
[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 36th day]: You have to go all out in life, but you don't have to panic too much

author:Brother Tao @ excerpt sharing
Hello everyone, I'm Brother Tao, focusing on headline excerpts and sharing. Thank you Toutiao Jun for letting us meet here, click on the upper right corner to follow [Bixin] [Bixin] [Bixin], share my excerpts and insights every day, learn with you, and share happiness!
[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 36th day]: You have to go all out in life, but you don't have to panic too much

On the long road of life, some people go fast, and some people walk slowly. Everyone has their own rhythm, and there is no need to use other people's achievements as a reference to disrupt your own pace. As long as you make progress every day, even if it is a small point, there are infinite possibilities for accumulation.

Today is the 36th day of the 100-day challenge of copying books. The theme of today's excerpt is "Life must go all out, but don't be too panicked", welcome to enjoy it while leaving a message in the comment area to discuss, grow together, and learn together!

[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 36th day]: You have to go all out in life, but you don't have to panic too much

Go all out and ignite the light of your dreams

Do you remember what your dreams were when you were a child? Is it to become a scientist for the benefit of mankind?

Or do you want to be a writer and express your heart with your writing?

Dream is the fire in everyone's heart, which burns our passion and illuminates our way forward.

Since you have a dream, you need to go all out to catch up, compare the state today with yesterday, and compare the feeling with yesterday.

As long as you make a little progress on the way forward, it is good to accumulate.

[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 36th day]: You have to go all out in life, but you don't have to panic too much

Second, do not rush and move forward steadily

Life is not perfect, so we are required to create and write to be perfect.

When you encounter difficulties and want to give up, you can grit your teeth and persevere.

Success never happens overnight, it requires us to move forward steadily without hurrying.

Some people became famous at the age of 30, but died of illness at the age of 50;

Some people are late bloomers at the age of 45, but they can work tirelessly to accumulate steadily.

When faced with difficulties, don't give up easily, believe in your ability to overcome everything.

At the same time, we also need to learn to enjoy the process of chasing our dreams, because the experience itself is a valuable asset.

[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 36th day]: You have to go all out in life, but you don't have to panic too much

3. Harvest growth and live up to the time

In the process of chasing dreams, there are not only the difficulties of stormy waves crashing on the shore, but also the help of spears and rains.

Invest in it and repay it with a peach. As you are, the world will give you as it is.

Let go of all the worries and sorrows in your heart, do everything steadfastly, and you will find that your life is full of sunshine and hope!

The rest of your life is long, don't panic! The sun goes down, and there is moonlight; Go all out, live lightly.

[Challenge 100 days of copying books on the 36th day]: You have to go all out in life, but you don't have to panic too much
