
The Ukrainian Guard Bureau is in a crisis of confidence, and the new director is facing a big test when he takes office, the president: eliminate the internal ghosts!

author:Knowing the history and seeing the news

Recently, a "big earthquake" has been set off in Ukrainian politics. According to a Reuters report on June 24, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made a decisive move in the high-level personnel changes, demanding that the new head of the National Guard Service, Alexey Morozov, take drastic measures to rectify the organization and eliminate the "black sheep" who have ruined the reputation of the Security Service. This move undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm into Ukraine's national security system, and also showed the Zelensky government's resolute response to internal and external challenges.

The Ukrainian Guard Bureau is in a crisis of confidence, and the new director is facing a big test when he takes office, the president: eliminate the internal ghosts!

Let's first review the trigger for this turmoil. Not so long ago, two colonel-general officers of the National Guard Service of Ukraine were arrested on suspicion of collusion with Russia and plotting to assassinate Zelensky and other high-ranking officials. The news shocked Ukrainian politics and plunged the State Guard Service into an unprecedented crisis of confidence. You know, the State Guard Service is an important force in the security of Ukrainian government officials, but now there is such a serious betrayal, how can it not be painful?

The Ukrainian Guard Bureau is in a crisis of confidence, and the new director is facing a big test when he takes office, the president: eliminate the internal ghosts!

Against this background, President Zelensky reacted quickly by removing the former head of the State Guard Service, Sergei Rudi, from his post and appointing a new director, Morozov. This personnel change undoubtedly sends a clear signal to the outside world: the Ukrainian government will not tolerate any betrayal and corruption, and will strike hard to maintain national security and stability.

In his speech on the 24th, Zelensky gave a clear task to the new head of the bureau, Morozov: "Your main task is to ensure that only those who tie their future to Ukraine enter the institution. This sentence is resounding, demonstrating Zelensky's firm determination to rectify the work of the State Guard Service. He stressed that the National Guard Service must completely eliminate those who do not love Ukraine or harm the interests of the country, rebuild the image of the institution and restore public trust.

The Ukrainian Guard Bureau is in a crisis of confidence, and the new director is facing a big test when he takes office, the president: eliminate the internal ghosts!

This rectification measure is not only a major reshuffle of the National Guard Service, but also an important part of the Zelensky government's comprehensive reorganization of Ukraine's national security system. In the face of various challenges at home and abroad, Ukraine must strengthen its strategic focus to ensure national security and stability. And this rectification has undoubtedly injected new vitality and confidence into the Ukrainian government.

It is noteworthy that Moscow did not comment on this incident. This undoubtedly makes the relationship between Ukraine and Russia more delicate and complicated. However, in the current international situation, Ukraine must take a firm stand and strengthen its strategic focus to cope with various unknown challenges.