
How many people have been pitted by raising babies in advance? Especially for the elderly with babies, they should pay special attention to their eyes

author:Eight early childcare

Hello everyone~ I'm Hachi

Raising a baby ahead of time will lead to tragedy.

Hoping for a son to become a dragon and a daughter to become a phoenix has been the "purpose" of every parent since ancient times. However, babies at a young age should not be overly demanding after birth.

Often high requirements, ahead of the baby have encountered irreversible consequences, whether it is feeding, or some basic skills in the process of baby growth, should follow the law of baby growth training.

If you do not follow the rules, the impact of advanced training and feeding on the baby is great, and there are many mothers who have suffered losses, and mothers should also pay special attention to their eyes, especially the elderly with babies.

The concept of the older generation with a baby is more traditional, although the starting point of the elderly is for the good of the baby, but there are omissions in the practice, which can easily cause irreversible consequences.

How many people have been pitted by raising babies in advance? Especially for the elderly with babies, they should pay special attention to their eyes


Advance feeding

When it comes to feeding, the elderly are prone to make mistakes.

There is a folk saying that "grandma dreams of her grandson", and many old people will excessively pursue the baby's high weight, thinking that the baby is chubby and cute, and the physique is good.

However, the elderly are prone to do their homework on feeding issues and give their babies more to eat.

However, the stomach and intestines of babies are small and fragile, and overfeeding can cause stunting.

Moreover, the impact on the baby's spleen and stomach is also great, and the baby with spleen and stomach deficiency is also easy to become a sick child, which should be paid more attention to.

How many people have been pitted by raising babies in advance? Especially for the elderly with babies, they should pay special attention to their eyes


Advance training

Some elderly people have trained their babies some basic skills beyond the time since they were young.

I didn't wait six months for my baby to learn to walk. Babies can't even stand and want to learn to walk, which will undoubtedly cause harm to the baby.

The baby's bones are fragile, if advanced training, it will affect the normal development of bones, and there will be bone bending deformities, which should be paid special attention to.

Mothers should follow the rules of the baby's growth to avoid adding burden to the baby's bones and affecting the development of bones, which should not be neglected.

How many people have been pitted by raising babies in advance? Especially for the elderly with babies, they should pay special attention to their eyes

The skills that your baby has in the process of growing up follow the laws of growth, so don't have too high requirements for your baby.

Each baby's situation is different, and there are differences in development, some babies have superior conditions, and they will have congenital conditions than many babies at birth, and their natural development will be better.

However, some babies do not have good conditions, and their development is naturally relatively slow, as long as the baby meets the growth standards.

For example, some babies are born at term, and some babies are born prematurely, and the difference in weight difference in natural age is also different, and there is also a difference in the rate of acquired weight gain.

Therefore, the baby can not become the object of comparison, and the requirements of the stage should also be followed when cultivating the baby's heart skills, which is particularly important, and mothers should not be negligent.

[The picture comes from the Internet, and the invasion is deleted]