Zhuang Guodong walked in, the painting that Fu Jiaming saw before was gone, and it had been replaced, with two villains, Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming, quietly watching the sunset together. This painting allowed Zhuang Guodong to see Huang Yimei's deep sadness and reluctance to Fu Jiaming.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

The difference is that a deep sense of powerlessness of love welled up in his heart, making him realize that even if he is still alive, it cannot replace Fu Jiaming's placement in Huang Yimei's heart, as well as the deep emotional connection and memories in their hearts. It is a vacancy that Zhuang Guodong can't fill no matter how hard he tries. That's why there is the phrase "can the living" catch up!

It wasn't until this moment that he understood what Huang Yimei said to him!

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

Zhuang Guodong said goodbye to the past

After looking at the three paintings, Zhuang Guodong completely understood that what Huang Yimei once gave him was a beauty that he could never forget in his life, and he finally realized why Huang Yimei once said that he didn't understand her?

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

When he asked for reunion three times, once before Huang Yimei got married, he asked Huang Yimei: "Until now, I don't know why you broke up." Huang Yimei did not answer at that time.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

When Huang Yimei built the exhibition hall, Huang Yimei congratulated him on his promotion, Zhuang Guodong's focus was already in China at that time, and he wanted to get back together, thinking that they broke up because Huang Yimei disliked the two of them! Huang Yimei said at the time: "You still don't know me."

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

After Huang Yimei's divorce, he sent a flower basket to Huang Yimei's exhibition hall and called to apologize, thinking that Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen's divorce was because of him, and he messed up Huang Yimei's life! Huang Yimei said: "Why do you love to take the blame on yourself"!

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

It wasn't until now that he understood what Huang Yimei said. It was only now that he discovered that what Huang Yimei had given him was something he could never forget for the rest of his life. It was only now that he found out that he was just a passerby in Huang Yimei's life, and she had already put him down.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

But he found out too late, just like their love, he seemed to love her skin, the superficiality of love, the unwillingness of love, and never really entered her inner world.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

He understood that he couldn't be so naïve anymore, so he invited Huang Yimei to eat French food, and specially ordered the belated white wine stewed mussels to make up for the regret in his heart. then said goodbye to his past feelings, let go of Huang Yimei, and let go of himself.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

This paragraph in "The Story of Rose" was not deliberately opened by Huang Yimei to show Zhuang Guodong the secret base. It's that her heart is healed, her heart is opened, and she is no longer confused about life, but moving towards where she wants.

After watching "The Story of Rose" for the second time, I understood the real reason why Zhuang Guodong gave up Huang Yimei

I also want to write this article to tell you that each of us, don't cling to the past feelings because of the vacancy and pain in our hearts, there must be a reason why we can separate. Man! Only by letting go and moving forward in a timely manner can we heal and grow ourselves and cultivate a new self.