
Kong Xiangxi's eldest son actually married his mother's card friend, and Kong Xiangxi was so angry that he scolded!

author:Zhou Gong chatted
Kong Xiangxi's eldest son actually married his mother's card friend, and Kong Xiangxi was so angry that he scolded!

Kong Lingkan, a legend that people love and hate. He came from a famous family, but he was uninhibited; He is in love, but desperate. Today, let's walk into the story of this son of the Republic of China, and see how a gentleman wrote his extraordinary life in that turbulent era.

Kong Lingkan, born in Tianjin in August 1916, is the eldest son of Kong Xiangxi and Song Ailing, ministers of finance of the Republic of China. As the young master of the Kong family, he has lived a pampered life since he was a child. However, it was this superior family background that made him develop a willful and reckless character.

When he was young, Kong Lingkan did not focus on reading, on the contrary, he was more interested in the world of flowers and flowers. It is said that when he was studying at Tsinghua University, he often skipped class and soaked in song and dance halls. This gentleman is known to everyone in Beiping City.

Kong Xiangxi's eldest son actually married his mother's card friend, and Kong Xiangxi was so angry that he scolded!

In 1937, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out. Kong Lingkan was 21 years old at this time, and he was at the age of strong blood. However, instead of going to the front like other young people, he chose to study in the UK and continue his life of spending and drinking.

It was not until 1939 that the 23-year-old Kong Lingkan returned to his homeland. However, he continued to go his own way and continue to live his life of extravagance and indulgence. However, it was in this year that fate gave him a blow in the face. Kong Lingkan fell in love with his mother Song Ailing's card friend White Orchid.

Bai Lanhua was the daughter-in-law of Sheng Xuanhuai, a business tycoon in the late Qing Dynasty, who was 34 years old at the time, 11 years older than Kong Lingkan. It was an absolute scandal at the time. The entire Kong family strongly opposed this marriage. Kong Xiangxi was even more angry and scolded his son for not being angry.

But Kong Lingkan doesn't seem to care about the eyes of his parents and the outside world. In 1939, despite all obstacles, he insisted on holding a secret wedding with White Orchid in the Philippines. Although the wedding was simple, it witnessed a sincere love that transcended classes and ages.

After marriage, Kong Lingkan was very fond of white orchids. He not only ransomed his beloved wife, but also bought a mansion for him in Shanghai. In that era of material scarcity, in order to satisfy his wife's appetite, Kong Lingkan even spared no expense to buy expensive ingredients such as ham sausages from abroad. This unhesitating love has made many people envious.

In this way, the love story of Kong Lingkan and White Orchid can be said to be a good story during the Republic of China. However, the good times did not last long, and after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Kong Lingkan was censored and forced into exile. Since then, the couple have been separated from each other and have never seen each other again.

Kong Xiangxi's eldest son actually married his mother's card friend, and Kong Xiangxi was so angry that he scolded!

Although Kong Lingkan has left the country, his love for white orchids has never diminished. In the 50s of the 20th century, Kong Lingkan moved to New York, USA, while Bai Lanhua stayed in Shanghai. Despite the distance between the two places, the couple still exchanged letters and their love endured.

However, in 1967, Bai Lanhua died of illness in Shanghai at the age of 62. After learning the news of the death of his beloved wife, Kong Lingkan was grief-stricken and could not recover for a long time. He repeatedly applied to the Chinese government to return to China to pay respects to his deceased wife, but was not approved.

It was not until 1972 that the 56-year-old Kong Lingkan was able to return to his long-lost motherland. He made a special trip to Shanghai and knelt in front of his beloved wife's grave sadly, crying silently. It is said that he waited in front of the tomb for three days and three nights, and he was reluctant.

Kong Lingkan and Bai Lanhua's love has been tested by the smoke of war and political turmoil, and although it has crossed the barriers of class, age and distance, it has finally lost to the ruthless Grim Reaper. However, their story has touched generations and has become one of the most legendary love stories during the Republic of China.

Kong Lingkan's life can be described as a lot of ups and downs. He came from a wealthy and prominent family, but when he was young, he lived absurdly; He was unswerving for love, but he was lonely in his later years. The life of this son of the Republic of China can be called a legend of ups and downs.

In 1988, Kong Lingkan died in New York, USA, at the age of 72. In his life, although he experienced wars, separations and many ups and downs, his courage to pursue true love has moved and admired countless people.

Kong Xiangxi's eldest son actually married his mother's card friend, and Kong Xiangxi was so angry that he scolded!

The love story between Kong Lingkan and Bai Lanhua is still widely circulated among the people. It bears witness to the goodness and beauty of human nature in a special era, and shows the most touching power of love. Although we live in times of peace, we can still draw valuable life lessons from them.

Love, sometimes beyond the barriers of the world, requires great courage to persevere; Life is not always smooth sailing in many cases, but as long as you have good thoughts and hopes, you can always survive hardships and hardships and live your own wonderful life.

Kong Lingkan's legendary life not only interprets for us the life philosophy of "there is no feast in the world", but also leaves a moving chapter about love and courage, joys and sorrows for future generations.

I hope that everyone can find their own answer to life from this love story that spans time and space.