
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it

author:Dancing Augustine
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it
Oh my God, the laughter is spraying, the wall is not convinced, the big teeth are laughing off, the aftertaste is endless, you taste it

The joke maker on the construction site - Ou Yangming

On the edge of the city, there is a hot construction site, where the roar of machines and the sound of workers' horns come and go, forming a unique symphony. On this busy construction site, there is an existence that makes people laugh, his name is Ou Yangming.

Ou Yangming is not the most energetic worker on the construction site, nor is he the most skilled master, but he is recognized by everyone as a "pistachio". He can always use his unique sense of humor and witty mind to bring joy and relaxation to everyone in between busy work.

One day, the work on the construction site was extremely busy, and everyone was very busy. Building materials such as steel bars, cement, and bricks are piled up, and workers are sweating and carrying them. Suddenly, a crisp laugh broke the dull atmosphere, and it turned out to be Ou Yangming. He stood next to a pile of bricks, holding a brick, posing as if he was going to "split bricks", and there were words in his mouth: "Look at me Ou Yangming, a brick in hand, I have it in the world!" ”

Everyone was attracted by his actions and watched one after another. I saw Ou Yangming take a deep breath, and then use force violently, but the brick did not move at all. He smiled awkwardly, then pretended to be calm and said, "Oops, this brick is too hard, try a soft one." With that, he picked up a soft-looking brick and tried again. However, the result remained unchanged, and the bricks remained motionless.

At this moment, there was a burst of laughter from the crowd. Ou Yangming was not annoyed, but said to everyone with a smile: "It seems that my kung fu is not at home yet, I have to go back and practice again." His humor and self-deprecation made everyone laugh, and the tense working atmosphere was instantly relieved.

Ou Yangming's sense of humor is not only reflected in these vignettes, but he can also use humor to resolve embarrassment and conflict at critical moments. Once, two workers had an argument over a trivial matter, and the atmosphere was very tense. Seeing this, Ou Yangming immediately stepped forward and said in his unique tone: "Oh, two big brothers, don't hurt your peace for this little thing." You see, the bricks on this construction site are all looking at you and laughing, and they say, 'You two big men, how can you break more easily than our bricks?' ’”

As soon as his words fell, everyone couldn't help but laugh. The two workers were also amused by his words, and their original anger vanished in an instant. They looked at each other and smiled, shook hands, and got back to work.

Ou Yangming's humor and wit not only brought joy and relaxation to everyone, but also made everyone feel the beauty and warmth of life after intense work. His presence has become a unique scenery on the construction site, and it has also made everyone cherish the friendship and cooperation between each other even more.

However, Ou Yangming did not possess this sense of humor and wit from the beginning. He told us that he came from an ordinary rural family and that his family was not wealthy when he was a child. In order to change his fate, he resolutely left his hometown and came to the city to work hard. In the beginning, like other workers, he worked hard and obscurity every day. However, he soon found that such a life made him feel depressed and tired. So, he began to try to change this state in his own way.

He observes the people and things around him and finds that everyone has their own pressures and troubles. Therefore, he tried to use humor and wit to resolve these negative emotions, so that everyone can feel a sense of relaxation and joy after busy work. He continued to learn and experiment, and gradually developed his own unique style of humor. His humor is not just a technique or a means, but an attitude and philosophy of life.

Ou Yangming's story makes us understand a truth: although life is full of hardships and challenges, as long as we maintain an optimistic attitude and a humorous spirit, we can overcome all difficulties. Humor is not only a form of entertainment, but also a kind of wisdom and strength, which can help us resolve conflicts, relieve stress, and enhance self-confidence and cohesion.

In Ou Yangming's body, we see the love and pursuit of life of an ordinary worker, who uses his own way to create joy and happiness, and also makes us feel the beauty and warmth of life. His story shows us that everyone can be the "pistachio" in their own life, as long as we feel and experience every moment of life with our hearts, we can find the joy and value in it.

Finally, let us go back to the hot construction site again to feel the joy and emotion that Ou Yangming brought us. Let us also learn to use humor and wit to face the challenges and difficulties in life to create our own joy and happiness. Because there is nothing in this world that makes us feel happy and fulfilled more than an optimistic mind and a spirit of humor.